US President has signed an order authorising hundreds of US special forces to be sent back to Somalia according to the New York Times


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
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The Somali ethnic group would not exist if it weren't for westerners. Only 2 million were living in Somalia in 1960. Most killed off in history by clan battles and inability to feed themselves. Today, Somalia's population is 10 million thanks to the West's big heart.

Somalia should either accept it become a western colony or all western aid should cease so that they can survive on their own (spoiler: they can't). I also call on all those in the west to return back to Somalia to build their nation. You have a new president. This must be exciting for you all.
Because there’s no police. You don’t hold a country the size of Somalia without indigenous police force. We can’t afford that so can’t keep Al-Shabaab out of the territory we capture.

We need to become an American client state and get billions annually and we could then easily rid them
What are you talking about waryaa? What have those 80000 foreign soldiers with modern equipment and air superiority been up to for 15 years in Somalia. Fighting ill equipt niggas that had the same numbers of fighter reported each year?😅


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Somalidiids in this forum love looting. They would sell their own hooyo to futher their anti somali agenda
The enemies are swarming like hungry hyenas after getting rid of Farmajo, I am not surprised at all. Alas, MX must concern themselves with their own regions and forget this failed project. HAG elites love money more than the nation and will forever be an ATMIS client state.


The Somali ethnic group would not exist if it weren't for westerners. Only 2 million were living in Somalia in 1960. Most killed off in history by clan battles and inability to feed themselves. Today, Somalia's population is 10 million thanks to the West's big heart.

Somalia should either accept it become a western colony or all western aid should cease so that they can survive on their own (spoiler: they can't). I also call on all those in the west to return back to Somalia to build their nation. You have a new president. This must be exciting for you all.
The enemies are swarming like hungry hyenas after getting rid of Farmajo, I am not surprised at all. Alas, MX must concern themselves with their own regions and forget this failed project. HAG elites love money more than the nation and will forever be an ATMIS client state.

Unlike you I’m an Islamist but I completely agree. Somalia’s only prosperous future is becoming the 51st state of the blessed federal state of Amerika


@Som are you not able to comprehend a change in America's foreign policy over a period of 30 years?
USA had an interest in retaining Siad Barre's dictatorship which led to conflict between Hawiye and the USA. But now? The USA clearly is interested in Somalia as Ethiopia is in the middle of a civil war. We can cry about morality all we want but the USA is our best ticket to a stable and militarily powerful country. Hell, I would give all my prayers for us to become something like Israel to the USA.
The Somali ethnic group would not exist if it weren't for westerners. Only 2 million were living in Somalia in 1960. Most killed off in history by clan battles and inability to feed themselves. Today, Somalia's population is 10 million thanks to the West's big heart.

Somalia should either accept it become a western colony or all western aid should cease so that they can survive on their own (spoiler: they can't). I also call on all those in the west to return back to Somalia to build their nation. You have a new president. This must be exciting for you all.
You speak as a foreign langaabyahow😅 the "aid" we receive is money looted from us.


Rwanda is self made sxb, and that's all down to a competent leader in Kagame. The foreigners stood by as 1000000 of his people were slaughtered in 24 hours.
Rwanda is a neoliberal and NGO playground. Kagame has literally run the country with American deep state officials. They test all their ideas and policy there first. He benefits from massive American investment.

Alas he’s a competent leader but needs to hand over power. All authoritarian leaders eventually destroy their country.
@Som are you not able to comprehend a change in America's foreign policy over a period of 30 years?
USA had an interest in retaining Siad Barre's dictatorship which led to conflict between Hawiye and the USA. But now? The USA clearly is interested in Somalia as Ethiopia is in the middle of a civil war. We can cry about morality all we want but the USA is our best ticket to a stable and militarily powerful country. Hell, I would give all my prayers for us to become something like Israel to the USA.
Sxb are you for real😭 why would they train your army? They have placed us on arms embargo and hasn't trained more 2000 in 15 years🤦🏾‍♂️


You speak as a foreign langaabyahow😅 the "aid" we receive is money looted from us.
Somalia has zero production. They are looting absolutely nothing :mjlol:

Wallahi I wish we had any resources to loot. At least our people would have jobs that weren’t just building the gazillionth hotel or be some geeljires


Sxb are you for real😭 why would they train your army? They have placed us on arms embargo and hasn't trained more 2000 in 15 years🤦🏾‍♂️
A change in foreign policy due to the war in Ethiopia? Why are you people so against our country finally developing? Is it because it's a kuffar country?


Sxb are you for real😭 why would they train your army? They have placed us on arms embargo and hasn't trained more 2000 in 15 years🤦🏾‍♂️
We’re on an arms embargo because we’re xoolo who’d bomb each other with those drones and tanks.

Somalis are too low IQ right now. We need mass education under American system/qualifications for the next generation. It’ll take 20-30 years imo of that to fix us.

There’s no gene that keeps us stupid. It’s lack of education. Teach one generation like they’ve been dropped in California and watch us develop massively. We’ll be building our own solar panels and become the energy capital of the world

In the meantime America can be our airforce and Somalis can be infantry


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
These people are dreaming it took Russia 8 months to clean Syria from terrorists with constant bombing and special ops. You think If America wanted to they couldnt wipe out AS in a couple months? They dont want too and only periodically fire some drones to keep up the charade.

UN Arms Embargo will never be lifted and ATMIS shall extend her stay.

Its over we are now a colony.


We’re on an arms embargo because we’re xoolo who’d bomb each other with those drones and tanks.

Somalis are too low IQ right now. We need mass education under American system/qualifications for the next generation. It’ll take 20-30 years imo of that to fix us.

There’s no gene that keeps us stupid. It’s lack of education. Teach one generation like they’ve been dropped in California and watch us develop massively. We’ll be building our own solar panels and become the energy capital of the world

In the meantime America can be our airforce and Somalis can be infantry
Do you believe that Somalia shouldn’t have received independence and should have remained under colonisation for another 30 years?


Do you believe that Somalia shouldn’t have received independence and should have remained under colonisation for another 30 years?

We should’ve remained a UN protectorate for a lot longer but the British wanted the Italians out quickly.

Maybe had we supported the Brits instead of a Italy being our protectorate we’d still have all of Somaliweyn territory and transitioned slowly into a democratic state.

