US imposes sanctions on those obstructing Democracy in Somalia.


Visa Restrictions on Individuals Responsible for Undermining the Democratic Process in Somalia​

The delay in the conclusion of Somalia’s elections is driving political instability, threatening security gains, and undermining economic development.

On February 8, I announced a visa restriction policy under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to restrict the issuance of visas for those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Somalia. Following the failure to meet another self-established deadline of February 25 for completion of parliamentary elections, the National Consultative Council extended the deadline to March 15. Dozens of parliamentary seats are still unfilled and there is no clear plan to conclude the process. We are now imposing visa restrictions under this policy against a number of Somali officials and other individuals to promote accountability for their obstructionist actions.

Procedural irregularities and partisan use of security forces have undermined an electoral process that is more than a year behind schedule. Journalists and opposition party members working to support democratic institutions and transparent processes have been targeted with harassment, intimidation, arrest, and violence.

The political impasse also has broader implications, including undermining Somalia’s economic reforms and putting in jeopardy timely international debt relief.

Somalia must rapidly complete its parliamentary and presidential elections in a transparent and credible manner. The U.S. government will evaluate additional actions under this policy and other tools at our disposal to promote accountability and to support Somalia’s democratic process. The United States strongly supports the Somali people and remains committed to working to advance democracy and mutual prosperity for both our countries.




It's unfortunate, I hope these restrictions serves as a wake up call to speed things up. :)


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why dont they name and shame whose getting their visa restricted? How is this going to affect somebody with a Somali diplomatic passport? They are all talk but no action. No one cares what Xalane mafia thinks anymore.
They can’t even sanction a third world unstable country properly. American and the west are slowly loosing the influence they had in the world
Procedural irregularities and partisan use of security forces have undermined an electoral process that is more than a year behind schedule. Journalists and opposition party members working to support democratic institutions and transparent processes have been targeted with harassment, intimidation, arrest, and violence.

Atleast now we know the visa sanctions wont effect any of the opposition presidential candidates.

@TekNiKo your adheer Cheese wont be going to Turkey,europe or Qatar anytime


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Procedural irregularities and partisan use of security forces have undermined an electoral process that is more than a year behind schedule. Journalists and opposition party members working to support democratic institutions and transparent processes have been targeted with harassment, intimidation, arrest, and violence.

Atleast now we know the visa sanctions wont effect any of the opposition presidential candidates.

@TekNiKo your adheer Cheese wont be going to Turkey,europe or Qatar anytime View attachment 216094
Adheer cheese is gonna get fromagged :deadpeter:


Procedural irregularities and partisan use of security forces have undermined an electoral process that is more than a year behind schedule. Journalists and opposition party members working to support democratic institutions and transparent processes have been targeted with harassment, intimidation, arrest, and violence.

Atleast now we know the visa sanctions wont effect any of the opposition presidential candidates.

@TekNiKo your adheer Cheese wont be going to Turkey,europe or Qatar anytime View attachment 216094

the only elections in mogadishu are in xalane where AMISOM control. this is about kismaayo/puntland.

where security forces are being used to harass opposition to kismaayo and puntland regimes.
the only elections in mogadishu are in xalane where AMISOM control. this is about kismaayo/puntland.

where security forces are being used to harass opposition to kismaayo and puntland regimes.

When did jubbaland and puntland use violence and intimidation against.
'OPPOSITION' and journalists ?
As we all know that USA and UK are twins when it comes to Sanctions, so here is UK Sanctions already revealed, the list on it are Hassan Kheyre, Fahad Yasiin, Mohammed Abdulahi farmaajo and General Odawaa.




More info's will be released soon!

Are you joking ?
Dude was responsible of getting abdirahman bodyguards killed and injuring him .

@cow @TekNiKo ppl are saying Qatar have been looking for farmajos replacement .
Turkey also lost confidence in him .

Its because they know that even if farmaajo came back, who the fock is going hold him on power???

He is more likely to be murdered in office instead of being overthrown, what both Qatar and Turkey want is the continuity of their influence in Somalia since they have put a tremendous amount of money and time in Mogadishu to be wasted by some hated nobody President from Gaajo Gedo.

