The British problem

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I'll bash ur head in so many times until ur able to recite my entire family tree AAAAALL the way until the great Shaykh Ishaq Ibn Ahmad Al-Hashimi
Nayaa bal ukaadi sir baa kaa fakatay kkkkkk
plenty of somali men and women getting married and if you can't ever think the problem is with you and not others? Ask yourself if excons can get hitched but I can't what's wrong with me.
Men aren't doing their jobs as fathers and we get called s ok :mybusiness:
I didn't read the entire thread yet and I usually don't respond unless I read the whole thing but this comment surprised me. You are a grown ass don't need your father to make the good choices EVEN if he has been uninvolved in your upbrining. The whole parent blaming thing cannot be used to explain why adults(girls marrying off to ex cons and boys joining isis fighting and dying for no reason) make dumb choices.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Controversial topic- but yes.

I was taught it makes things easier with the in laws being from the same tribe.
However if I found a somali guy I loved I wouldn't care what tribe he was expect for midgaaan of course
I hope you get married to a Darood dude, it appears to me that most Isaaq women get cuffed by us Darood niggas. :pachah1:
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