The birth of the 3rd Republic

My family passed on that qabiil bigoted mindset against I wont mention clan. I grew up and learned we are all the same 🙏 I apologised for my hateful rhetoric and we good now 😊 👍🏾
Walle you're so hateful and non inclusive against us crocodile hunters and Muslims who spreads wudu and cilmi too these waaqists savages. Acknowledge us believers who spread the word of imam shafici. You are biased against us righteous somalis "MJs" really.

You avoid saying what omar sabayaad are walle I guess reer aan iis wasno oo gumensoor 🤔


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Walle you're so hateful and non inclusive against us crocodile hunters and Muslims who spreads wudu and cilmi too these waaqists savages. Acknowledge us believers who spread the word of imam shafici. You are biased against us righteous somalis "MJs" really.

You avoid saying what omar sabayaad are walle I guess reer aan iis wasno oo gumensoor 🤔
Walal amaan ii sii :mjcry:
Joe Biden GIF by GIPHY News
1/3 to somaliland is crazy, what about puntland though?