Somaliland President Muse Bihi is given a 2 year term extension

Once again 68iqers misjudged. Shame on my hawiye brethren on this forum who are pro kulmiye I will also be pro wadani as gx are good people. By the way the handlers of somaliland are making them hold the election this November or sanctions will come


Landers really are some of the racially purest Somalis, the laandheers eat and the laangaabs starve lol. I hope Bixi rules more than Afweyne.
Beesha Lixaad do not qualify as real citizens of somaliland under the citizenship law and should not have an opinion. They should be silent like weak Wadani and Ucid.
Beesha Lixaad do not qualify as real citizens of somaliland under the citizenship law and should not have an opinion. They should be silent like weak Wadani and Ucid.
Besha Lixad are propping your lalala land with aid u monkey u don’t have any choice but listen to them