Somaliland President Muse Bihi is given a 2 year term extension

It's democracy with SL characteristics, I think they should change it to 7 year terms since every president ruled for +7 years.

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Reformation of Somaliland
The key difference is, muuse biixi will actually win the next election. He will be the first somaliland president to have two terms.

lost the majority in parliament, only reason he has his way is due to the corrupt guurti head salebaan gaal whos in his pockets
:mjkkk: they have no chance
Us as hg should never support Jegaan when they arrested Xaaf even though he has hawar awal wife. Dad dhaqan yaqana mahan, wana dad neceb somalinimo. I like garhajis they don't arrest somali and when they use to be president of Somaliland hawiye had great clout there.
Probably, or maybe he’s just another one of those irir alliance Hawiyes. Or those who ally with them over Puntite hate, I hate people with closeted Cuqdad more then open ones… claim that shit with your chest.
No, it's this idoor that used to post here and the other qashin outdated forum. I don't know if the dude is still posts there. Had a weird obsession with N mudug


The Guurti has extended it's term for another 5 years. There has been no election for Guurti for 21 years. What a beautiful model to follow according to our resident HAG @InaShaqalle

Golaha Guurtida Somaliland oo xil-haynteeda 5 Sanno ku kororsatay…21 sano muddo kordhin ah​

1 October, 2022 | Filed under: Wararka maanta | Posted by: puntlandes

1 Okt 2022 (Puntlandes) Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa maanta sameystay muddo kordhin 5 Sanno ah, taas oo caado u ahayd inay samaystaan.

Golaha Guurtida ayaa kororsanayeen xil-hayntooda markii ay ka dhamaataba tan iyo markii la aasaasay, waxayna muddo xileedkoodii koowaad dhamaatay 2006dii, iyagoo 16 sano soo kororsaday maantana 5 kale ku daray taasoo isku noqonaysa 21 sano oo muddo kororsi ah.

Xil-haynta Golaha ayaa Doorashada Golaha wakiilada ee soo socota muddo hal sanno ah ka danbeyn doona sida ay sheegeen, taas oo noqonaysa 2027ka.

Isla maanta waxay Golaha Guurtidu muddo 2 sano ah u kordhiyeem madaxweyne Muuse Biixi.


True Puntlander
The Guurti has extended it's term for another 5 years. There has been no election for Guurti for 21 years. What a beautiful model to follow according to our resident HAG @InaShaqalle

Golaha Guurtida Somaliland oo xil-haynteeda 5 Sanno ku kororsatay…21 sano muddo kordhin ah​

1 October, 2022 | Filed under: Wararka maanta | Posted by: puntlandes

1 Okt 2022 (Puntlandes) Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa maanta sameystay muddo kordhin 5 Sanno ah, taas oo caado u ahayd inay samaystaan.

Golaha Guurtida ayaa kororsanayeen xil-hayntooda markii ay ka dhamaataba tan iyo markii la aasaasay, waxayna muddo xileedkoodii koowaad dhamaatay 2006dii, iyagoo 16 sano soo kororsaday maantana 5 kale ku daray taasoo isku noqonaysa 21 sano oo muddo kororsi ah.

Xil-haynta Golaha ayaa Doorashada Golaha wakiilada ee soo socota muddo hal sanno ah ka danbeyn doona sida ay sheegeen, taas oo noqonaysa 2027ka.

Isla maanta waxay Golaha Guurtidu muddo 2 sano ah u kordhiyeem madaxweyne Muuse Biixi.
The perfect clan state.