UPDATE Somaliland large crackdown in Las Anod, thousands of Southern Somalis jailed & deported


La helaa La waayaa
what did Koonfurians do to you to hate them this much that you want to deport them like the west deports your kind back to Africa?.
Just this year alone they have killed over 30 high ranking Dhulbahantes in Laascaanood.
All the Konfuurians have been put in the stadium over night like xoolo :whew:

That's a stupid move what's the point of deporting Rahanweyn & Hawiye businessmen if anything they're a net contributors to any society and should be given incentives to stay.

If you're going to deport non native Somalis might as well start with your own politicians FCW the leader of UCID party his wife is Rahanweyn.

Watch them backpedal and make up all kinds of excuses to explain she's been there for decade or her kids are Landers yada yada yada.


True Puntlander
you’re assuming these koonfuurians living in laascaanood are dhulbahante.

Dhulbahante have been relocating to laascanood from all over somaliweyn for decades now and nothing happens to them.

The dozens that are being removed are obviously non-dhulbahante. Isaaq can’t turn laascaanood into an isaaq city. That’s not how it works. Don’t let these fkd get to you, las anod has and always will be 95% dhulbahante.

Maybe with 1m1v it’d be possible but other than that it probably won’t work out.

The moment PL was implemented and MJ got president, DH vice-president and Warsangeli got speaker of parliament the status-quo was already set and that it would remain like that indefinitely.

Out of all the presidents, Abdullahi Yusuf AUN was the only one to make efforts in bringing all of Harti under puntland whereas the other following presidents were more interested in MJ’s interests which ended up backfiring.
Lets hope that Lasscanood didnt be turn like ceynaaabo in couple of years!!.

They kick so called southern Somalia, who will replace them? Answer is isaaq!!. Why?. To be sure 100% jeegaan own city.

Jeegaan are not joking when it comes to land iyo ictraaf.

Since 2007 any pro PL Dhulbahante pushed to south Sool or to Garowe. Now they start with who used to work for them.
What concerns me is the Internet cafe idiots who
think this is something to be proud of, I swear SL supporters have brain damage. This is beyond low iq:hillarybiz:
What you expect from a khat chewing khaldaan who is convinced he belongs to another nation..

So.. they are arresting people just for being from South Somalia?

At the very least, they have the right to be given notice to leave, so they can sell what they need to sell, pack up their belongings/families and leave. Instead they are being thrown out as if they are garbage and not human beings.

This is appalling.
Imagine the outrage of fake Somali patriots if this happened in PL :noneck:


Bantu Liberation Movement
This is like the Japanese internment camps during WW2. The goal is clear, they will coerce these businessmen to sell their assets to Isaaq and deport them back to their nation Somalia. Anyone who says this is being done by Reer Laascaanood is straight up lying cause the detentions happened after the head honchos arrived.

Too Good Lol GIF by The Steve Wilkos Show

