Somaliland Interior Minister makes insane allegation that Oppostion leader Cirro brought in troops from Xamar to disrupt security


Muuse biixi is the best president somaliland ever had so far, he won’t listen to miskeen ciiro, Muuse biixi will govern somaliland with the mandate of majority somalilanders who voted for him. If Muuse biixi extends the November 15th elections then so be it.
Damn y’all are ruthless. I want to know @Gadhwayne opinion on the past couple months but he’s vanished :francis:
Crazy crazy man @Dharbaaxo Jin can you explain this allegation reported by Horn Cable?
If you listen to Maxamed Kaahin's press conference, he isn't simply making allegations, he is showing that he has receipts. Cirro and many others in the Waddani party are known to be treacherous goons who will do whatever it takes to gain power. Hiring terrorists from the South to form a militia wouldn't be beyond the low down traitorous rat Cirro.

Cirro boycotted the peaceful demonstration agreement reached between the rest of the opposition, led by Faysal Waraabe but including many other Waddani members, because he is not interested in peaceful demonstration. He wants to wreck havoc in SL because he thinks that is how he will gain power.
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:damedamn:I’m hearing Dahir Riyaale will be winning this next election
Quite possibly the most moronic statement I have come across in some time, which takes some doing considering the loonies that post on S-spot.

If an HA or GX wins its gonna be a bloodbath.

This ain't Bosaaso son, where blowing eachother up is just what happens every Saturday. We gave up on that retarded shit 30 years ago.
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Muuse biixi is the best president somaliland ever had so far, he won’t listen to miskeen ciiro, Muuse biixi will govern somaliland with the mandate of majority somalilanders who voted for him. If Muuse biixi extends the November 15th elections then so be it.
Muuse Biixi cannot extend the presidential term. Only the Somaliland House of Elders can, with the approval of the Supreme Court.


If you listen to Maxamed Kaahin's press conference, he isn't simply making allegations, he is showing that he has receipts. Cirro and many other is Waddani party are known to be treacherous goons who will do whatever it takes to gain power. Hiring terrorists from the South to form a militia wouldn't be beyond the low down traitorous rat Cirro.

Cirro boycotted the peaceful demonstration agreement reached between the rest of the opposition, led by Faysal Waraabe but including many other Waddani members, because he is not interested in peaceful demonstration. He wants to wreck havoc in SL because he thinks that is how he will gain power.
Thanks for the update. No fkd, genuinely hope for the best inshallah. I’m sure eventually it’ll all work itself

I think this is a major allegation and it would take a lot for me to believe Cirro, the literal *opposition leader* would hire militias from Xamar. This would be a treasonous act and would deserve imprisonment…


If you listen to Maxamed Kaahin's press conference, he isn't simply making allegations, he is showing that he has receipts. Cirro and many other is Waddani party are known to be treacherous goons who will do whatever it takes to gain power. Hiring terrorists from the South to form a militia wouldn't be beyond the low down traitorous rat Cirro.

Cirro boycotted the peaceful demonstration agreement reached between the rest of the opposition, led by Faysal Waraabe but including many other Waddani members, because he is not interested in peaceful demonstration. He wants to wreck havoc in SL because he thinks that is how he will gain power.
Cirro was an ambassador in Siad's government right until it collapsed , that sounds like Faqash to me.
Thanks for the update. No fkd, genuinely hope for the best inshallah. I’m sure eventually it’ll all work itself

I think this is a major allegation and it would take a lot for me to believe Cirro, the literal *opposition leader* would hire militias from Xamar. This would be a treasonous act and would deserve imprisonment…
I get where you're coming, and I am not saying that I know any of this to be true.

Only that Maxamed Kaahin is an incredibly trustworthy guy, and Cirro is a well known power hungry rat who would do anything it takes to try and cause chaos in SL. That coupled with the fact that Ina Kaahin has said he will produce the receipts for anyone interested, including Cirro, leads me to lean towards it being tru.
Cirro was an ambassador in Siad's government right until it collapsed , that sounds like Faqash tomorrow.
The two things are not connected. The fact he stayed in Afweyne's government until close to the end just shows he is a power hungry, spineless weakling. There were many others like that, including Cumar Carte Ghalib.
That doesn't make them Faqqash though. That is just the wishful thinking of those that harbor Faqqash sympathies today.


The two things are not connected. The fact he stayed in Afweyne's government until close to the end just shows he is a power hungry, spineless weakling. There were many others like that, including Cumar Carte Ghalib.
That doesn't make them Faqqash though.
That just means he doesn't believe in the cause i.e Somaliland and is just using SL as a platform.
That just means he doesn't believe in the cause i.e Somaliland and is just using SL as a platform.
I'd agree with that to some extent. He believes in Somaliland's independence but he is so power hungry that he would burn SL to the ground if that meant he would be in power.

He was in Berbera earlier this year when I was there, literally telling misguided young Waddani supporters he wanted them to be ready to put their life on the line for him to become president. He thinks him becoming president is a matter of life and death.


I'd agree with that to some extent. He believes in Somaliland's independence but he is so power hungry that he would burn SL to the ground if that meant he would be in power.

He was in Berbera earlier this year when I was there, literally telling misguided young Waddani supporters he wanted them to be ready to put their life on the line for him to become president. He thinks him becoming president is a matter of life and death.
I wish nothing but peace and prosperity for SL regardless of my political views, hope the "peaceful" protest pans out as its intended.
I've been telling my somaliland brothers and sisters that wadani party are faqash and wanlaweyne sympathizers their not fit to lead somaliland republic .
One half of the wadanis are faqash sympathizers the other half are wanlaweyne and haggistani sympathizers it looks like the wanlaweyne sympathizers are planing on bringing the haggistani war machine to destroy Musa bixi qabyalad government.
Y'all are listening to HA PR. This is a HA versus GX riwaayad, nothing more.

Meme Reaction GIF
The government has shut down the internet and there's unconfirmed reports of injured protestors and fighting between different factions of the military and police in Hargaysa and Burco

