Somalia is becoming worse than ever, no improvement in sight.

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I have always said that Somalia is in a Malthusian Trap.

All increases in GDP are being swallowed by even faster population growth. GDP grew by an average of 2.9% from 2013-2017, but GDP per capita fell by 5.5 in the same period. Poverty is actually increasing in Somalia, even as the economy becomes bigger. Somalia's economy is experiencing pre-modern economic growth and the Malthusian model fits perfectly. I cannot stress how SHOCKED I am, Somalia is in the middle ages economically. Even in FUCKING 2016 when the economy grew at 4.4%, per capita income fell. This means that Somalia's population growth rate is above 4.4%, which means that Somalia has the highest rate of population growth in the world!


Instead of increasing the productivity of crop agriculture, Somalia is doubling down on livestock exports.

What is the problem with that you ask? Only that the livestock sector has been cratering since 2015 due to Saudi vs Qatar and drought.


The World Bank is predicting ~3.3 annual gdp growth for 2018-2020 but it does not matter since population growth is probably at 5 fucking percent! Meaning that every year for the next 3 years per capita income will decline by about 1.7%!



Illuminated Xalimo
This is very good. The suffering and degradation much reach a certain point whereupon the Somali heart and mind will be fully ready to accept Iblis his Eminence, the deliverer of the lowly dark creatures of the Earth.
Dude Africa is flatlined because there’s a massive informal economy and nobody pays taxes.

Somalia will keep growing its population, but at least our people aren’t trapped in 170 debt/income ratios like in the west. Kenyans and Tanzanians are starting to get into the debt to income trap like the west. The middle class of Kenya is paying double digit interest rates, to buy things they don’t need.

Somalis aren’t enslaved by debt. For a country that has had no central bank and institutional lending, we have done pretty awesome in the private sector.

Let other countries move forward and learn from their mistakes. Somalia could have easily turned into the Argentina of Africa, we love social care.


Make Dhulos Great Again
this is being pushed onto africa because they need the africans to come to europe


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I have always said that Somalia is in a Malthusian Trap.

All increases in GDP are being swallowed by even faster population growth. GDP grew by an average of 2.9% from 2013-2017, but GDP per capita fell by 5.5 in the same period. Poverty is actually increasing in Somalia, even as the economy becomes bigger. Somalia's economy is experiencing pre-modern economic growth and the Malthusian model fits perfectly. I cannot stress how SHOCKED I am, Somalia is in the middle ages economically. Even in FUCKING 2016 when the economy grew at 4.4%, per capita income fell. This means that Somalia's population growth rate is above 4.4%, which means that Somalia has the highest rate of population growth in the world!


Instead of increasing the productivity of crop agriculture, Somalia is doubling down on livestock exports.

What is the problem with that you ask? Only that the livestock sector has been cratering since 2015 due to Saudi vs Qatar and drought.


The World Bank is predicting ~3.3 annual gdp growth for 2018-2020 but it does not matter since population growth is probably at 5 fucking percent! Meaning that every year for the next 3 years per capita income will decline by about 1.7%!


The poor countries have a problem of population increase, and the rich countries like Japan have a problem of population decrease. Its like a spinning world.
Somalia has a very young population there is great potential for massive growth if we invest in education. Look at some Eu countries they have an aging population and low fertility rate we don't have that problem we have a young population who will be ready to work and help boost the economy
Somalia has a very young population there is great potential for massive growth if we invest in education. Look at some Eu countries they have an aging population and low fertility rate we don't have that problem we have a young population who will be ready to work and help boost the economy
On paper we really should have bright future. One language, one religion, big land compared to population abd massive coast. But qabil will always hold us back. Somalis hate other somalis succeed. They rather suffer as long you suffer with them
On paper we really should have bright future. One language, one religion, big land compared to population abd massive coast. But qabil will always hold us back. Somalis hate other somalis succeed. They rather suffer as long you suffer with them


I have always said that Somalia is in a Malthusian Trap.

All increases in GDP are being swallowed by even faster population growth. GDP grew by an average of 2.9% from 2013-2017, but GDP per capita fell by 5.5 in the same period. Poverty is actually increasing in Somalia, even as the economy becomes bigger. Somalia's economy is experiencing pre-modern economic growth and the Malthusian model fits perfectly. I cannot stress how SHOCKED I am, Somalia is in the middle ages economically. Even in FUCKING 2016 when the economy grew at 4.4%, per capita income fell. This means that Somalia's population growth rate is above 4.4%, which means that Somalia has the highest rate of population growth in the world!


Instead of increasing the productivity of crop agriculture, Somalia is doubling down on livestock exports.

What is the problem with that you ask? Only that the livestock sector has been cratering since 2015 due to Saudi vs Qatar and drought.


The World Bank is predicting ~3.3 annual gdp growth for 2018-2020 but it does not matter since population growth is probably at 5 fucking percent! Meaning that every year for the next 3 years per capita income will decline by about 1.7%!


Thank God for Siyaad Barre and allowing our families to live in the West.

Those currently born in Somalia are screwed for life!


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Thank God for Siyaad Barre and allowing our families to live in the West.

Those currently born in Somalia are screwed for life!

Check this and be even more depressed. Africa's gdp per capita increased by 0.74% per year which means that it would take almost a century to double. You actually have to try very hard to achieve this level of incompetence, but for Africans this is very easy.
Thank God for Siyaad Barre and allowing our families to live in the West.

Those currently born in Somalia are screwed for life!
This is the most weakest thing a man can say,”uncle siyaad barre sent us to the west” “i love white people they take good care of me i will never leave their house”
How weak minded to just give up on your homeland like that


This is the most weakest thing a man can say,”uncle said barre sent us to the west” “i love white people they take good care of me i will never leave their house”
How weak minded to just give up on your homeland like that

You are jealous. You did not grow up in the West. So you don't how much better it is than Somalia.
You are jealous. You did not grow up in the West. So you don't how much better it is than Somalia.
I didnt grow up there but i lived there for a long time,half of my life i spent in the uk and norway,half my life i was in a foreign country turkey,the world isnt like it use to be its easy to travel,its not that hard living in the west its hard to work for your homeland and people to get better,its a move to claim a place because it comfortable thats what women do when you marry them and bring them to your house not men


I didnt grow up there but i lived there for a long time,half of my life i spent in the uk and norway,half my life i was in a foreign country turkey,the world isnt like it use to be its easy to travel,its not that hard living in the west its hard to work for your homeland and people to get better,its a move to claim a place because it comfortable thats what women do when you marry them and bring them to your house not men

I plan on being a diaspora Somali. Following the path of Ashkenazi Jews and cucking these whites. :lol:
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