Somalia’s oil reserves 👀


Someone please do research to verify this. Austria randomly has a lot of oil reserves?? You guys remember the tanks delivered to Somalia turned out to be Indian tanks from a YouTube video?

If true that would be amazing however
Arabs and the west won’t allow that we have to become subservient like the Nigerians and let western companies take all our oil for basically nothing.
Nah your underestimating Somalis. We are not like Nigeria. We just need visionary leaders and a strong judicial system in place. Law and order is a must. I agree lakin right now we are not in a position to extract oil. Someone like HSM will give it out to cadaan while he gets a tiny cut and is happy
Nah you’re underestimating Somalis. We are not like Nigeria. We just need visionary leaders and a strong judicial system in place. Law and order is a must. I agree lakin right now we are not in a position to extract oil. Someone like HSM will give it out to cadaan while he gets a tiny cut and is happy
Lol understimating Somalis the same ones killing each other over grazing lands and celebrating aano qabiil
Somalia needs a system like the Chinese a socialist/capitalist system only a strong men can rule Somalia.


Nah that will cause civil war. Somalis are not docile like Chinese. You will get stabbed if you try dictatorship in Somalia. We need smart visionary leaders.
These people have been conditioned over a period of a few hundred years to rely on their clan for survival. Upending this system doesn’t take 20 or 30 years. They have to get used to the rule of law
Nah that will cause civil war. Somalis are not docile like Chinese. You will get stabbed if you try dictatorship in Somalia. We need smart visionary leaders.
The Mongols and the Japanese where like us till two men destroyed tribalism in those groups.Getting rid of tribalism isn’t hard it requires brute force and major social changes. Somalia also hasn’t had a one single winner take all.


The Mongols and the Japanese where like us till two men destroyed tribalism in those groups. Somalia also hasn’t had a one single winner take all.
We will get their without a Genkis khan. People saw what statelessness does and they’re sick of it.
The Mongols and the Japanese where like us till two men destroyed tribalism in those groups.Getting rid of tribalism isn’t hard it requires brute force and major social changes. Somalia also hasn’t had a one single winner take all.
I think Turkic-Mongolic tribes always had huge empires. Gokturk is one such example. They had great leaders. We never had one.
