Somali man getting cooked on twitter for not liking his wife’s affection

Honestly, this is a huge issue with many men. Many say they like a good and affectionate woman. Just a little observation and you'll know that is not true.
You even see this nonsense in the talking stages. I know so many cases of men being smitten in the beginning, once they get her to let their guard down, they act all cold but once she tries to leave or pull back, they’re back to chasing again. It’s exhausting and it goes to show a lot of men have avoidant personality traits and it can be difficult to avoid these types since it seems there are too many of them.
For those in this thread stating: "she should have been more flirted and be more mysterious." "She should have only gave him affection here and there." "he shouldn't know where she stands 100% of the time"

Why should she have to do all of that? Those mental games are draining wallahi. why should a woman constantly have to think of what next move she should make to keep a man interested / not be suffocated? Why should she say "mhmmmm should i be old or hot today?" It's easier for a human being to have a consistent behavior, and generally that's actually many people's nature. This woman chose her consistent behavior to be affectionate, and for that to be her consistent behavior.

This man needs to be honest with her instead of bringing his complains online. But he doesn't want to do that, cuz he knows once he does that (no matter how much he sugar coats it) she will not behave in the same manner with him. She most likely won't bother being affectionate with him anymore. She will feel like he took her affection for granted and will stop it fully. He doesn't want to lose that. He knows telling her to "tone it down" will cost all of her affection. What this selfish man wants is "some affection" but not too much. He wants a dial which he can control the setting of how strong her affection is. Yesterday he wanted 20% of her affection. Today he wants 70% of her affection. Tomorrow only 30%. The day after 90%. The day after that 0%...etc
animation design GIF by Ettrics

If he feels suffocated, he needs to talk to her. So that she can make the choice on whether to adjust her behavior or find someone who will enjoy her as she is. If a man told me to "tone it down" or that " he feels suffocated" I would get the ick. I wouldn't want to do anything for him and with him anymore (affection, acts of service, intimacy with him). I just would lose the desire to be with him anymore. I'm sure many women also think this way. Just the thought of one day being hot and the other day being cold sounds exhausting to me. It's easier to be consistent. It would be time to find a new partner. Mind games are too much. I'm just glad that this happened early in their marriage and not after investing too much time and even having kids.
You know what, you’re 100% correct. Why should women play games? Why can’t women be entirely themselves? I only talked about tension, seduction and unpredictability to explore the male psyche and many of the guys did agree with me, but thinking about it, it must be flipping draining having to constantly adjust your behavior especially when you’re naturally a deeply affectionate and loving individual which is be frank a gift and something to be cherished.

Unfortunately, I’ve read and seen far too many cases of men being appreciative of women who are on the more laid back side in the beginning, but that might not be the full picture? Either way it’s very annoying that a lot of men are like this. The guy as you put it was simply not the one.
I don’t think he’s attracted to her at the present, but I think with time he’ll come to enjoy her presence and affection, it can be a little daunting for a hardened geeljire descended man from a rough background to be shown that much affection and love. Love takes time to foster

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
If there isn't a balance, this kind of stuff is bound to happen. Too much affection will tip the scale, and suddenly it won't have any value. In the start, she might feel hurt and feel like her ability to express love in her own way has been suppressed. If she's a reasonable woman, she will understand. It's his responsibility to have a talk with her and tell her what the issue is, Instead of coming online and looking for a solution, if you can't manage your own household on your own, why even get married? You are not ready. I do understand the last part though, where she kissed him while he is on her lap🤣. It must have reminded him of his childhood, you can't do that to a grown man🤣could make some men feel emasculated

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
It also could be that he is in his early stages of realizing they aren't really compatible
Ungrateful c*nt. I'd be pissed if my man was seeking an escape plan from my love and affection on Reddit.
He's a massive fag for using Reddit in the first place, but where else is he supposed to vent other than to friends? He'll be in the dog house for the next 10,000 years if he says any of this shit to her directly lol. Having another human being constantly cling to you can get draining.

Do you realise that the arm/shoulder you guys put your head on basically goes dead after 20mins? Trying to fall asleep while cuddling is so insanely uncomfortable wallahi:mjcry:
I wouldnt like too much affection either. I give a point to the man I fear
same i think sitting on his lap and feeding him is wild :damedamn:but he still shouldn't be on reddit saying that

I thought something was wrong with me, and that I am too cold. But I HATE the thought of someone feeding me. What's more, after a long day at work, I would need time alone to decompress.
Her love language is physical touch and his isn't. This is the kind of thing people should discuss before marriage.

Not every woman/man likes being touched a lot.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I thought something was wrong with me, and that I am too cold. But I HATE the thought of someone feeding me. What's more, after a long day at work, I would need time alone to decompress.
Her love language is physical touch and his isn't. This is the kind of thing people should discuss before marriage.

Not every woman/man likes being touched a lot.
Avoidant attachment women unite! :friendhug:Personally my love language is gift giving :mjswag:
What do you men think of my analysis.
@Vapour @Nilotic @World @Keep it a boqol @Bari @Shimbiris @Aurelian @El Nino @Kisame

I think this is a lot less straightforward than him not being physically attracted to her. She could be stunning for all we know even from his perspective.

Many men didn’t grow up with affection, hence having all of this affection at once can be overwhelming. Plus, since it’s the beginning of the marriage and it might be very early days, I think some men require a bit of a push and pull and mental seduction unfortunately. As a poster mentioned, if she was a tad bit colder and distant from time to time, he’d appreciate the affections when he gets it. Basically, there no guessing game, or the initial unpredictability found in blossoming relationships which surprisingly some men thrive on. It’s boring. He knows where she 100% stands. Sometimes a bit of mystery and flirtation goes a long way. People love sexual tension. That’s what it is.

Since we’re Muslim, we don’t have the classic dating stages in which you’re able to flirt and figure each other out. We don’t have the romantic tension ect. It’s strictly formal, we ask each other a few questions and parents get involved then BOOM married. Hence it can be a bit much for a couple to go from not knowing each other very well and then being treated like you’re the love of someone’s life and being jumped on every second like a golden retriever high on crack. A bit of mystery? Seduction? Leaving him wanting for more? Being a tad unpredictable? That’s deffo needed in the beginning in order to stimulate some men’s mind.
Spot on! Also to add many men that have low self esteem project outwards versus women who project inwards.

So when a low self esteem man gets reciprocated attention/affection he questions her status. The woman he pedestalized enjoying his company means he has to recalibrate her worth. Aka he now thinks she’s as an unworthy of love as he feels about himself. Many of these men aren’t in tune with their own attraction but more soon how others perceive how high status of a woman he has. Which was why the guy is freaking out.

it’s interesting to note that the first responses from men were that their was something ‘wrong’ with her which kinda proves that low self esteem men are just as rampant as women.
He's a massive fag for using Reddit in the first place, but where else is he supposed to vent other than to friends? He'll be in the dog house for the next 10,000 years if he says any of this shit to her directly lol. Having another human being constantly cling to you can get draining.

Do you realise that the arm/shoulder you guys put your head on basically goes dead after 20mins? Trying to fall asleep while cuddling is so insanely uncomfortable wallahi:mjcry:
Fair but getting relationship advice from a bunch of highly introverted at best, basement-dwelling at worst Redditors who most likely aren't in the long-term relationships that would qualify them to give advice is retarded to begin with. The blind leading the blind, so to speak.


And from a Somali subreddit too, where most of the predominantly Gen Z/younger millennial users on there wouldn't know shit about marriage from first-hand experience so their advice is more likely to be theoretical in nature, based on whatever their local imam or married older cousin told them.
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Dating culture in xamar is super easy as long u average guy u can get girls imo
😂😂. To have se**x
Thanks for proving my point 😂😂

The average diaspora Abdi cannot easily get it from the average Somali girl unless she’s in the partying scene. This is what I mean when I say people born and raised in the diaspora are miskeen compared to fobs.

It’s not even just about morals, even when it comes to being daacad, a girl or boy back home will be able to sell a diaspora girl/boy in the market without them even realizing. That’s how smart and sneaky you fobs are. Western Somalis are too daacad and they lay all their cards on the table. They’re simpletons compared to you lot.
Thanks for proving my point 😂😂

The average diaspora Abdi cannot easily get it from the average Somali girl unless she’s in the partying scene. This is what I mean when I say people born and raised in the diaspora are miskeen compared to fobs.

It’s not even just about morals, even when it comes to being daacad, a girl or boy back home will be able to sell a diaspora girl/boy in the market without them even realizing. That’s how smart and sneaky you fobs are. Western Somalis are too daacad and they lay all their cards on the table. They’re simpletons compared to you lot.
Kkkk .
Stop generalising wah.
Somalis girls here fal into three catogeries. Moderate girls who only strict about marying. But they are fun to go with but they wont qudbo siro.
Second group are super religious girls. Who wont even be alowed to leave their house by their parents imo.
Third group are the open ones . They prefer mariage ofcoirse but if they are realy into a guy they wil be down with qudbo siro
So @Angelina dont generalise girls imo.
Also as said the girl must be into i for her to even accept it. Specialy if u dont the money for mariage.
Kkkk .
Stop generalising wah.
Somalis girls here fal into three catogeries. Moderate girls who only strict about marying. But they are fun to go with but they wont qudbo siro.
Second group are super religious girls. Who wont even be alowed to leave their house by their parents imo.
Third group are the open ones . They prefer mariage ofcoirse but if they are realy into a guy they wil be down with qudbo siro
So @Angelina dont generalise girls imo.
Also as said the girl must be into i for her to even accept it. Specialy if u dont the money for mariage.
You’re right Walahi. Never mind me. I shouldn’t generalize at all, and I know there are many MashaAllah and super religious and decent Xalimos back home. To cast aspersions on them is to cast it on all of us as Somalia is our motherland 🙏

But I still stand by that Western Somalis are very honest compared to Somalis back home. You lot are more savvy than us and we’re too daacad. Easy to fool.
You’re right Walahi. Never mind me. I shouldn’t generalize at all, and I know there are many MashaAllah and super religious and decent Xalimos back home. To cast aspersions on them is to cast it on all of us as Somalia is our motherland 🙏

But I still stand by that Western Somalis are very honest compared to Somalis back home. You lot are more savvy than us and we’re too daacad. Easy to fool.
Watch this is hapened in xamar.

Watch this is hapened in xamar.

wtf why he touching her like that ew that lift at the end was rlly weird

