Somali cultural genocide

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Lol I meant as in women were encouraged to participate in sport and they were not made to wear niqab everywhere they went like in saudi arabia, I can upload pics of women in traditional Somali dress if you want.
Al shabab is one of the biggest reasons. And people put more effort in their deen, I know my mother told me that they were really strict with memorizing the Quran but not knowing the meaning, you know tafsir and sunnah. So that changed, alxamdulillah! And we should all be putting more effort in the deen.



School in djibouti


School in hargeisa


One's like the west and the other forces hijab and gender segregation. Don't compare us dawg
It's actually disgusting. We need to make sure that all somali women don't wear that shit. Not all does it look ugly it's seriously makes u hot.
You are encouraging that women shouldn’t wear what Allah said they should? It literally says so in the Quran. I don’t believe it’s wrong, everyone should practice Islam the way they feel is right for them, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else or even yourself. My mother didn’t used to wear hijab. She started wearing when she was 32 or something and my older sister started to wear it in the 2 grade. So everyone should be free to choose when, how or if they’re going to wear it. It’s just my opinion that it’s mandatory. The same thing with guys, your pants have to be below your knee and you can’t expose the part between below your knee and above your bellybutton. So guys wearing shorts it’s basically haram in that sens but literally no one cares it’s that double standard we have in Islamic communities. They are putting their little girls in hijab and letting the boys wear short shorts. Read up on your deen
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You are encouraging that women shouldn’t wear what Allah said they should? It literally says so in the Quran. I don’t believe it’s wrong, everyone should practice Islam the way they feel is right for them, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else or even yourself. My mother didn’t used to wear hijab. She started wearing when she was 32 or something and my older sister started to wear it in the 2 grade. So everyone should be free to choose when, how or if they’re going to wear it. It’s just my opinion that it’s mandatory. The same thing with guys, your pants have to be below your knee and you can’t expose the part between below your knee and above your bellybutton. So guys wearing shorts it’s basically haram in that sens but literally no one cares it’s that double standard we have in Islamic communities. They are putting their little girls in hijab and letting the boys wear short shorts. Read up on your deen
You could wear Abaya and hijab it still covers you up you don't need to wear the tent. In the Quran it says to cover up but the way you cover up its up to you. Abaya and hijab looks way better than Jilbab tents
You could wear Abaya and hijab it still covers you up you don't need to wear the tent. In the Quran it says to cover up but the way you cover up its up to you. Abaya and hijab looks way better than Jilbab tents
But isn’t that still their choice?


Death Awaits You
Dude but in djibouti they can wear whatever they want, you can't compare it to somalia or somaliland. Choice is what we should be fighting for not undressing women who want to cover up.

I've seen previous posts from you and you're a secular extremist, is qabooji.
modesty became a heavy burden for Somali women. dressing in 4 layers of curtain in a hot environment is unacceptable sxb.


Death Awaits You
You could wear Abaya and hijab it still covers you up you don't need to wear the tent. In the Quran it says to cover up but the way you cover up its up to you. Abaya and hijab looks way better than Jilbab tents
It doesn't say to cover up in the Quran. abaaya or hijab aren't mandatory.
Yes it's their choice of course but many somali women have been brainwashed to wear jilbabs. Back in my fathers day women didn't wear it at all.
“Brainwashed” isn’t the word I would use. Its more community thing. I remember my mother when we were in Denmark and a lot of them older women were wearing it and she bought one too ( I mean jilbab) and left it there. And it’s mostly those women who don’t work, beacause my mother is a lawyer and she has to wear a suit .


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland

Wallahi back then before Wahhabism, older Somali women in school were made fun of for wearing the jilbab and were called "extreme". Look how the tables have turned.
If I had the power in Somalia, I would ban the burqa/niqab/jilbab.
Allow people to express themselves but close mosques that are centred around Wahhabism or connected to Arabia, focus Sheikh to follow a Somali state halal model and only those that apply for a national licence with strict background checks should be allowed preach. Ban Wahhabism without official banning it, you cant destroy an ideology but you have spread your own and focus it.


Freedom of Speech
Long live fifty biggy benchy shordy moweezy i cant forget my bro abdul rest easy this shit crazy niggas linking uo just to drink and cry 6ix shit yeah my nigga loaded up ready to slide

OP life is too short to hate on peoples clothing decisions. Just sit back like me and meditate like a buddhist. You need some arab pussy to calm u down but i guess they only got whites up in dat jawn
It’s between them and Allah. It’s not your place to judge or force anyone to do anything
Saxib don't give them any lineance, women enmasse don't like the hijab.It wears down on mothers in the heat it sends them excessively sweating.Men also would love to see a women's vuluptious shape on his morning commute.Why not do it? Just remember this:

“And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:216)
Saxib don't give them any lineance, women enmasse don't like the hijab.It wears down on mothers in the heat it sends them excessively sweating.Men also would love to see a women's vuluptious shape on his morning commute.Why not do it? Just remember this:

“And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:216)
People just assume that they can “help” others, even though nobody asked them.
People just assume that they can “help” others, even though nobody asked them.
They don't want to "help" them, they want to change society due to their choices.Look at the girls DP which wants a "freeer somalia " what she actually wants is to be socially accepted in her home country for her behaviour.

The male poster also has slept with a lot of women. He wants to paint the Somali lifestyle as wrong and hence himself "right".Dont fall for it !
The reason Somalis are more religious today is because of Islam and geographical location. Back then, Islamic culture had less influence on the Horn. Djibouti never had a civil war yet most of the women there dress conservatively. they don't wear tents but still, their fashion is ugly as f*ck.

if you are against the cultural practices of Muslims then either work on reforming Islam or simply leave the religion.

Actually people in djibouti dressed pretty much the same as in Somalia in the 80's. I'm pretty sure when the saudis flooded our country with wahhabi preachers they did the same with djibouti.
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