Somali Christians praying for Farmajo


Forza Somalia!
Its like looking into an alternate reality lol.
There aren't alternative reality except Islam, my ancestors would not have accepted being spirtualy ruled by an establishment "the church", they church not liking = excommunication, unless they establish their own church, and if that happened, we would have separate churches as many as the Holy Roman Empire's states. Are they Catholics?


Of course I'm not saying Farmajo isn't Muslim but this looks bad for him since Somalia is a Muslim country and should have a head of state who isn't secular (nor a radical theocrat)

Both Sheikh Sharif and HSM are not secular and I doubt these gaalos ever supported them
Our country is named Somalia, not Islamland. While it's true we are 99% muslim there are also very few non muslims somalis who are still somali like anyone else and are entiteled to their political opinions on Somalia. Would you have posted this if it was christians insulting farmaajo? what kind of politcal point is this?
Maykal Maryama one of the most admired politicians in Somalia and Somaliland was a christian from SL


There aren't alternative reality except Islam, my ancestors would not have accepted being spirtualy ruled by an establishment "the church", they church not liking = excommunication, unless they establish their own church, and if that happened, we would have separate churches as many as the Holy Roman Empire's states. Are they Catholics?
I think most of these are some kind of protestant denomination
Our country is named Somalia, not Islamland. While it's true we are 99% muslim there are also very few non muslims somalis who are still somali like anyone else and are entiteled to their political opinions on Somalia. Would you have posted this if it was christians insulting farmaajo? what kind of politcal point is this?
Maykal Maryama one of the most admired politicians in Somalia and Somaliland was a christian from SL
Statistically 5-10% of any given country doesn't have believe in religion. This rapidly increases in the West, i expect a burgeoning non Muslim somalia population outside of Somalia.
@Som I'm not trying to make any political mileage out of this but I would advise supporters of the president that this is going to not only serve as priceless propaganda for Kebab extremists but even some pro Farmajo supporters who are devout Muslims will at the very least raise an eyebrow

