Siad Barre stole the culture of Hargeisa(The home of the arts)

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Somaliland patriot
From 0:25 seconds you will hear how Siad Barre stole everything from Hargeisa to build up Mugadishu.The real reason why Somaliland was attacked was to erase our culture and destroy our ancestors legacy.


Somaliland patriot
Siyaad barre janna ha gallo, ameen deh!
The guy is nothing but a thief who tried to steal our culture to teach some barbarians who were enslaved by the Italians and lost their own unique culture.There is a reason why Bantu somalis say they are native to the south.You guys were always either Bantu or mixed with bantus.


The guy is nothing but a thief who tried to steal our culture to teach some barbarian dumb apes who were enslaved by the Italians and lost their own unique culture.There is a reason why Bantu somalis say they are native to the south.You guys were always either Bantu or mixed with bantus.
I am sheekhaal saxib, i am also related to my wonderful grand uncle. Very good leader, alx my family lived good until the seperatists revolted.

"Ameen deh"

May Allah grant Jannah to all those he killed and oppressed due to his ungodly arrogance.
Allahumma Ameen.
Inshallah they all go to heaven, ameen.

He was a very good leader with good ideals. You die a martyr or live long enough to become a villain. Good leader overall tho made us into a respectable state.


Somaliland patriot
I am sheekhaal saxib, i am also related to my wonderful grand uncle. Very good leader, alx my family lived good until the seperatists revolted.

Inshallah they all go to heaven, ameen.

He was a very good leader with good ideals. You die a martyr or live long enough to become a villain. Good leader overall tho made us into a respectable state.
Did you even watch the video? I even posted the timestamp! He made you guys into a respectable state by stealing Hargeisa's arts and music.Then he proceeded to focus all the wealth we collectively generated on to Mugadishu.And finally he marched the Somali national army to Hargeisa and bombed the city he stole the culture from into the ground.Oh the irony.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
He was a very good leader with good ideals. You die a martyr or live long enough to become a villain. Good leader overall tho made us into a respectable state.

I 100% disagree with him being a good leader with good ideals.
He was a blight to Somalia, we're all in the muck because of the bs he started.


Somaliland patriot
Hargeisa's xeer,arts,theater and music was all authentic and the reason why we still exist today peacefully and prosper while Mugadishu who was created artificially broke into pieces and is still suffering from stealing our culture that didn't belong to them.
@Zero Maskiinka, this war between Puntland and Somaliland has taken a toll on his Miyir.

:friendhug: It’s okay, it’s okay. We’ll give you the Capital and tax free benefits for 10 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Nacaas and Qabaliyad Administration. Qabaliyad is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any miidnimo.


Siad Barre was the greatest president your country has ever had

I hope yall have another dictator like him someday who liberate y’all from Abu Baba and alshabab:fittytousand:
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Sorry but those who kill muslims are not forgiven, may he and all other who killed innocent souls rot in hell with iblis the traitor.

Calacaalka jooji, siyaad barre was a great man. He made somali culture more inclusive for women, they could work and were not forced into jilbabs. He revived somali culture across somaliweyn, and so much more. Bless the glorious siyaad. Hada ameen deh.

Did you even watch the video? I even posted the timestamp! He made you guys into a respectable state by stealing Hargeisa's arts and music.Then he proceeded to focus all the wealth we collectively generated on to Mugadishu.And finally he marched the Somali national army to Hargeisa and bombed the city he stole the culture from into the ground.Oh the irony.
Youre mad he revived somali culture? Lmao just cause a city is known for being home of the arts does not equal to the entire country stealing culture.
I 100% disagree with him being a good leader with good ideals.
He was a blight to Somalia, we're all in the muck because of the bs he started.
No! Were in this because of rebellious terrorists and religious extremists who took over the country and caused anarchy. Siyaad barre helped women integrate into the work force. The first african pilot was under his rule too. Women were not restricted like most of Africa and the world. He promoted somali culture, not hindu or arab culture like nowadays. Bless him


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Siad Barre was the greatest president your country has ever had

I hope yall have another dictator like him someday who liberate you y’all from Abu Baba and alshabab:fittytousand:

If another Siad Barre arrives I'll stand against the bastard.
I'll never wish that evil on our land.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Calacaalka jooji, siyaad barre was a great man. He made somali culture more inclusive for women, they could work and were not forced into jilbabs. He revived somali culture across somaliweyn, and so much more. Bless the glorious siyaad. Hada ameen deh.

Youre mad he revived somali culture? Lmao just cause a city is known for being home of the arts does not equal to the entire country stealing culture.

No! Were in this because of rebellious terrorists and religious extremists who took over the country and caused anarchy. Siyaad barre helped women integrate into the work force. The first african pilot was under his rule too. Women were not restricted like most of Africa and the world. He promoted somali culture, not hindu or arab culture like nowadays. Bless him

My family and those who fought lost people to this terrorist and his lackeys(like General Morgan).
So because they fight back they're terrorists?
So we shouldn't rebel when tyrants go too far?
You kids nowadays with your dictator worship. You have no idea...

He'll have one very long judgement day to answer for all his crimes.


My family and those who fought lost people to this terrorist and his lackeys(like General Morgan).
So because they fight back they're terrorists?

You kids nowadays with your dictator worship. You have no idea...
f*ck off, you terrorist supporters ruined our once great country. Look at the results. Clear difference. Shame on you for supporting terrorist scum. My father was made a agoon cause of scumbags like you.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
f*ck off, you terrorist supporters ruined our once great country. Look at the results. Clear difference. Shame on you for supporting terrorist scum. My father was made a agoon cause of scumbags like you.

Wallahi I wish the worst on people like you.
May Somalia never see the light as long as people like you live.

I'd knock your face bloody if you said that to me.

You hide behind women rights and act like everything went down because of salafism.
Al-Shabab is the result of Siad's dictatorship.
Somalia's downfall is on him as well.

You can blame nothing else. Grow up.
You'll blame everything else except the Dajjalic leader you worship.
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