Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed statement on Sheegow situation


We are very worried about the case of Besha Jarer Weyne and the case of General Sheegow as they are related to each other.

A general can commit a crime but the way he is arrested does not seem to be a prudent way! This caused a strong threat and aroused the emotions of the whole community.

Elders and intellectuals of the Jarer community who contacted me told me that they cannot come together, ride in a car, even attend a wedding, and the government soldiers are disbanding and treating them in a discriminatory manner! They are denied their basic rights as citizens.

The complaint of the Jarer Wayne community caused me great concern and is a great threat to the unity of the Somali community. I hope that special attention will be paid to it.

I share my MPs views on the matter.

It seems jweyne elders are being targetted by banaadir police .


I saw a few arrests by NISA. Great work. No protests since. We need to do this for every community to that tries to disrupt the government

We should use the Chinese model to deal with disruptive people


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sheikh Shariif truly a man of the people and has integrity. I wish he won instead of the corrupt culusow
I saw a few arrests by NISA. Great work. No protests since. We need to do this for every community to that tries to disrupt the government

We should use the Chinese model to deal with disruptive people

No thanks. We are not replicating anything from China with regards to their law enforcement tactics.

Somalia shall not be a police state and breech people's privacy and overall rights in the name of law and order. Leave it to authoritarian countries.
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No thanks. We are not replicating anything from China with regards to their law enforcement. Somalia shall not be a police state and abstain from breeching people's privacy and overall rights in the name of law and order. Leave it to authoritarian countries.
Somalis are too chaotic. We need strong enforcement and to create a social credit system where good behaviour is rewarded and bad punished even if it isn’t a criminal offence.

Hopefully we can take advantage of new technologies, progress in this field is rapid


I saw a few arrests by NISA. Great work. No protests since. We need to do this for every community to that tries to disrupt the government

We should use the Chinese model to deal with disruptive people
Man relax. The police need to approach things differently instead of mimicking the previous govt rule. Muqdisho is free, everybody is allowed to protest if they wish. Destruction of peoples property is unacceptable and many have been arrested for that.
SS is good but XSM iz better
Why you have general daud as your profile pic sxb?


Man relax. The police need to approach things differently instead of mimicking the previous govt rule. Muqdisho is free, everybody is allowed to protest if they wish. Destruction of peoples property is unacceptable and many have been arrested for that.

Why you have general daud as your profile pic sxb?

Look at this lol. They wanted another protest and the idiots from Khaatumo wanted a celebration party too. HSM needs some calm political times, no space for this crap
On the demands of the police chief? Why you ask

Because reer SSC and their supporters celebrated in many regions in Somalia today without any issues. Don't understand why they would be prohibited in the capital, if they wanted to arrange celebrations over there too.


Because reer SSC and their supporters celebrated in many regions in Somalia today without any issues. Don't understand why they would be prohibited in the capital, if they wanted to arrange celebrations.
They can celebrate though. Just not a banaanbax type celebration from what Banadir police ordered from what I can see


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
They can celebrate though. Just not a banaanbax type celebration from what Banadir police ordered from what I can see
Why are we not organising some sort of celebration for the capturing of Ceelbur? It’s as much if not more of a victory than Lascaanood considering these are unsanctioned full blown terrorists were fighting


Haven't seen the police order, but I went based on the post you linked, in which the guy were referring to a xaflad.
I’ve seen videos of celebrations in Xamar, like xaflads so I’m sure it’s not that. Anyone can book a hotel.

There however was attempts to have street celebrations for SSC.

