Regional State's roll call

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Isn't garoowe mostly ciise maxmuud?
Why do they call them riyole? as in dreamers..?
or is it a different clan

Riyole as in the have a lot of goats. And it is their city, but now it is a capital so the demographic is quite mixed. I think they still are the majority though.


I went to the 2008 boqortooyo just outside of qardho (maybe it was 2009, can't remember) where boqor abdullahi AUN was inducted. shit was crazy a massive fight broke out and my habaryar hid me in a giant digsi to avoid bullets and recognition.
now that I know a bit more about qabiil itd be interesting to find out what happened but I cant find much online
@hid me in a gaint digsi
Bruh I forgot what was going on all I could think was whys this digsi so big what are they gonna cook in it an uncut geel hump and all????


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Miskeentan yaa wax u sheego wale sidi maas camal ba isku duubduubilaha markas aa neefta sonkeyda ka duuqilaha :ftw9nwa:

Naa iga cabso miise sidi moos camal ba ku fiqfiqi, caambo caambo weeye tan yaa ogada hadaa faarteyda ku riixo gacanteeda weeye ka dhex bixi kkk naa maaso yaa indhohada ka keenin
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