Quran 33:53

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In the post I stated "Evidence is all that matters". I also remember you stating that too.
It is evidence. Think about that for a moment. facts that make Muhammad look like a cult leader is reason to think he's just another cult leader. That right there is evidence. Do you know what it takes to be a Muslim? It takes evidence in the other direction. Muhammad is the one who is claiming to be a messenger of god. He (and subsequently his followers) are the ones who have the burden to prove that statement correct. As it stands right now there isn't any. No different to any other cult leader. Do you know what that is?
I told you now that this guy is acting like a hypocrite because he hides his emotion with rationality that. The dp of the Kabah with pigeon xaar on the kabah to show his disrepect for muslims.
If you look on through the previous posts, he is of the view that two consenting siblings with the inability to produce offspring participating in intercourse isn't morally wrong. Interesting moral stance.
If you look on through the previous posts, he is of the view that two consenting siblings with the inability to produce offspring participating in intercourse isn't morally wrong. Interesting moral stance.
Why are you a Muslim LI0N7? Why do you believe Muhammad spoke to an angel?
I told you now that this guy is acting like a hypocrite because he hides his emotion with rationality that. The dp of the Kabah with pigeon xaar on the kabah to show his disrepect for muslims.
Are my talking points irrational? Are my reasons for being non-Muslim irrational? I want to hear more from you on that. My profile picture is to upset Muslims yes, my motivation is entertainment, my methods are through using rationality.
It is evidence. Think about that for a moment. facts that make Muhammad look like a cult leader is reason to think he's just another cult leader. That right there is evidence. Do you know what it takes to be a Muslim? It takes evidence in the other direction. Muhammad is the one who is claiming to be a messenger of god. He (and subsequently his followers) are the ones who have the burden to prove that statement correct. As it stands right now there isn't any. No different to any other cult leader. Do you know what that is?
Let me clarify. You said that a true prophet behaviour must be distingishuable from a cult leader. I'm saying that doesn't require it because the only thing that should lead you to believing one is a true prophet of God is Evidence. There is no set definition of what a true prophet behaviour is. There could be a cult leader that is a true prophet of God and vice versa, don't you agree? They could be the opposite of a cult leader yet have No evidence for them being a true prophet.

There is a misunderstanding. I'm not trying to negate the fact that someone is or similar to a cult leader. That's the other person.
Let me clarify. You said that a true prophet behaviour must be distingishuable from a cult leader. I'm saying that doesn't require it because the only thing that should lead you to believing one is a true prophet of God is Evidence. There is no set definition of what a true prophet behaviour is. There could be a cult leader that is a true prophet of God and vice versa, don't you agree? They could be the opposite of a cult leader yet have No evidence for them being a true prophet.

There is a misunderstanding. I'm not trying to negate the fact that someone is or similar to a cult leader. That's the other person.
Let's focus on that then. Let's ignore information that makes Muhammad look like a cult leader. Let's focus on evidence that makes it look like he really was being contacted by God. So, I am asking the question again. Where is this evidence? What information do you or any Muslim have that demonstrate Muhammad was really a prophet? You need this information to be a Muslim. You are a Muslim. therefore you do have this information.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
So he married widows to help them out right? Because an unmarried woman living in 7th century Arabia couldn't manage on her own. (Nevermind about Khadija being able to pull it off before marrying Muhammad) So why is it that Muhammad prohibited others from marrying his widows after he himself dies? He had no problem marrying other men's widows but was opposed to others doing the same to him.
so it not okay for Muhammad (pbuh) to have multply wives but Christan Soloman can ? you just hate Islam, :ulyin:
so it not okay for Muhammad (pbuh) to have multply wives but Christan Soloman can ? you just hate Islam, :ulyin:
I'm not a Christian. If Soloman existed, I don't believe he was being contacted by God either. If there were more Somali Christians I would tailor my posts towards why you shouldn't be a Christian.
so it not okay for Muhammad (pbuh) to have multply wives but Christan Soloman can ? you just hate Islam, :ulyin:
Please stop being ignorant and read the previous posts. You would come to the understanding that this person is an atheist. Also, remember Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the example for all mankind so you can't compare.
Let's focus on that then. Let's ignore information that makes Muhammad look like a cult leader. Let's focus on evidence that makes it look like he really was being contacted by God. So, I am asking the question again. Where is this evidence? What information do you or any Muslim have that demonstrate Muhammad was really a prophet? You need this information to be a Muslim. You are a Muslim. therefore you do have this information.
I am still in the process of learning. A couple hours will suffice before I give a complete answer towards those questions. My youtube posts is of some atheists sharing their moral stance on taboo subjects. It isn't directed to you as much as it's directed to Atheists who like to claim Atheists posess great morality. But yes it's also to upset people.
I am still in the process of learning. A couple hours will suffice before I give a complete answer towards those questions. My youtube posts is of some atheists sharing their moral stance on taboo subjects. It isn't directed to you as much as it's directed to Atheists who like to claim Atheists posess great morality. But yes it's also to upset people.

I look forward to hearing about the scientific miracles of the Quran.
so it not okay for Muhammad (pbuh) to have multply wives but Christan Soloman can ? you just hate Islam, :ulyin:
According to the scriptures Solomon had had 700 wives and 300 concubines, which is 1000 women in total. I don't understand this guy's posts.
So he married widows to help them out right? Because an unmarried woman living in 7th century Arabia couldn't manage on her own. (Nevermind about Khadija being able to pull it off before marrying Muhammad) So why is it that Muhammad prohibited others from marrying his widows after he himself dies? He had no problem marrying other men's widows but was opposed to others doing the same to him.

In very clear terms Quran calls the Wives of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as the Mothers of the Believers. Allah says in the Holy Quran:
"The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers." (Quran 33:6) This shows the strong spiritual relation between the Holy Prophet's wives and the Believers and obviously the command under discussion goes very much in consonance with their status mentioned here. None with even the slightest sense of morality will ever take an exception to it. Further Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: ‘[In the Paradise,] a woman will be with her last husband.’ (Tabaqaat Abu Shaikh p.270. Albani classified it as Sahih in Silsala Sahiha H. 1281)
In very clear terms Quran calls the Wives of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as the Mothers of the Believers. Allah says in the Holy Quran:
"The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers." (Quran 33:6) This shows the strong spiritual relation between the Holy Prophet's wives and the Believers and obviously the command under discussion goes very much in consonance with their status mentioned here. None with even the slightest sense of morality will ever take an exception to it. Further Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: ‘[In the Paradise,] a woman will be with her last husband.’ (Tabaqaat Abu Shaikh p.270. Albani classified it as Sahih in Silsala Sahiha H. 1281)
Imagine how unconvincing that argument would have sounded during Muhammad's lifetime. "Look here, I know I told you guys not to marry my wives after I die, but that doesn't apply to me. I can marry your wives after you die. That's because my wives are the mothers of believers. So ultimately it's a good thing that I get more sex partners than other people around me. It's for the spiritual connection... yeah that's it." It takes a lot of gullibility to buy this man's story.
According to the scriptures Solomon had had 700 wives and 300 concubines, which is 1000 women in total. I don't understand this guy's posts.
You don't get my posts because you're as dumb as a rock. Read this carefully and slowly okay? I am not a Christian. I repeat. I am not a Christian. I don't think Solomon was being contacted by any god. I don't hold Solomon with high regard while simultaneously shitting on Muhammad. Why? I'll say it again. I am not a Christian. I am an atheist.

Read this post over and over again until it finally clicks.
O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity.

The Quran is supposed to be god's message for all mankind right? How is this verse relevant to people born thousands of years after his death? This verse seems oddly self-serving to Muhammad. Muhammad himself married widows, why can't others marry his after he dies? Call me a bit skeptical, but this does sound like he's making up this religion.
No the Quran has certain verses which are to be used depending on the time period.For example Alcohol used to be legal but then was made illegal, the Quran was completed eventually and reading them with Tafsir allows the preceding nations to know which parts are legitimate and which are not.
No the Quran has certain verses which are to be used depending on the time period.For example Alcohol used to be legal but then was made illegal, the Quran was completed eventually and reading them with Tafsir allows the preceding nations to know which parts are legitimate and which are not.
What you're describing is abrogation of the Quran. At one point Muhammad claims Allah sent down one message but at a later point Allah sent down a different message that is supposed to replace the previous one. The result being that the Quran now contains outdated information that's irrelevant to modern people in the same way that this verse talking about behaviour around Muhammad is irrelevant to modern people.

Abrogation itself in the Quran only makes it look even more like Muhammad was making up the religion as he went along. When one verse became inconvenient he claimed to have a new revelation that overruled the previous one. That sounds like a conman to me.
What you're describing is abrogation of the Quran. At one point Muhammad claims Allah sent down one message but at a later point Allah sent down a different message that is supposed to replace the previous one. The result being that the Quran now contains outdated information that's irrelevant to modern people in the same way that this verse talking about behaviour around Muhammad is irrelevant to modern people.

Abrogation itself in the Quran only makes it look even more like Muhammad was making up the religion as he went along. When one verse became inconvenient he claimed to have a new revelation that overruled the previous one. That sounds like a conman to me.
I think it proves the opposite a good conman wouldnt be so quick to make simple mistakes.He would obviously change it to make it seem essentially perfect.However the reason the Quran does this is to expose the negative effects of certain lifestyles, people learn best through examples. However at his death the Quran claims perfection not before it.

Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?

Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Allah you have neither any Walee (protector or guardian) nor any helper.”

[al-Baqarah 2:106-107].

The Quran itself is an abrogation of previous texts such as the Bible along with Torah.Thus its an unsuprising that abrogations occur.I think the more interesting argument is why didnt Allah simply reveal a perfect Guide initially.That is where your question stems from.
I think it proves the opposite a good conman wouldnt be so quick to make simple mistakes.He would obviously change it to make it seem essentially perfect.However the reason the Quran does this is to expose the negative effects of certain lifestyles, people learn best through examples. However at his death the Quran claims perfection not before it.

Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?

Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Allah you have neither any Walee (protector or guardian) nor any helper.”

[al-Baqarah 2:106-107].

The Quran itself is an abrogation of previous texts such as the Bible along with Torah.Thus its an unsuprising that abrogations occur.I think the more interesting argument is why didnt Allah simply reveal a perfect Guide initially.That is where your question stems from.
If Allah revealed a perfect guide initially that would make it look more like Muhammad wasn't inventing the story himself. The fact that revelations from God himself have to be replaced by further messages makes a non-gullible person think that maybe the person claiming to be speaking on behalf of God is the one inventing these revelations. You're asking me to believe that an all-knowing all-powerful god needs to update his grand message to mankind. Why is it that the god Muhammad is claiming to be speaking on behalf of behaves suspiciously a lot like a human?
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