Qolka Somaliland

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Isaaqi blood flows through my veins, where my people at? :westbrookswag:

No Anti-Somaliland troll zone
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Qoloma Qoloma Qoloma Qoloma??

I'm HY but we're going to get along just fine if you're a HJ woman lol

Please god make her HJ
There are more HJ than HY in your post...What's up with your HJ obsession? you sure you not HJ yourself?:mjohreally:
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What can I say HJ women are better looking than HY women on average.

No lool I'm from the largest Isaaq subclan beesha habar Yunis, we own the most land :dance:
Lol it is actually the other way round. It is rare to see a good looking HJ girl in the west
but plenty of good looking H-Y girls.

The consensus has been reached and the dues have been payed. HJ chicks finally get the respect they deserved all along

I got just the perfect HJ chick for you, come join the dark side :rejoice:
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