Puntland refuses acting president from landing in Bosaso.

Former Prime minister accuses Puntland of treason/rebellion:

You don't find it suspicious they didn't choose to go to Garowe, or even Galkacyo where half their brethren are, but instead the furthest administered city, the same city that happens to have rouge elements residing there?


You don't find it suspicious they didn't choose to go to Garowe, or even Galkacyo where half their brethren are, but instead the furthest administered city, the same city that happens to have rouge elements residing there?
The FGS literally delivered aid a few weeks ago in Garowe. And Galkayo IDP camps are always busy with aid coming in.

The people of Bari deserve to receive aid!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The hutu government send us condom instead of food aid 😂😂 Tuug Abdirahman abdi warsame sold our ocean now his stealing our aid.. moriyaan will always be moriyan
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PL sharaf ay leeyihin haday diidaan that tuug AAW. I wish Gedo never allowed this tuug inside. Now the Sacdiyo girl thought she can challenge Deni Qurux wala cunna :chrisfreshhah:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
HAG have no shame why would you rent a plane for 10k only to carry such a small amount of food aid worth a few hundred. They were hiding qarax inside!




10 people have died! This is going to cause serious clashes in future as Deni will want revenge against the American funded and trained PSF
The FGS literally delivered aid a few weeks ago in Garowe. And Galkayo IDP camps are always busy with aid coming in.

The people of Bari deserve to receive aid!

Delivering aid isn't the issue, I mean this whole government subsists on aid & grants lol. The issue is the secrecy of the whole thing, and the involvement of the Diyano family, y'all keep ignoring those factors. :notsureif:
HAG have no shame why would you rent a plane for 10k only to carry such a small amount of food aid worth a few hundred. They were hiding qarax inside!

Kabtan Ayub is a reasonable guy loved by Somalis from all clan backgrounds, and even he is doing a double-take on the situation. 10k trip to deliver aid amounting to a couple hundred dollars is a gross misallocation of resources, madness.
The jeberti ethnicity of majerteeni varient are killing each other for aid like the unruly hawiye in the 1990s .
How the great state of buntland have falling smh
Atleast AAW came through when reer bosaso plead for part of the aid package. I'm disappointed in deni , he has brought mooryanism to buntland


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Burhan maryo badane is part of the promplem habibul maliyan president said abdullahi dani should do something about this traitors
Khadijo Diriye is a smart woman, her pimping game is another level, Ms Firimbi and Asad Diyaano both are power hungry who would destroy the whole of Bosaso/PL to get what they want.

Remember when Kheyre thought he could destroy PL by giving reer Galkacyo youths money so they can start an uprising but his mistake was refusing to visit Garacad.

HSM better deal with his side chick.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Delivering aid isn't the issue, I mean this whole government subsists on aid & grants lol. The issue is the secrecy of the whole thing, and the involvement of the Diyano family, y'all keep ignoring those factors. :notsureif:
Deni must deal with these PSF troublemakers, they are eroding the unity of PL Troops. They have a become an evil fifth column for HAG govt! Deni must stop listening too Isimo and defend PL from inside


HAG have no shame why would you rent a plane for 10k only to carry such a small amount of food aid worth a few hundred. They were hiding qarax inside!

World Bank gave them 143 million, and this is what they bring?

They mocking the needy

