Pros and cons of marrying a girl back home (dont be biased)

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Pros: She will make authentic Somali dishes and do all the chores in split of second so she will get to spend more time wit you teaching you proper Somali

Cons: Maybe personality clash?
The girls back home are not as innocent as you think.

Also major personality and value clash, unless your super traditional

Also very high risk of just being seen as a free meal ticket to the west. We have lots of youths dying on the Mediterranean to get into europe.

Almost guaranteed to have under went FGM, so unless your into that shit, its gonna be a problem.


cismaan maxamuud
The girls back home are not as innocent as you think.

Also major personality and value clash, unless your super traditional

Also very high risk of just being seen as a free meal ticket to the west. We have lots of youths dying on the Mediterranean to get into europe.
Planning on living there so if i aint leaving then she isn't to


Your superior
Not on the same wavelength
Language barrier
Different culture maybe

She has somali culture
Wife duties won't get moaning
She can teach you Somali
Her mind not corrupted
Her cooking


cismaan maxamuud
Not on the same wavelength
Language barrier
Different culture maybe

She has somali culture
Wife duties won't get moaning
She can teach you Somali
Her mind not corrupted
Her cooking
I understand Somali perfectly and i can communicate proficiently.Seeing that i am planning on living there i assume my speaking skills will improve dramatically.


She won't be able to find a decent job.
Living costs in the West are now based on two people working full time. Otherwise you will have to live in a ghetto. If you live in a ghetto, your kids will become thugs.
Your kids will know fewer English (insert whatever language where you live) words when starting school (increased risk of failing school).
She won't be able to help them out with homework when they are at secondary school.

Of course if you are rich as f*ck, you can send them to a private school and move to a rich area, but almost no Somalis fall in that category.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
A girl who could have been born in the west could be homely and traditional while a girl straight from miyi could be completely 'westernised' and shit.

Stop generalising and pick a girl who get on with and share the same values with.

And no self respecting family would talk about their daughters genetalia to a suitor bismillah.


cismaan maxamuud
A girl who could have been born in the west could be homely and traditional while a girl straight from miyi could be completely lately 'westernised' and shit.

Stop generalising and pick a girl who get on with and share the same values with.

And no self respecting family would talk about their daughters genetalia to a suitor bismillah.
it's a simple question gabarta mala gudi haa misa maya :kodaksmiley:
A lot of young Somali men from the diaspora have turned beta. The question is, can we handle them? A woman will usually (consciously or sub-consciously) shit-test you to gauge your ragnimo. A sister back home's shit-testing would be the usual ones we're used to inflated to the power of 10.

Not to bring qabiil into it, but from my experience reer woqooyi girls will give you an absolute tongue lashing, but if you pass the test will become demure and ride-or-die. If you can't build a family and assume the position of boqor of your household, leave the girls back home alone. Either you'll corrupt them, or they'll kick your beta ass out of the house.


cismaan maxamuud
A lot of young Somali men from the diaspora have turned beta. The question is, can we handle them? A woman will usually (consciously or sub-consciously) shit-test you to gauge your ragnimo. A sister back home's shit-testing would be the usual ones we're used to inflated to the power of 10.

Not to bring qabiil into it, but from my experience reer woqooyi girls will give you an absolute tongue lashing, but if you pass the test will become demure and ride-or-die. If you can't build a family and assume the position of boqor of your household, leave the girls back home alone. Either you'll corrupt them, or they'll kick your beta ass out of the house.
I'm not reer waqooyi but i have no problem with asserting my dominance in the household.


cismaan maxamuud
She won't be able to find a decent job.
Living costs in the West are now based on two people working full time. Otherwise you will have to live in a ghetto. If you live in a ghetto, your kids will become thugs.
Your kids will know fewer English (insert whatever language where you live) words when starting school (increased risk of failing school).
She won't be able to help them out with homework when they are at secondary school.

Of course if you are rich as f*ck, you can send them to a private school and move to a rich area, but almost no Somalis fall in that category.
Not planning on living in the west :manny::manny::manny:
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