National Day in DDS


The Somali region was established on this day 1993 in Dirdhaba
It was a big celebration because it was the first time s








Guul iyo Gobanimo
Happy occupation and colonisation day :mjlol: These people are finished. My blood pressure rise when I see these coons waving that aidstopian flag


Happy occupation and colonisation day :mjlol: These people are finished. My blood pressure rise when I see these coons waving that aidstopian flag
Will we be like them and celebrate with the Ethiopian flag after 50y:ohhh:
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ONLF created the state and won multiple fair elections until the EPRDF regime ousted ONLF and placed a puppet administration serving Addis Ababa. today the Orphans of the EPRDF regime gather the people to celebrate a short period of freedom they helped destroy.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
After the establishment of Somali region, all of the representatives except 1 who abstained voted for independence

The ethiopians of course attacked us. We will InshAllah rise again and get back our land, Aamin.
That's crazy they really are waving the Ethiopian flag. If we don't fix our country soon we will be waving that flag with them soon
I am Ogaden and I don’t celebrate this bullshit. f*ck this puppet regime and f*ck Ethiopia.

From what I've heard and seen, it seems like most of the people who were present were politicians, state/public officials, civil servants, members of different organizations, armed entities, and other associates. With few and far in between shacab present. This is no different from their regular (PR) prosperity party events in which they gather people to 'support' them. Anyone who try to use these events as representatives of the public support for Ethiopia is ignorant, lol.
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Why do they have the Ethiopian flag??

These celebrations were arranged by the reg'l administration. All engagements they carry out include both the regional and federal flag, which is customary for all official settings. It's pretty much the same for every regional state in the country.

Likewise, all events by the prosperity party, do they use both flag. It's the reason why you see people have the Ethiopia flag in every celebration/gatherings in DDS. Which is distributed by them. Despite this, it's mainly the DDS flag that's most commonly used.


These celebrations were arranged by the reg'l administration. All engagements they carry out include both the regional and federal flag, which is customary for all official settings. It's pretty much the same for every regional state in the country.

Likewise, all events by the prosperity party, do they use both flag. It's the reason why you see people have the Ethiopia flag in every celebration/gatherings in DDS. Which is distributed by them. Despite this, it's mainly the DDS flag that's most commonly used.
people underestimate how easy it is to get a crowd of people to show up for a event.
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You are all missing the point. We aren’t celebrating Ethiopia. This is a celebration of the autonomy the Somalis in DDS achieved no matter how little. We finally had some say in our affairs, could use our language, could learn in our language, had our own flag, and governors from our own people. Before then we had none of that. Of course independence would be better but you’ve got to appreciate what you have.

Happy DDS day