NEWS Muuse Bixi respond to HSM

Lol, no apology forthcoming saaxiib. Get used to reer Waaqooyi af-mishaarnimo.

HSM fired shots first, the fighter in Mujaahid Biixi responded the only way he knows how.

You got a point about the suits though, man needs to fix up.

Is 2022 man need to fix up . he has to come to xamar I know a got suite store .
he needs to come over buy his suite and leave or sit down with brothers if he succedes in becoming the top HABAR and tell us what he could do for the good folks that's in this mess between abu isaaqi and abu jeberti .
Anyway the oday needs to get with program is the last quarter of the year and he definetly needs a better suite man

The reer baadiyo bixi needs to understand a suite has to choose you and hug your frame πŸ˜€
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Reformation of Somaliland
You know there's a presidential election coming in Somaliland November 13th...

So they're be a new administration in place next year.
When you sometimes watch Musa bixi speaks you can tell he just got out of a jaad house still tripping with fkd mindset and you can definitely tell his reer baadiyo way of rocking a suite , @Vito Rizutto @Dharbaaxo Jin @ZodiaK we dont want apology laakin tell Musa bixi to see suite specialist and get his measurements befor buying any blazers or jackets
Waxaan wa ceeb walalayaal
Musa bixi is our Obama, no one is more charismatic than him

