Muuse Bixi respond to HSM


I am not Isaaq first of all...and FYI Somaliland has different qabiil it is not only for isaaq..people move everywhere there are Yemeni and Syrians in somaliland how is that big deal and do we even have statistics of how many somalilanders move there ? What stupid thing to say
I mentioned Isaaq because in theory they’d be the last people to move to Xamar in the SL republic given the history and them having the biggest stake in SL. Harti already are in Xamar.

Also again, calm down. You seem to have high blood pressure given all these insults out of nowhere.

There’s money to be made in Xamar hence projects like these.

Sure security needs to improve and Shabaab defeated in shabellaha completely to set it free completely but it’s already surpassed Hargiesa economically


Pointing out a reality is not using it as leverage. My response to HSM comments would not have been the same as Muuse Biixi's, I would've focused on emphasising SL's actual independence and the progress we've made.

Having said that, SL has zero leverage because of AS's presence in Somalia, as SL's case for independence has absolutely nothing to do with the state of security in SL. Remember SL declared independence when it was in as much chaos as Somalia was.

Our case for independence since 1991 has always been about regaining sovereignty and the ability to govern ourselves. That will not change one bit when hopefully Somalia becomes AS free and prospers. Therefore the overwhelming majority of people in SL, want nothing but peace, stability and development for Somalia.
I appreciate the sentiment but recognition is usually about who has more diplomatic muscle.

Somalia currently has very little if at all any. My point is a prosperous South can leverage its relationships with other countries to change policy on SL.

Say Somalia becomes the breadbasket for our gulf neighbours or we have 10s of billion in trade within EAC those countries won’t risk the relationship.

You can see how Farmaajo abused the khat policy to impact Kenyan politics. When bigger and more industries are shared we’ll see that on a much larger scale.
I appreciate the sentiment but recognition is usually about who has more diplomatic muscle.

Somalia currently has very little if at all any. My point is a prosperous South can leverage its relationships with other countries to change policy on SL.
That makes no sense. Somalia has all the leverage right now already in terms of recognition. Every nation in the IC supports Somalia and does not recognise SL. The only policy change they can ask of IC nations is to not engage with SL at all in things like development, healthcare & security, which would be purely xaasidnimo and would have nothing to do with recognition.

Somaliland's only case for recognition will be based on showing that it has what it takes to be an independent nation. It has achieved some of those things but not all. The only additional leverage SL can gain is through further development reducing poverty, more democracy and maintaining its peace and security amongst other things.

The idea that AS in Somalia is a leverage for SL is not based in reality and is only in the heads of some folks in Somalia.


That makes no sense. Somalia has all the leverage right now already in terms of recognition. Every nation in the IC supports Somalia and does not recognise SL.

Somaliland's only case for recognition will be based on showing that it has what it takes to be an independent nation. It has achieved some of those things but not all. The only additional leverage SL can gain is through further development reducing poverty, more democracy and maintaining its peace and security amongst other things.
If you notice Somalia cannot force SL to the table. So therefore it has no leverage other than for now SL is not recognised. Also SL strikes deals with a few countries without any FGS input.

Say a Somalia in ten years has defeated, has 70% of the Somali population therefore economically is a lot larger than SL and has developed close relationships with major powers it can attempt to leverage UN/US institutions to bring SL to the table to negotiate on a United Republic.
If you notice Somalia cannot force SL to the table. So therefore it has no leverage other than for now SL is not recognised. Also SL strikes deals with a few countries without any FGS input.

Say a Somalia in ten years has defeated, has 70% of the Somali population therefore economically is a lot larger than SL and has developed close relationships with major powers it can attempt to leverage UN/US institutions to bring SL to the table to negotiate on a United Republic.
SL has come to the table 3 times in the last 10 years and negotiated in good faith. Somalia has in every instance gone back on its words and commitment. That is not my opinion that is what most objective international observers have said. How is the UN/US going to change that?

If your aim is to "force" SL to the table and make it bend to your will, there is nothing the UN/US can do but support an invasion in SL. If you think that is the way to resolve the SL/Somalia situation than it would only reinforce why SL should remain independent.
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SL has come to the table 3 times in the last 10 years and negotiated in good faith. Somalia has in every instance gone back on its words and commitment. That is not my opinion that is what most objective international observers have. How is the UN/US going to change that?

If your aim is to "force" SL to the table and make it bend to your will, there is nothing the UN/US can do but support an invasion in SL. If you think that is the way to resolve the SL/Somalia situation than it would only re-inforce why SL should remain independent.
To the second no. To the first I’m unaware of that. But it’s too early for any legitimate talks imo given Somalia is a mess in terms of power sharing. Any guarantees made by one government will be dumped by the next.
Someone tell muse biihi ain't nobody got time for fdk. Somalia will never allow yall to go your way and that's not changing, even after hsm is gone. Iska ciisha kkkk
He looks like he is a guy starting a stand up career. With the way he holds the mic and apparently entertaining remarks, reminds me more of a senile version of Dave Chapel than a head of state.
Who tells the south that people from somaliland bear them ill will because i dont understand some of the vitriol towards us. We want you prosperous. It will stop our people being abused and second class citizens in every corner of the globe. Stop comparing nonsense who has the better city or the better government. One somalia or two as long we can be safe in both or one and build in each or one its the same to the everyone not in politics.
Who tells the south that people from somaliland bear them ill will because i dont understand some of the vitriol towards us. We want you prosperous. It will stop our people being abused and second class citizens in every corner of the globe. Stop comparing nonsense who has the better city or the better government. One somalia or two as long we can be safe in both or one and build in each or one its the same to the everyone not in politics.
Wise words, I think HSM speech was more aligned with your beautiful post than Muse Bixi comedy strip. HSM basically told SL they are free to seek development wherever SL gov wants, his government has no interest weaponising development projects.
When you sometimes watch Musa bixi speaks you can tell he just got out of a jaad house still tripping with fkd mindset and you can definitely tell his reer baadiyo way of rocking a suite , @Vito Rizutto @Dharbaaxo Jin @ZodiaK we dont want apology laakin tell Musa bixi to see suite specialist and get his measurements befor buying any blazers or jackets
Waxaan wa ceeb walalayaal
Wise words, I think HSM speech was more aligned with your beautiful post than Muse Bixi comedy strip. HSM basically told SL they are free to seek development wherever SL gov wants, his government has no interest weaponising development projects.
Your view is blighted by your highly biased perspective. HSM's statement was intended to be antagonistic, basically saying that SL is under his thump. There is a reason he chose to say this out of nowhere during a visit to the US. Muuse Biixi is a fighter by nature and responded in kind. You may not like what he said, but he was spitting facts.

Neither statement was good for any reconciliation anytime soon.
When you sometimes watch Musa bixi speaks you can tell he just got out of a jaad house still tripping with fkd mindset and you can definitely tell his reer baadiyo way of rocking a suite , @Vito Rizutto @Dharbaaxo Jin @ZodiaK we dont want apology laakin tell Musa bixi to see suite specialist and get his measurements befor buying any blazers or jackets
Waxaan wa ceeb walalayaal
Lol, no apology forthcoming saaxiib. Get used to reer Waaqooyi af-mishaarnimo.

HSM fired shots, the fighter in Mujaahid Biixi responded the only way he knows how.

You got a point about the suits though, man needs to fix up.
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Lol, no apology forthcoming saaxiib. Get used to reer Waaqooyi af-mishaarnimo.

HSM fired shots first, the fighter in Mujaahid Biixi responded the only way he knows how.

You got a point about the suits though, man needs to fix up.

Fair play my Somaliland brother