Muslim Defends Islam Across America

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1:55 in and already pulling a verse out his ass.

first of all, the verse he mentioned is not 22/41 but 22/40.
Secondly, that verse does not say that you should fight for the "The temples, the synagogue, the mosques and all the places of worship".

Before i give you exactly what it says, here is verse before it, and after it the verse he mentioned in the video.

Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. [22/39]

[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might. [22/40]

So this gives people who have been wronged because they were muslim the right to fight back. It doesn't say fight back for temples, synagogue and mosques lol.

In fact the reason he pulled out that verse was to prove that islam does not say fight the Christians, but here is two verses from the quran.

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." [8/11]

That is because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. [8/12]

Which does not only include Christians but anybody who opposes Allah and his messenger.

And lets not go into wife beating. This is only 2 mins in, and hes leing out of his ass.


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Profound waste of time. These ones with their cardboard signs aren't the ones shooting clubs up, and bombing marathons, that's for sure.


Heads high
Profound waste of time. These ones with their cardboard signs aren't the ones shooting clubs up, and bombing marathons, that's for sure.

They are the ones getting blamed for it though so these cardboard signs are sadly necessary.


They are the ones getting blamed for it though so these cardboard signs are sadly necessary.

Here you have the pacifistic, moderate, watered-down Kumbaya Muslim answering on behalf of the radical literalist. It makes no sense whatsoever, and it changes less. It doesn't, in any way, counteract or keep the terrorists' narrative from flourishing.
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Heads high
Here you have the pacifistic, moderate, watered-down Kumbaya Muslim answering on behalf of radical literalist. It makes no sense whatsoever, and it changes less.

:umwhat:What's with the y response?

Can't you atheists ever express yourselves without getting overly emotional :mjlol:
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No but I personally think Atheism is dumb as f*ck though.

No harm. I personally think religion is dumb as fxck, but then you've probably already gathered that.

P.S Sorry about that other thread. That person had me effed up, and I was in no kinda mood.
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Heads high
because you atheists can never claim 100% Atheist. It is simply illogical for someone to claim 100% without a doubt that there is no God but you are smart and you know how retarded it is to claim that so you invent terms such as "Agnostic Atheist" to escape the embarrassment.


because you atheists can never claim 100% Atheist. It is simply illogical for someone to claim 100% without a doubt that there is no God but you are smart and you know how retarded it is to claim that so you invent terms such as "Agnostic Atheist" to escape the embarrassment.

You misunderstand. Atheism makes no such claim. You're the one making the claim here. The two, atheism and agnosticism, aren't mutually exclusive.One has to do with belief, and the other with knowledge. I'm an agnostic atheist myself, actually.
because you atheists can never claim 100% Atheist. It is simply illogical for someone to claim 100% without a doubt that there is no God but you are smart and you know how retarded it is to claim that so you invent terms such as "Agnostic Atheist" to escape the embarrassment.

illogical. I like that you're the one who brings up that world. Religion is the absent of logic. Believing in a religion without a single proof to support that said is VERY logical. I don't believer in anything unless its provable or verifiable, how is that illogical?

Even if we can calculate it, that's enough for me.


Heads high
illogical. I like that you're the one who brings up that world. Religion is the absent of logic. Believing in a religion without a single proof to support that said is VERY logical. I don't believer in anything unless its provable or verifiable, how is that illogical?

Even if we can calculate it, that's enough for me.

ok fine religion is illogical whatever but are you 100% certain that there is no God? you can't prove that there is no God so why accept an ideology that has doubts?

You criticize believers for not having "proof" while you yourself have non for your beliefs. epic brain fart
I make no claims of knowing whether there is a god or not with absolute certainty. There might be, there might not be, i chose to believe that there is not. God is a concept we humans invented. Its not something that was always there, and we found it. We made up the concept of god, based on thing we didn't understand yet.

The burden of proof leis on the one making the claim. So when you prove to me that god exists i will believe, until then i don't. Otherwise i would have to believe in everything anybody claims, since there is a possibility that they might be right.

Google 'Russell's teapot'.

You criticize believers for not having "proof" while you yourself have non for your beliefs. epic brain fart

What beliefs is this? I just told you in the last message that i don't believe in anything unless its provable, verifiable... I don't believe in anything just because its unfalsifiable. The existence of a god is unfalsifiable, a floating teapot on the other side of the universe is unfalsifiable. Doesn't mean i should believe in them, or even entertain the idea that they might exists. Because again, we made them up.

I can make up a concept that's just as unfalsifiable as 'god' would you believe in it? Would you believe it existed?
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