mother is pissed after she sees pic of her son on leash in prison

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Wallahi they did my nigga tyrone dirty in xabsi :mjlaugh: seriously Why do madows do things like that to eachother. Its kinda fucked up. But what would you do if you see your son like that

Xabsi is hell on earth. People get raped, beaten and endure all kinds of abuse. That guy either did some sexual crime or is an opp. Either way its sad for him

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
They do but some get caught lacking. I remember maybe a year ago i seen a video of a somali getting cornered by madow opps in prison. They fucked him up wallahi:snoop:
yeah i saw that vid. But that is skore breezy gang that beat up the somali kid and skore breezy is somali