Mogadishu government claims $20 million stake in Garacad Port


The land sold is worth no more than 4-5 million dollars. Damul Jadiid are a bunch of crooks.
If you aren’t careful HSM might just drop 10,000 SNA on Dhinowda Galmudug and a short drive to Garacad. Get lost like those Russians in Crimeria 😂

For sure tho on a serious note, this is very interesting just as HSM is rumoured to meet Cumar Maxmuud in Galkayo.

HSM is right to call out PL for breaking the constitution. Surely you agree as PLers who bang on about that thing


Cadcads left. They lived in the original Mogadishu which is called Shangani. Their properties are being squatted. Watch this video called Sorry Shangaani 😭

squatted? the people that mostly live there are cadcad, and they are bigger then before, man said they left 🤣
This Hutu government is so shameless :pachah1:
Whenever they want something that belongs to other people, first they'll invent false story, then they make a claim. It is Hutu tactic 101.
Maybe I should stop being anti Madowweyne temporarily and join my fellow Daroods in their crusade to use Madows as cannon fodder as Hutus.


even in the video at the end the little kids playing you can tell are cadcad. Also gibil madow outnumber gibil cad in shangaani anyways. The houses he even posted aren’t squatted on they are borderline crumbling. The owners are abroad and refuse to sell it or rebuild it
every clan build there on shit not my fault cadcad are incompetent to build there own stuff


Bantu Liberation Movement
even in the video at the end the little kids playing you can tell are cadcad. Also gibil madow have always outnumbered gibil cad in shangaani anyways so those dark looking folks are still Banadiri. The houses he even posted aren’t squatted on they are borderline crumbling. The owners are abroad and refuse to sell it or rebuild it. This is why you shouldn’t speak on anything you have no knowledge of

Gibil madow are just squatters reinventing themselves as cadcad adjacent.


you guys are so dumb who told you sell the military camps when it belongs to the government :drakekidding:
PL are the biggest hypocrites. They’ve been exposed.

The same people who say the constitution should be followed don’t even follow the bits they agreed to sign like article 43 which is clear federal government owns military bases.

This is why no one is taking them serious when they accuse HSM of breaking the constitution with the soon to be new constitution
:icon lol: If you aren’t careful HSM might just drop 10,000 SNA on Dhinowda Galmudug and a short drive to Garacad. Get lost like those Russians in Crimeria 😂

For sure tho on a serious note, this is very interesting just as HSM is rumoured to meet Cumar Maxmuud in Galkayo.

HSM is right to call out PL for breaking the constitution. Surely you agree as PLers who bang on about that thing
Hadii Garacad la wada leeyahay hooyadaana wan wada leenahay.:icon lol:

The UAE is pressuring both Deni and Garguurte to hold talks. This is just political posturing by Damul Jadiid and it will amount to nothing. I can't even comprehend how they came up with the 20 million estimation. This is not a serious government.


Puntland doesn't know how the law works, sucks for them tho:russ:

there is no such thing as unakaleh in the world of politics

the law is the law


Hadii Garacad la wada leeyahay hooyadaana wan wada leenahay.:icon lol:

The UAE is pressuring both Deni and Garguurte to hold talks. This is just political postering by Damul Jadiid and it will amount to nothing. I can't even comprehend how they came up with the 20 million estimation. This is not a serious government.
You are quite clueless I’ve realised. There was a time I assumed you might be itk. UAE are doing no such thing as pressuring HSM, they’ve just released the purse for this military op (HSM is handing out millions to clans who provide macawiisley) while cutting funds to Deni it looks like with PL unable to pay salaries. UAE is acting as the airforce too and the 15k troops are funded by them. Where’s the pressure on HSM? He’s even refused to meet Deni till Deni comes to him ‘shuruud la aan’.

Deni is the one who’s been called to UAE and forced to meet HSM. If he ends up buckling and signing HSM’s constitution and election plans (which are a FGS massive power grab), HSM is dying in villa Somalia like Omar Geelle with some fake 1m1v election in 2026.

HSM can offer some political bribes to Deni but not anything major like his own PM pick.

Let’s see if Deni survives UAE pressure given he’s massively reliant on them.


What law is that sxb? What can the Amisom gov do about it?

Dhamaan Dasaatiirta Dowladaha Caalamka u dagsan waxay ka simanyihiin in Milkiyada Dhulka ay Leedahay Dowlada!

Dastuurkeena Qodobkiisa 43aad ayaa qeexaya in Dhulka uu yahay Kheyraadka Koowaad ee Soomaaliya iyo Saldhiga Nolol Maalmeed Dadweynaha ka dhaxeeya.

Dhulka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaa masuul ka ah Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayada oo ammaano ahaan ugu haynaysa dadka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed, Iyadoo ilaalineysa danta gaar ahaaneed iyo danta guud, kana shaqeynaysa kobcinta iyo horumarinta kheyraadka dhulka iyo sidii jiilasha hada jira iyo Jiilka dambe ugu manafacaadi lahaayeen kheyraadka dhulka .

Sidaa daraadeed Dadkeena ha u fahmaan ama dhul ha ahaado ama kaabe dhaqaale ama Deked dhamaan waa hanti umadeed waxaana masuul ka ah Dowlada JFS.


Bantu Liberation Movement
you guys are so dumb who told you sell the military camps when it belongs to the government :drakekidding:
As all government properties in Puntland, it was inherited by the Puntland government. Hawiye failed to build Hobyo port and are pocket watching. I am happy to see your failure. You are a shameless people.



Sound mind sound body
Seems FGS and Galmudug trying to stake ownership of north mudug again. Weird timing with the potential Deni HSM meeting and thousands of troops in Galmdudug.
Why are they claiming a stake in Garaacad port instead of asking for compensation? And where did this 20 million figure come from?

They're coming off as opportunist given how the value of Garaacad port has massively increased ever since the construction began along with having what seems to be ulterior motive.