Ministry of Fisheries & Blue Economy Issues Warning to Foreign Fishing Vessels


Isniin, April, 8, 2024 (HOL) - Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga ee dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa digniin u dirtay dhammaan shirkadaha kalluumeysiga & milkiilayaasha maraakiibta, iyadoo ku amartay in ay u hoggaansamaan shuruucda ku xusan sharciga kalluumeysiga federaalka Soomaaliya.

Wasaaradda kalluumaysiga waxay ku sheegtay qoraal rasmi ah oo ay soo saartay in ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonto ciddii u hoggaansami weyda sharciga kalluumeysiga federaalka Soomaaliya.

“Iyadoo la raacayo qodobka 31-aad, jebinta xeerkan waxay keeni kartaa ganaax, xarig, la wareegida kalluunkii la qaatay iyo in lala wareego qalabka loo isticmaalo jariimada,” ayaa lagu yiri qoraal kasoo baxay wasaaradda.

Wasaaraddu waxay ku boorisay dhammaan shirkadaha kalluumaysiga iyo mulkiilayaasha maraakiibta inay si adag u dhawraan xeerarka ku xusan sharciga kalluumaysiga.

Maraakiib badan oo jarriif ah ayaa si sharci darro ah uga kalluumaysta xeebaha Soomaaliya.

Dhawaan dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa siidaysay kalluumayste ajaanib ah oo kasoo jeeda dalka Iiraan, kuwaas oo lagu qabtay iyagoo kalluumaysi sharci darro ah ka waday xeebaha dalka.

Maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir ayaa kalluumayste ku xukuntay xabsiyo dhaadheer iyo ganaax lacageed, hase ahaatee is afgarad dhexmaray Soomaaliya iyo Iiran ayaa keentay in lasii daayo kalluumaysatadaan.

ministry of farts and moryaans. Literllay 80-100 educated men are enough to run the entire government in south, moryaans give each other too many jobs.

Stop giving warnings and get cheap drones tied to grenades/detachable mortars send them as swarms and geo locate any non somali fishing vessel and bomb it ride out on small boats and behead any fishermen who fall inthe water then get some sea cones like below and tie their bodies to it with a warning label "This is you if you fish here" written in many languages . In 1 month it will go down by 90 %. US and its "humanitarian" donkeys will complain but ignore them and push on. Any Hindu and iranian navy ship that comes as well will be hit by drones.



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
realistically their is nothing fgs can do I doubt any illegal fishing vessels will take heed


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
there is a lot they can do, they just choose not to
What exactly can they do?
The fgs is greedy and loves money I doubt they would watch their blue economy and money being eaten by foreigners if they could do anything this is just simply getting xooged
What exactly can they do?
The fgs is greedy and loves money I doubt they would watch their blue economy and money being eaten by foreigners if they could do anything this is just simply getting xooged
pl with a smaller economy and military has its own fleet of small patrol boats fitted with machine guns that it uses to patrol and police its waters, do you really believe fgs with international financial and military backing is incapable of setting up something similar if they wanted to?


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