Men in India burning their underwear at HYPOTHETICAL Marital Rape Laws

I think I was looking up information about the Ogaden War. Cuba was definitely bad guys but... I was kind of amazed that a Latin country managed to fight a war all the way in horn of Africa. but I also felt bad that the Cubans were the bad guys. anyways, though, I wanted to learn about the Ogaden war and I think that was how I came across the site.

and I had an overnight job where I needed to stay awake so I'd post to help myself stay up. that's what I remember. it was a long time ago when I joined.

I think there are some ppl who push questionable stuff religion-wise but... unfortunately I think that's every social media platform tbh. it is what it is.
r u cuban?

That hadith is probably pertaining the highest leadership roles, such as the Imam or the Caliph of the Caliphates.

Because during the Prophet SAW's time, women were in leadership. And during Umar RA's time, Samrah bint Nuhaik was the chief supervisor of the marketplace, and he gave her powers to carry out her role. It is said that ‘She would patrol the market while enjoining good and forbidding evil. She would discipline people with a whip that she had with her.’ [al Isti’ab fi Asma al Ashab]

It is scary to me, that someone with your outlook, can have daughters one day. Imagine that miskeenad, coming home, with high grades, and her daddy, YOU, tells her, that she should aim lower, and not go for the leadership roles in school, and in her career.

This is precisely why women don't like men with your opinions, no woman in her right mind, wants a father or husband with these opinions.

I pray that Allah protects women from YOU.
Seems like a straight forward quote to me. :manny:
For my sisters and brothers, here are some stories to counter the deranged efforts to disenfranchise women and try to spread an ugly image of Islam.

Have you ever heard of Shifaa bint Abdullah? The strong intelligent woman who Umar (R) appointed as a policewoman of the entire marketplace in Madinah. She walked around with her stick, keeping the peace and reprimanding those who were violating the business transaction laws of the Shariah. Imagine that. A woman who was so knowledgeable of the Shariah, that she was chosen from all the other Sahaba to police both men and women. In fact, when Umar (R) decided to appoint another police for the Makkan marketplace, another woman, Samra’ bint Nuhayk was chosen as the most suitable for the job. These women were looked at based upon their qualifications, their knowledge of the Shariah - not their gender.

Have you ever heard of Nusayba bint Ka'ab? The female warrior who courageously defended the Prophet (S) in several battles. The one whom the Prophet (S) said about her at Uhud, "Whenever I looked to the right or left, I saw her fighting in front of me." The one whom the Prophet (S) asked, "From where can anyone get courage like you, O Umm Umarah (her nickname)?"

Have you ever heard of Rufayda bint Sa'ad? Also known as Rufayda al-Aslamiyyah, who was the first female nurse in Islamic history. The Prophet (S) ordered the wounded and dying to be sent specifically to her tent during battles. Learning medical knowledge from her father, she became an expert in the medical field, and began training other women companions to become nurses as well. She was known as a kind, empathetic healer, as well as a compassionate social worker who took care of orphans, the handicapped and the poor.

Have you ever heard of Um Mihjaan? The cleaner of the masjid, who beautified and maintained the Prophet (S)'s blessed mosque. The one whom the Prophet (S) was upset when she passed away, because nobody had informed him of it. "Why did you not inform me?'' he asked his companions. He then asked to see her grave, and prayed his own individual Salat ul Janaazah over her. Isn't it amazing that a woman was entrusted to take care of the masjid of Rasulallah (S), yet today several Muslim societies won't even let women into the masjid?

Have you ever heard of Umm Sa'd Jamilah bint As'ad Ansariyyah? A noble teacher of Islam. It is reported that Dawud ibn Husayn, a companion of the Prophet (S), used to take Qur'anic lessons from her. According to ibn Athir, Umm Sa'd had memorized the Qur'an and used to give regular lessons.

Have you ever heard of the female companion who owned her own farm? She employed many men to work under her, she was their boss, and they tended to her crops.

Have you ever heard that many female companions were businesswomen? Like the wife of Abdullah ibn Masud, who was the main breadwinner of her family, making handicrafts by her own hand and selling her goods in the marketplace.

Have you heard that Aisha bint Abu Bakr was actually considered a "Muftiyah" meaning a female Mufti? Did you know that title could even exist for women? Men and women would come from all over the Islamic world to consult her about the Shariah, and she would perform ijtihad and issue fatawa. There are several times where she even corrected the fatawa of other sahaba, since she was privy to a lot of ahadith that others had not heard because of her close relationship with the Prophet (S).

Have you ever heard of Umm al-Darda? A prominent female scholar and jurist of Islam in the 7th century who would teach her lessons in the male section of the masjid. Her class was attended by men and women, Imams, jurists, and Hadith scholars.

Have you ever heard of the numerous women scholars who played a pivotal role in the lives of many of the ulama we look up to? The female scholar Nafisa bint al-Hasan taught hadith to Imam ash-Shafi'i.

Ibn Hajar mentioned that he studied under 53 women scholars. Ibn Asakir al-Dimashqi took hadith from 80 female narrators of hadith.

Have you ever heard of Fatima al-Fihri? The educated Muslim woman who founded the world's very first university, The University of al-Qarawiyyin, which still stands today as one of the most prominent institutions of Islamic learning.

These are just a few of the hidden female figures of our Islamic history. Women who exercised the rights that Islam had granted her, untainted by the patriarchy and cultures that stifle women today.

Learn about their names. Share their names. Rewrite their names into the books of history.

That hadith is probably pertaining the highest leadership roles, such as the Imam or the Caliph of the Caliphates.

Because during the Prophet SAW's time, women were in leadership. And during Umar RA's time, Samrah bint Nuhaik was the chief supervisor of the marketplace, and he gave her powers to carry out her role. It is said that ‘She would patrol the market while enjoining good and forbidding evil. She would discipline people with a whip that she had with her.’ [al Isti’ab fi Asma al Ashab]

It is scary to me, that someone with your outlook, can have daughters one day. Imagine that miskeenad, coming home, with high grades, and her daddy, YOU, tells her, that she should aim lower, and not go for the leadership roles in school, and in her career.

This is precisely why women don't like men with your opinions, no woman in her right mind, wants a father or husband with these opinions.

I pray that Allah protects women from YOU.
Marketplace patrol is not the same as national leadership to be fair. Also, I just taking the quote for what it says. The Rasul SAW was very articulate if he meant it the way you said then it would have said that way.
Marketplace patrol is not the same as national leadership to be fair. Also, I just taking the quote for what it says. The Rasul SAW was very articulate if he meant it the way you said then it would have said that way.

The only 'leadership' that women shouldn't do, if that hadith is saxiix, is to be the caliph of the Ummah. And no woman, has ever expressed wanting that role, and aren't you so very lucky, that the next leaders of the Muslims, will be Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa AS?

So fret not, no scary lady, to keep you awake at night.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
Marketplace patrol is not the same as national leadership to be fair. Also, I just taking the quote for what it says. The Rasul SAW was very articulate if he meant it the way you said then it would have said that way.

Why ignore Queen Bilqis (Queen of Sheba) who led her entire nation to the path of God by converting to the faith of prophet Sulayman (pbuh), after worshipping the Sun for centuries? She is described as a very competent ruler of a prosperous kingdom.
The only 'leadership' that women shouldn't do, if that hadith is saxiix, is to be the caliph of the Ummah. And no woman, has ever expressed wanting that role, and aren't you so very lucky, that the next leaders of the Muslims, will be Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa AS?

So fret not, no scary lady, to keep you awake at night.
'No people will ever prosper who entrust their leadership to a woman.'"

Just look at this quote here it's not leaving a lot of room for interpretation. It is very clear and concise. I'd prefer to prosper so I am against women's leadership.

The only 'leadership' that women shouldn't do, if that hadith is saxiix, is to be the caliph of the Ummah. And no woman, has ever expressed wanting that role, and aren't you so very lucky, that the next leaders of the Muslims, will be Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa AS?

So fret not, no scary lady, to keep you awake at night.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Degenerate behaviors, and in india Theres such a huge shame culture regarding divorce so for many thats not even an option. Hinduism is the worst


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
nvm found it
r/EXHINDU - a screenshot of a book

:farmajoyaab: :yacadiim: :ayaanswag:
Gonna drop this on any indian who tries calling islam backwards
'No people will ever prosper who entrust their leadership to a woman.'"

Just at this quote here it's not leaving a lot of room for interpretation. It is very clear and concise. I'd prefer to prosper so I am against women's leadership.


Thankfully, nobody is going to consult Yusuf of SomaliSpot, about whether they should apply for a role, or lead their own company.

Do you even let your wife, Allah bless her soul for being stuck with you, even lead the private sphere, aka your household? Or do you micromanage her every move?


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I think I was looking up information about the Ogaden War. Cuba was definitely bad guys but... I was kind of amazed that a Latin country managed to fight a war all the way in horn of Africa. but I also felt bad that the Cubans were the bad guys. anyways, though, I wanted to learn about the Ogaden war and I think that was how I came across the site.

and I had an overnight job where I needed to stay awake so I'd post to help myself stay up. that's what I remember. it was a long time ago when I joined.

I think there are some ppl who push questionable stuff religion-wise but... unfortunately I think that's every social media platform tbh. it is what it is.
Cuban will be paying a hefty fine under my regime, I will put them through 50 years of shame just as they did to us. Their direct IRRELEVANT INVOLVEMENT IN THE WAR LED TO MANY ATTORCITIES AND DIRECTLY LED TO THE FALL OF SOMALIA.

Thankfully, nobody is going to consult Yusuf of SomaliSpot, about whether they should apply for a role, or lead their own company.

Do you even let your wife, Allah bless her soul for being stuck with you, even lead the private sphere, aka your household? Or do you micromanage her every move?
Well, we are not at the stage where we live together since I'm still working on her citizenship. I suppose she can manage our house in the future.


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