Men in India burning their underwear at HYPOTHETICAL Marital Rape Laws

Rapists, misogynists, they're all part of the same weak male tribe. If women can't get raped and beaten anymore, how on earth will they get their daily narc fix. Who will they take their aggression out on? Another man? God forbid. A boxing bag? Not human or feminine enough.

You know how Cadaan men, hate the thought of removing Cadaan privilege? There are a lot of men, who hate feminism, only because they're afraid that they will lose their privilege, and that the world will see how mediocre they are.

You'd think that men like to compete with other men, right? A lot of them simply cannot, which is why they like to flex on women. So, if you tell men, that women are coming for equal pay, and want jobs that give them power, it makes them quake in fear. A woman with discernment, can sniff out this insecurity and weakness, which is why they also love to seek out little girls, who may be less equipped in spotting these weaknesses. But one day, those little girls, will also grow up, and see that they married a weakling. Even worse, their children will see through them. And that's what scares them the most; being seen for what they are, laughed at, ridiculed, and being held accountable for their actions.

Margaret Atwood β€” 'Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.'

  1. Rights as Mothers:
    • Islam emphasizes honoring and respecting mothers.
    • Pleasing one's mother is considered part of pleasing Allah.
    • Paradise is said to be at the feet of mothers.
    • Disobeying or disrespecting mothers is forbidden.
  2. Rights as Wives:
    • Husbands are urged to treat their wives with kindness and fairness.
    • Wives have rights over their husbands, including financial consent.
    • The best Muslim men are those who treat their wives well.
  3. Rights as Daughters:
    • Raising and educating daughters is encouraged.
    • Rewards are promised for raising and supporting daughters.
    • Patience and care towards daughters are highly valued.
  4. Rights as Sisters and Aunts:
    • Upholding ties of kinship, including with sisters and aunts, is enjoined.
    • Kindness and support towards relatives are rewarded.
  5. General Rights:
    • Women have rights equal to men in most aspects of life.
    • They have the right to express themselves, give advice, and call people to Allah.
    • Women have property rights, including inheritance, ownership, and financial independence.
    • They have the right to a decent life, education, and protection from aggression.
    • It's forbidden to take a woman's wealth without her consent.
    • Women's rights are compared favorably to historical and contemporary practices in other civilizations.

Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.1 And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ΛΉfirstΛΊ, ΛΉif they persist,ΛΊ do not share their beds, ΛΉbut if they still persist,ΛΊ then discipline them ΛΉgentlyΛΊ.2 But if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great. (4:34 Surah Nisa)
  1. Rights as Mothers:
    • Islam emphasizes honoring and respecting mothers.
    • Pleasing one's mother is considered part of pleasing Allah.
    • Paradise is said to be at the feet of mothers.
    • Disobeying or disrespecting mothers is forbidden.
  2. Rights as Wives:
    • Husbands are urged to treat their wives with kindness and fairness.
    • Wives have rights over their husbands, including financial consent.
    • The best Muslim men are those who treat their wives well.
  3. Rights as Daughters:
    • Raising and educating daughters is encouraged.
    • Rewards are promised for raising and supporting daughters.
    • Patience and care towards daughters are highly valued.
  4. Rights as Sisters and Aunts:
    • Upholding ties of kinship, including with sisters and aunts, is enjoined.
    • Kindness and support towards relatives are rewarded.
  5. General Rights:
    • Women have rights equal to men in most aspects of life.
    • They have the right to express themselves, give advice, and call people to Allah.
    • Women have property rights, including inheritance, ownership, and financial independence.
    • They have the right to a decent life, education, and protection from aggression.
    • It's forbidden to take a woman's wealth without her consent.
    • Women's rights are compared favorably to historical and contemporary practices in other civilizations.

Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.1 And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ΛΉfirstΛΊ, ΛΉif they persist,ΛΊ do not share their beds, ΛΉbut if they still persist,ΛΊ then discipline them ΛΉgentlyΛΊ.2 But if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great. (4:34 Surah Nisa)

What's your problem with feminism then? Is it economic equality? What is it?
I don't get why letting women have the right to live normal safe lives has you man stressed out.

Let me tell you something, a man with basic empathy and respect for women, will have access to high quality women. There is a silver lining in seeing these kind of men, they actually think they are your 'competition' in the singles market. :mjlol:
They can't pull women normally so they have to resort to keeping women in cages, we need to call it what it is.
Women in leadership roles. NGOs have an agenda to expand upon women right's outside of an Islamic context.



Don't dare ascribe your own issues with women onto Islam.

1. Khadijah AS was a wealthy businesswoman, who lead her own business and hired employees, including the Prophet SAW, before they got married. She was also his main advisor, along with her cousin, Waraqah.
2. Aisha, AS lead an army in the battle of the camel, and was a leader and authority on islamic knowledge etc.
They can't pull women normally so they have to resort to keeping women in cages, we need to call it what it is.

Exactly, insecure, deficient, and weak males, can't get women, unless women are virtually enslaved. They claim to be Muslims, and they claim to love the Prophet SAW, but would never be as confident to marry a wealthier, and older woman, because it would make them die of insecurity.

I can't wait for the day, that all women are financially free, so that these kind of males don't get the opportunity to touch a woman, let alone spread their genes.
dont you guys get tired of this...
I don't enjoy the gender debates on this forum either, but it's necessary for the misinformation spread by the young budding misogynist users to be combatted.

Not you, little bro, but if these harmful ideas aren't combatted on what's meant to be a discussion forum, then what's the point?
They think that treating a woman with respect and kindness is the same as her stepping all over him :mjlaugh:

What annoys me, is that they are usually too cowardly to voice their demented opinions in real life, and they wait until they trap a woman in marriage, before showing who they really are. But then again, if they were brave, they wouldn't be insecure about women having rights to begin with.
I don't think I said anything too crazy.

You said that you don't want women in leadership roles. How is that not crazy?

Was Khadijah AS, not the leader of her company? Was Aisha AS, not a leader in Islamic knowledge, and at one point, a military leader? Not to mention the other women, who took up dominant roles during the time of the Prophet AS.
You said that you don't want women in leadership roles. How is that not crazy?

Was Khadijah AS, not the leader of her company? Was Aisha AS, not a leader in Islamic knowledge, and at one point, a military leader? Not to mention the other women, who took up dominant roles during the time of the Prophet AS.
Allah protected me with something that I heard from the Messenger of Allah [SAW]. When Chosroes died, he said: 'Whom have they appointed as his successor?' They said: 'His daughter.' He said: 'No people will ever prosper who entrust their leadership to a woman.'"
- Vol. 6, Book 49, Hadith 5390

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Allah protected me with something that I heard from the Messenger of Allah [SAW]. When Chosroes died, he said: 'Whom have they appointed as his successor?' They said: 'His daughter.' He said: 'No people will ever prosper who entrust their leadership to a woman.'"
- Vol. 6, Book 49, Hadith 5390

Grade:Sahih (Darussalam)


That hadith is probably pertaining the highest leadership roles, such as the Imam or the Caliph of the Caliphates.

Because during the Prophet SAW's time, women were in leadership. And during Umar RA's time, Samrah bint Nuhaik was the chief supervisor of the marketplace, and he gave her powers to carry out her role. It is said that β€˜She would patrol the market while enjoining good and forbidding evil. She would discipline people with a whip that she had with her.’ [al Isti’ab fi Asma al Ashab]

It is scary to me, that someone with your outlook, can have daughters one day. Imagine that miskeenad, coming home, with high grades, and her daddy, YOU, tells her, that she should aim lower, and not go for the leadership roles in school, and in her career.

This is precisely why women don't like men with your opinions, no woman in her right mind, wants a father or husband with these opinions.

I pray that Allah protects women from YOU.

