Massive explosions and gunmen storm Hotel Hayat Mogadishu hotel raided!

Aun to the innocent civilians .
Hsm should say f*ck this "somali heshiis ah "
And start purging fahad and farmajo remnants.
Filish ,qaroole , xijaar , ali jiiko must all be removed asap add bixi ,general odawa and nisa head mahad to the list too , man disappointed me runti .
So you're solution is what?

Remove all the security heads and replace them with tribal lackies and thus causing more division in Somalia?

Reactionaries like you need to understand the heart of the matter. These attacks occur due to a lack of meritocracy and uneducated ruffians attempting to lead the country.
These terrorist are the scum of the earth. They see Somalis as gaalo and do not fight with habashi or Ugandians or other gaalo

they are pure evil. When they recently attacked Ogadeniya border they mined the area. They do same thing to Jubbaland Ogaden areas which is like 90% of Jubbaland

villa Somalia needs to wipe this out. If Liyu DDS army could karbash them in 2 days imagine when villa Somalia can do with thousands of men trained in Turkey and billions in aid they get every few years

villa Somalia does not want to defeat these guys. Farmajo and fahad Yasmin armed and funded them and made them stronger

but also the ones doing the attacks are Hawiye so Hawiye does not want to deal with this sad reality of confronting clans men

they all know each other. If your brother is evil. Report him to the state
It has been 40 hours and the so called President of Somalia has said NOTHING about this horrendous attack.

Meanwhile, he was quick to mourn with Japanese.
Ppl need to lose their jobs, every time a fiasco of this magnitude happens. Find the guys holding the checkpoints. Fine them, fire them and cut one of their hands if they took a bribe.

Make both Police chiefs resign since they are obviously incompetent for letting this happen. Security related ministers should be grilled by the parliament's security commitee on live tv. Make PM, Mayor and President hold press conference that breaks down how the f*ck this was allowed to happen.

There won't be change if ppl don't fear losing their jobs/financial wealth/face/freedom when they let cars past the checkpoints unsearched.
Ppl need to lose their jobs, every time a fiasco of this magnitude happens. Find the guys holding the checkpoints. Fine them, fire them and cut one of their hands if they took a bribe.

Make both Police chiefs resign since they are obviously incompetent for letting this happen. Security related ministers should be grilled by the parliament's security commitee on live tv. Make PM, Mayor and President hold press conference that breaks down how the f*ck this was allowed to happen.

There won't be change if ppl don't fear losing their jobs/financial wealth/face/freedom when they let cars past the checkpoints unsearched.
You know its not gonna happen

same story 30 years
One call from @Dharbaaxo Jin and anyone in Las Anod who is rocking the blue flag even in their private bed chambers will be arrested.

I think they(booli qaran diaspora) have given up on their lands and are now hellbent on making us accept them in Xamar.

Free yourself from Al-Shabaab first that is besieging you in your hotels. The next thing you should do is to remove the AMISOM abusing you as well. When you emancipate yourself from those overlords of yours, then we'll talk.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Will anyone tell me why someone would take up arms and kill so many people in a hotel? I still can’t understand why this happens