Massacre of Somali army at Cawsweyn

First of all Sharifka is an MP nowadays and his jufo lost significant number of boys aun in this mess. Some are unaccounted for.
Let us think of them as the National army.
The ministry of Defence and Nisa are responsible for this. They command a gor gor batallion lead by guy called Madowe. Anybody who has been following politics knows this duli name, hes reported dead I believe. He was Nisa and later on moved to Army. Mahad Salad kept this guy in a job or got him killed who knows
If you actually consider this incident along with Terra's earlier report, it has the hallmarks of an intended sabotage.
Sharifka waa ku saxanyahay inu yirahdo hala baaro arintaan, sarbeeb Shuute loo diray waye cidi fahmikarto
Sh Sharif is being the adult in the room, a voice of reason, a well needed check and balance.
First of all Sharifka is an MP nowadays and his jufo lost significant number of boys aun in this mess. Some are unaccounted for.

The ministry of Defence and Nisa are responsible for this. They command a gor gor batallion lead by guy called Madowe. Anybody who has been following politics knows this duli name, hes reported dead I believe. He was Nisa and later on moved to Army. Mahad Salad kept this guy in a job or got him killed who knows

With the Gor Gor battalion is 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab lead by Shaahma cabe.

Waceysle Macawiisleey who wanted to go to cosweyne were held back by mahad salaad this 100% confirmed as well as not supplying enough fuel to 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab and clearly gor gor also as good number of those vehicles were left behind due to lack of fuel. I mentioned his meddling in ministry of defence a couple of months ago. Funny he can do all this to HSM peoples front and not the others commanded by SNA chief General Ibrahim Sheikh and US/Danab. All the progress has come from the southern front.

Where are all those HG macawiisleey? All for show like I thought.

Sharifka waa ku saxanyahay inu yirahdo hala baaro arintaan, sarbeeb Shuute loo diray waye cidi fahmikarto

Shareefka knows what I know. Mahad Salad is the biggest shabaab. I have said this countless of times. His job is to eliminate Somalis from the face of the earth just like other Shabaab members. HSM is held hostage just like how Farmaajo was held hostage by Fahad Yasin.
11 nin Cayr oo 4 Habar Aji yihiin baa ku maqan meesha aad ka hadleysan akhyaarey. Xifaal tanka maad naga deysan
11 nin Cayr oo 4 Habar Aji yihiin baa ku maqan meesha aad ka hadleysan akhyaarey. Xifaal tanka maad naga deysan

Ceyr has nothing to do with Shabaab. Shabaab has no qabiil. Mahad Salad will kill anyone and I am starting to believe HSM is with all this. Waceysla got killed but that doesn’t mean HSM is innocent. As the president he should have known who Mahad is by now. They all crooks who are in it for the money.


Shareefka knows what I know. Mahad Salad is the biggest shabaab. I have said this countless of times. His job is to eliminate Somalis from the face of the earth just like other Shabaab members. HSM is held hostage just like how Farmaajo was held hostage by Fahad Yasin.
I don't think he is being held hostage lol but Mahad Salaad intention are not pure sxb. He can be sacked today and nothing will happen. He is nowhere near at the level of control that Fahad Yasiin had lol That man was actually shabab and handpicked most of the govt himself. I won't call mahad shabab but he'll kill off opposition

This guy is Cayr , indhacadde aka ordaaye qof aan aheen maa u dagaalemeeso ? Xamar aa laga hadlooyaa

I've never liked HSM as a politician but he will get rid if he feels like it. Mahad will be sacked before the elections for sure.
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HSM may actually be serious about defeating al shabaab but his fear of what may happen to him by going against MS is greater than that.

that hotel bombing of the MPs planning impeachment had MS hand in it to aswell as many other massacres and military looting. Fahad Yasin gave a interview warning against putting this guy in any position and HSM still did it. He’s just as guilty.



Gor Gor structure has to be changed. All those vehicles are gor gor. The turks play no part in strategy clearly

You're talking about an individuel @Step a side my bad. Lkn @Jungle making it seem like we're there for igu sawir when we got fam war kooda la heyn. Are they dead or alive? We dont know.
I was talking about the macawiisleey doing igu sawir in nearly every district in Galgaduud. Tiro badnaa oo tayo yaraa. Maxee qabteen? Southern front from Ceel Dheer, Ceel Cali Axmed and Maxaas has been gaining ground fast.

If they're part of Gor Gor waa shahiideen aun
Ceyr has nothing to do with Shabaab. Shabaab has no qabiil. Mahad Salad will kill anyone and I am starting to believe HSM is with all this. Waceysla got killed but that doesn’t mean HSM is innocent. As the president he should have known who Mahad is by now. They all crooks who are in it for the money.
Shabaab has qabil and mururusade is one of them.


Tusaale ha idin noqoto, dhimashada wiilasheeyna waa ku farxaan faqashta. Dhamaantooda ma ahan laakin badankooda waa la dhihikara.
Very happy to hear Xassan Shaiks army suffered a lot both my enemies was destroyed the same day. Too bad any of Xassans troops managed to escape...

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Very happy to hear Xassan Shaiks army suffered a lot both my enemies was destroyed the same day. Too bad any of Xassans troops managed to escape...
You fucking terrorist farastini wasn’t your capital getting shelled for 7 months straight? Are the shacab who fled for their lives back home after you finally broke out of 14 years of adoonsi or are they still living in refugee camps in Ethiopia?

