Massacre of Somali army at Cawsweyn

Google translation.

First of all, may God have mercy on the heroes who were martyred today in Cowsweyne, they were really heroes that there is nothing to compare to, and you can understand that from how each man died in the fortress he was fighting. The attack force consisted of four units, two eagles and two Ugandan soldiers (there are 430 eagles, so it is about 1,900 troops) that the place is dangerous and the Minister of Defense and the director of NISA who were responsible for moving the army.

The army was attacked this morning at 06:30 AM and arrived at 09:45 AM. The army fought without ground support and air support. . The loss suffered by the nation today is 4 times more than the one we suffered in Galcad on January 20, 2023 when we lost Hassan Ture.

1. Our martyred army is between 130-150 men,
2. The exact number of casualties is not known and rescuers have not yet arrived.

3. The prisoners who surrendered to the enemy and were taken away safe or injured are about 22 men.
4. The vehicles captured or burned by the enemy are 58 technical vehicles.

5. There are 23 bulletproof tubes
6. The death of officers and the number of injuries received is around 43 officers.

7. There was no support for the army during the 4 hours of fighting.
8. The enemy bombers did not come to the rescue of the army.

9. The local army (Waceysle community) that was ready to help them was confronted by NISA who caused another threat.
10. The other thing that can cause the loss is the army from Uganda who did not have enough training and came out of their fort and ran to the Eagle army and drove the enemy away, but unfortunately the enemy came from the back of the place they came from. vacate the Ugandan army.

11. The commander of the army and the commander of the ground forces in Adan Yabal Joga did not try to provide assistance to the defeated troops.
12. The army was denied fuel, they have been complaining all these days, the general command of the army reasoned that the enemy could take the fuel, and that is why many vehicles were abandoned.

13. Soon, three vehicles that survived and were wounded arrived at Eldher, and they attacked 4 enemy roadblocks. There is evidence that President Hassan Sheikh is serious about the war against the Khawarij, but those he trusted are failing him.

- Ali Yare Ali

Original text:
Marka hore rabbi ha u naxariisto geesiyaashii maanta Cowsweyne nooga shahiiday, runtii waxay ahaayeen geesiyaal aanay jirin wax lala barbardhigo, waxaanad taas ka fahmeeysaa sida uu ninkasta dhufeeyskii uu ka dagaalamayay ugu nafbaxay.

Ciidanka taliska la weeraray waxa ay ka koobnaayeen afar Urur, labbo gorgor ah iyo labbo ciidanka Uganda laga keenay ah (halkii urur oo gorgor ah waa 430, sidaas daraadeed waa ciidan 1,900 ku dhow) goobtana waxa ay ku tageen khilaaf ku saabsanaa saraakiisha oo qabtay fikir ah in goobtu halis tahay iyo Wasiirka gaashaandhigga iyo agaasimaha NISA oo iyagu rarista ciidanka lahaa.

Ciidanka waxaa la weeraray saakay 06:30AM, wuxuuna soo gaaray 09:45 AM, intaas ciidanku waxa ay dagaalameen iyaga oo aan helin gurmad dhulka ah iyo taageero cirka ah (Air Support), Caadi ahaan horay ciidankaan oo kale diyaaradaha ayaa kor ka ilaalin jiray.

Qasaarada maanta qaranka gaartay wuxuu 4 ujibbaar ka badanyahay midkii Galcad nugu gaaray January 20, 2023 oo aan Xasan tuure ku weeynay.

1. Ciidanka naga shahiiday wuxuu u dhexeeyaa 130-150 rag ah,
2. Dhaawaca tiro sax ah lama oga welina gurmad ma helin.

3. Maxaabiista cadowga u gacan gashay oo iyaga oo badqaba ama dhaawac ah la kaxeeystay waa tiro udhow 22 nin.
4. Gaadiidka la qabsaday ama cadowgu gubay waa 58 gaari oo tikniko.

5. Beebayaasha aan xabaddu karin waa 23
6. Geerida saraakiisha iyo dhaawaca inta la helay waa tiro ku dhow 43 sarkaal.

7. Ma jirin taageero gurmad oo ciidanku helay 4 saac oo ay dagaalameen.
8. Diyaaradaha cadowga duqeeya uma soo gurman ciidanka.

9. Ciidankii deegaanka (beesha Waceysle) ee u diyaar garoobay in ay u gurmadaan waxaa horistaagay NISA oo ku sababeeysay halis kale.
10. Arrinta kale oo qasaarada oo sababeeyn karo waa ciidankii Uganda ka yimid oo aan laheyn tabbobar ku filan oo dhufeeyskoodii ka soo baxay kadibna ku soo cararay ciidankii Gorgor oo cadowga meel iska saaray, balse nasiib darro oo dhabarka uga yimid cadowgii ka yimid goobtii ay soo baneeyeen ciidankii Uganda.

11. Taliyaha ciidanka xooga Iyo Taliyaha ciidanka dhulka ee Adan yabaal Joga iskuma aanay dayin in ay gurmad gaarsiiyaan ciidamada jabay

12. Ciidanka waxaa loo diiday shidaalka, maalmahan dhan ayay cabasho ka ahaayeen, arrintaas taliska guud ee ciidanku waxay ku sababeeyeen in cadowgu shidaalkaas qaadan karo, waana sababta gaadiidka badan looga tagay.

13. Goordhow waxaa Ceeldheer soo gaaray saddex gaari oo soo badbaaday oo dhaawac wada, 4 jidgooyo oo cadowga ah ayay awood ku soo jiireen.

Waxaa marqaati madoonto ah in Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh uu dagaalka khawaarijtu dhab ka yahay, balse ay fashilinayaan kuwii uu aaminay.

- Cali Yare Cali
More information is coming out about the reason for the massive loss of the army forces in the area of Aws-wayne.

Today's terrorist attack in Aws-Weyne area, the commander of the army, Colonel Bashir, was replaced 4 days ago. The reason for the replacement of the commander, which we found out, was that Commander Bashir shared with the senior leaders of the country the danger of his forces deployed in the Aws Great area and that if the enemy attacks, the nearest emergency room is more than 80 km away, and they are limited.

The fuel and supplies of the army, and demanded that the army be moved from the Aws-wayne area. It was expected that the government would consider and give special importance to the request of the army officer that the army should be moved from the Aws main area, but the government responded by removing Bashir.

Unfortunately, the danger he warned about happened today and the troops perished.



@bidenkulaha no amount of more toys or boys will solve hawiye is the disease, shabab is deep inside nisa and know all ur plans becuz hawiye allows them in. U need hawiye summit to solve ur internal issues, this isnt something that can be fixed by a president or few men. Your ppl are not united and work with shabab even inside nisa.


True Puntlander
@bidenkulaha no amount of more toys or boys will solve hawiye is the disease, shabab is deep inside nisa and know all ur plans becuz hawiye allows them in. U need hawiye summit to solve ur internal issues, this isnt something that can be fixed by a president or few men. Your ppl are not united and work with shabab even inside nisa.
Why Puntland is peace. We kill those rats in cold blood. Even if they are our kin. When it comes saftey of our families no inadeer.
I bet this was due to incompetence and lack of vigilance rather than being outnumbered or losing fair and square.
It was both tbh. They (roughly 2500) were outnumbered by 500 Shabaab (3000) but they knew they were coming. They could have prepared a better. They got too comfortable
It was both tbh. They (roughly 2500) were outnumbered by 500 Shabaab (3000) but they knew they were coming. They could have prepared a better. They got too comfortable
I remember watching shabab video of how they orchesterated an attack on the JL forces some months back. They killed 40 or so soldiers, the video showed that the soldiers didn't even set up a primeter. Neither did they take turns watching out and keeping their guards up, they didn't even bother digging trenches wide enough to stop a suicide car being used to detonate in the base. They were all in their tents, all of them. I mean how shocking is that? shabab exploded into the base, and by then, you have no chance because they are on the front foot and you have to play catch up.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
It may have been a better idea to spend a few years training and amassing a larger army before setting off on such an ambitious campaign


In another report, AS claimed to have:
  • Killed 178 soldiers,
  • Confiscated all military hardware, ammo, and equipment.
Former President Sh Sharif calls for an independent investigation into the massacre.
First of all Sharifka is an MP nowadays and his jufo lost significant number of boys aun in this mess. Some are unaccounted for.

The ministry of Defence and Nisa are responsible for this. They command a gor gor batallion lead by guy called Madowe. Anybody who has been following politics knows this duli name, hes reported dead I believe. He was Nisa and later on moved to Army. Mahad Salad kept this guy in a job or got him killed who knows

With the Gor Gor battalion is 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab lead by Shaahma cabe.

Waceysle Macawiisleey who wanted to go to cosweyne were held back by mahad salaad this 100% confirmed as well as not supplying enough fuel to 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab and clearly gor gor also as good number of those vehicles were left behind due to lack of fuel. I mentioned his meddling in ministry of defence a couple of months ago. Funny he can do all this to HSM peoples front and not the others commanded by SNA chief General Ibrahim Sheikh and US/Danab. All the progress has come from the southern front.

Where are all those HG macawiisleey? All for show like I thought.

Sharifka waa ku saxanyahay inu yirahdo hala baaro arintaan, sarbeeb Shuute loo diray waye cidi fahmikarto
First of all Sharifka is an MP nowadays and his jufo lost significant number of boys aun in this mess. Some are unaccounted for.

The ministry of Defence and Nisa are responsible for this. They command a gor gor batallion lead by guy called Madowe. Anybody who has been following politics knows this duli name, hes reported dead I believe. He was Nisa and later on moved to Army. Mahad Salad kept this guy in a job or got him killed who knows

With the Gor Gor battalion is 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab lead by Shaahma cabe.

Waceysle Macawiisleey who wanted to go to cosweyne were held back by mahad salaad this 100% confirmed as well as not supplying enough fuel to 25th Batallion/Cumar bin Khadaab and clearly gor gor also as good number of those vehicles were left behind due to lack of fuel. I mentioned his meddling in ministry of defence a couple of months ago. Funny he can do all this to HSM peoples front and not the others commanded by SNA chief General Ibrahim Sheikh and US/Danab. All the progress has come from the southern front.

Where are all those HG macawiisleey? All for show like I thought.

Sharifka waa ku saxanyahay inu yirahdo hala baaro arintaan, sarbeeb Shuute loo diray waye cidi fahmikarto
Shareefka knows what I know. Mahad Salad is the biggest shabaab. I have said this countless of times. His job is to eliminate Somalis from the face of the earth just like other Shabaab members. HSM is held hostage just like how Farmaajo was held hostage by Fahad Yasin.