Map of Western Eurasian ancestry across the world


الوقت من ذهب
West African ancestry & native IBM ancestry are distinct. There's a reason someone who is 40% IBM looks drastically different than someone who is 20% West African and plots completely different on a pca. IBM ancestry isn't SSA and calling it SSA doesn't seem appropriate at all

Kabyles are not 16% SSA, they are between 4-5% West African. You can say they are ~20% African which isn't true either as you will have to take into consideration the ANA embedded in Neolithic Anatolians & especially the Natufians/Neolithic Levantines. Most of the West Eurasian samples aren't exactly pure either whether they have ANA,ANE,EHG,AASI,Basal Eurasian etc.

ANA is a distinct form of African ancestry just like South African HG is a distinct form of African ancestry.
Ah I see thanks for the knowledge akhi, i've seen a few reconstructions of the ANA's, they look intriguing. IBM itself is a mixture of ANA + West Eurasian right?. Ancestral north africans are hella confusing, as they seem to be drifted from african sources but still can be moddled as 35 west african as the alchemist was talking about. For the plot, IBM seems intermediate but more shifted towards eurasian like horners if i'm not wrong. ANA is indeed a distinct form of african ancestry, but they are truly bizarre i aint gonna lie. I wish there were more studies being done on them, my bad on the misinformation dawg i aint the brightest 😂 i'm just regurgitating things i've heard

