M.Bihi state visit to Ethiopia

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Somaliland President Jets Off to Ethiopia

HARGEISA— Somaliland President, His Excellency, Musa Bihi Abdi has embarked on three day official working visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital today. The president, Bihi will hold bilateral talks with Ethiopian Prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn , who extended an official invitation to Somaliland delegation led by President Bihi. A press statement from the presidency said that the discussions with the two leaders focus on boosting the bilateral ties between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

Somaliland president is accompanied by the following:-

  1. Interior minister, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed
  2. Trade, Industry and Tourism minister, Mr. Mohamoud Hasan Sa’ad
  3. Education and Science minister, Yasin Faraton.
  4. Foreign affairs minister, Dr. Sa’ad who is in the UK will join the delegate.
  5. Army Chief, Brigadier General Nuh Tani

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President Bihi arrives in Ethiopia , welcomed at the airport red carpet by Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn
Objective is to strengthen co-operative ties& build stronger foreign relation. Good luck inshallah!
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Ofcourse they will receive their puppet state warmly, they will go over how subservient they must be to Ethiopia and how in return they will work hard to get them "independence".Somaliland will reaffirm the "selling" of pretty much a large portion of their ports to a foreign country than come back home to their mythical state while being looted by everyone.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Ffs this thread does not need to get filled up with bickering nonsense , go derail my galgala thread!

And yes go watch the YouTube video IOG did meet him at the airport , but not on the red carpet , because IoG is known to be the biggest anti somaliland dude alive!

However Ethiopia PM did walk the red carpet at the airport with president Bihi!
You claimed he met him at the airport but have not provided any proof cause we know that it did not happen personally it doesn't matter whether he did or not but you made it up cause it means so much to you I am allowed to correct the record like Hillary did :hillarybiz:


Breaking : Ethiopia for the first time ever referred to somaliland as the republic of somaliland !

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השבח לאל
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Weeping for the Nation of 68
I dont see Ethiopian PM kkkkk

Somali Dulmidiid on the Ethiopian foreign affairs FB page:

I urge you not to call the secessionist entity as republic. This is very sensitive decision that could lead to further bloodshed in horn of africa. I remind u that somaliland state is in Somalia and has not been recognized by any country. And any illegal recognition for them will lead to arm race between the clans in North Somalia and new civilwar.
This is not in your best interest as you may know you have an army in Somalia. Animosity against Somalia by supporting the secessionist traitors could jeaportize their stay in Bay & Bakool, Hiiraan and Galgaduud regions and could lead to popular uprise in north and in south.

Your one sided recognition will turn former allies into deadly rivals and eternal enemies. As you may know the Hawiye and Isaaq clans were former allies, but partial recognition will put them in state of war and could lead to genocides. Not to forget that Darood and Isaaq has always been enemies.

And it could lead to insecurity in your own country. The Somali ONLF and Oromo rebels will find allies.

So my advise, let us be very cautious with our words.
:ohhh: He right doe


the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.


Finally Ethiopia is showing their true colors, they want to break up Somalia, i hope Faarmajo is seeing this
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