LOL 200 British and US Troops stuck in terrorist controlled Idlib

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Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I believe this is the 1st time we're in agreement on a certain subject but you're still a neef fam fix up:lolbron:. Guul Mother Russia & the chechynian warriors under the command of the great ramzan kadyrov, May Allah give sabr to Erdogan & Turkey to survive & come out unscathed in the face of US economic warfare, May Allah grant the martyrs in Iran's revolutionary guard the Jannah for fighting against the followers of Dajjal:salute:

My KDF slave your right this is the very 1st time I your master and you my slave are in agreement of a certain topic. Only neef is you fam.:drakekidding: Otherwise yeah we can agree that yuhuuds and gaals want to rob Muslims countries and deceive them. But they won't. Ameen.

Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
You niggas keep mistaking hating assad with supporting the west/israel/ rebels. The man will win but for the country to really move forward post war, he's gotta go. What im thrown of by is your passionate support a man who was indiscriminately targeting civilians to advance his goal.

The US is preparing another fake chemical attack accusation so im aware they distort reality. I've supported the Hezbollah/Iran axis vs israeli/ western aggression from day 1, so don't paint me as a western shill who can't differentiate between reality and propaganda.

I respect ppl like @Shaolin23 who paints it as a conflict between 2 evils, not you misguided fervent assad supporters

I see it as a conflict of two evils as well but Asad is clearly the lesser evil by far. Asad isn't that bad compared to what could potentially follow after he's gone, do you want another Libya in which terrorists are roaming free & complete anarchy to potentially hinder Syria's rebuilding process? If Asad is to go it must be decided by the Syrian people not the West and their allies.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
If they watched this video then they would've realized Syria was next on the list. This was planned by the U.S, Israel and Europe to destroy these Muslim countries due to their rich resources and want to impose a new system of imperalism behind the shadows and Assad resisted that which is why the media lied so much about him and we have idiots like @Kingcobra believing such bullshit.

Just as the brother @Fahad Yasin said, Syria was indeed scripted.

5 countries in 7 yrs. Destabilization is their angle. Seeing Muslim countries such as Libya and Iraq get invaded for having rich resources, oil, and Nuclear weapons. Every Muslim country with a functioning mind knows now never to surrender to the West. If you do they'll take you down. Even North Korea is in this same obstacle Kim Jong Un knows what happened to those 2 prior countries who's gonna trust the West now?

Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
5 countries in 7 yrs. Destabilization is their angle. Seeing Muslim countries such as Libya and Iraq get invaded for having rich resources, oil, and Nuclear weapons. Every Muslim country with a functioning mind knows now never to surrender to the West. If you do they'll take you down. Even North Korea is in this same obstacle Kim Jong Un knows what happened to those 2 prior countries who's gonna trust the West now?

They didn't even have to work too hard to destabilize Somalia & keep it in a state of anarchy:drakelaugh: All those other countries excluding fellow neefs Sudan has or would need a military intervention to accomplish their goal:francis:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
I see it as a conflict of two evils as well but Asad is clearly the lesser evil by far. Asad isn't that bad compared to what could potentially follow after he's gone, do you want another Libya in which terrorists are roaming free & complete anarchy to potentially hinder Syria's rebuilding process? If Asad is to go it must be decided by the Syrian people not the West and their allies.
No doubt Assad is a tyrannical dictator but under him his people had peace free to work and worship as they wished until the the Terrorists/Zionist//US/Al Saud alliance stepped in and to overthrow him and turn his country into another Libya Iraq and Afghanistan so they could come and “liberate” Syria from the same terrorists they installed that game is over they didn’t bank on Russia and Iran to step in like the way they did if the evil alliance took Syria ..Russia and Iran would have been destroyed they fought a do or die war


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
They didn't even have to work too hard to destabilize Somalia & keep it in a state of anarchy:drakelaugh: All those other countries excluding fellow neefs Sudan has or would need a military intervention to accomplish their goal:francis:

Yep Somalis destabilized each other and the country in 1991. :kanyehmm:
The entire Arab league is falling like bricks.

:rejoice: We had a 30 year head start on Qaraan Dhumis and now the borders are closed for everyone.


"Brainwashed". I can say the same for you. Nadhaafa

Nope, you're the only brainwashed one here. Ghadaffi predicted the west and Israel will come for him and other AL leaders. He was talking about Saddam Hussain which I agree was not perfect but it was not justified because it turned Iraq to a hellhole then the same thing happen to Ghadaffi. You'll see Assad laughing but now he's not laughing and you can see what Ghadaffi meant.

Watch this video. @Sheikh @Shaolin23 @Fahad Yasin @Saalax Bidaar Check this out at 1:30, like anyone with a brain would know what's going on.



Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@Factz you made good points here which I mostly agree with but relax with the personal insults it takes away from your credibility @Kingcobra is entitled to his views just as you are.


@Factz you made good points here which I mostly agree with but relax with the personal insults it takes away from your credibility @Kingcobra is entitled to his views just as you are.

It's not that sxb, we've had a clash before and he said something like me supporting Assad makes me a "kaffir" which is why I gave him few insults.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Nope, you're the only brainwashed one here. Ghadaffi predicted the west and Israel will come for him and other AL leaders. He was talking about Saddam Hussain which I agree was not perfect but it was not justified because it turned Iraq to a hellhole then the same thing happen to Ghadaffi. You'll see Assad laughing but now he's not laughing and you can see what Ghadaffi meant.

Watch this video. @Sheikh @Shaolin23 @Fahad Yasin @Saalax Bidaar Check this out at 1:30, like anyone with a brain would know what's going on.

Yep fam it's common sense Gaddafi knew what was going to happen. And now Assad knows the truth.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
I suppose Barre was well within his rights when he flattened Hargeisa etc?

Apples and organges, buddy.

There is far greater geopolitical implications at play here. Siyad Barre was a third world dictator that lost his mind however Assad and Syria are a country under attack because he refused to step down for Zionists and their terrorists
I prefer Assad over bunch of aimless rebels and terrorists.

Is Libya and Iraq not example to anyone.
Assad is a good man doqonyo. Don't fall for the Saudi Arabia and western propaganda. Real Syrians love and support Assad which is why his government is taking back full control over the country by wiping out ISIS with the support of Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. Just remember the free Syrian army are also another terrorist group. They are simply wolfs hiding behind the sheep's clothing.
Assad is a mass murdering maniac who just so happens to play against the west. A lot of these rebels are bad but their ciyaal compared to him. The west hate him because they hate Russia so it's nothing to do with morality.
You dumb motherfuckers - who do you think installed these corrupt families in the first place? The puppeteers are only cutting the strings they tied there in the first place.

Sympathy for Ghadaffi who just recently was tongue kissing weapons contractors and foreign dignitaries like Blair? :mjlol:

All of these bastards: mubarak, ghadaffi, assad sr. and jr. etc., used to torture "terrorist" on behalf of the cabal. The Syrian secret police was infamous.

But now it is the "glorious resistance against wahabiyyah and its Zionist backers". The torturers and nut grabbers of yesteryear are the stronghold against Zionism today. You can't make this shit up.
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