kpop is taking over our xalimos

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ofcourse they would listen to other genres but what im saying is that kpop is better and innocent than maadow rappers with tattoos who engage in filth and turn somali girls into s im yet to see a somali listening to kpop
There are Korean artists with tattoos like Jay Park and look at some of the music he makes. A lot of the females gravitate to his music.


There are Korean artists with tattoos like Jay Park and look at some of the music he makes. A lot of the females gravitate to his music.
thats like 1 or 2 most are feminine looking your just making excuses now kpop is harmless let somali girls breathe and listen to what they want its never deep and focus on somali guys and their harm to society


thats like 1 or 2 most are feminine looking your just making excuses now kpop is harmless let somali girls breathe and listen tot what they want its never deep honestly
I have done a lot of research about this as I have known about kpop since 2010. You obviously can't tell me kpop is completely harmless. There were members of a group that have been arrested for drug use in the past. You don't know what these guys get up to behind closed doors. They are there to portray a certain image that their companies ask them to. I am not trying to make excuses here but you are obviously trying to minimize the issue. You have no issues with guys showing their abs on stage? Is that not sexual content? I can show you countless music videos with certain elements that you deny kpop has.


I have done a lot of research about this as I have known about kpop since 2010. You obviously can't tell me kpop is completely harmless. There were members of a group that have been arrested for drug use in the past. You don't know what these guys get up to behind closed doors. They are there to portray a certain image that their companies ask them to. I am not trying to make excuses here but you are obviously trying to minimize the issue. You have no issues of guys showing their abs on stage? I can show you countless music videos with certain elements that you deny kpop has. And to be honest, 90% of them look feminine
i didnt say is 100% harmless the music industry is very well known to be part of the illuminati agenda hence why you will see all music genres promoting immoral things/behaviour but from all music genres hip-hop/rap heavily influence xaalimos/faraaxs to the extant they adopt their culture and even imitate their filthy ways lets not exclude somali guys because they by far do much much worse and copy african american hood life so how about focus on that then innocent somali girls exploring korean pop culture and arent harming society.


i didnt say is 100% harmless the music industry is very well known to be part of the illuminati agenda hence why you will see all music genres promoting immoral things/behaviour but from all music genres hip-hop/rap heavily influence xaalimos/faraaxs to the extant they adopt their culture and even imitate their filthy ways lets not exclude somali guys because they by far do much much worse and copy african american hood life so how about focus on that then innocent somali girls exploring korean pop culture and arent harming society.
If you know all that then why do you say to let them listen to what they want? Shouldn't you be trying to stop them? You playing the age old of blaming certain music for causing violence which is not the case. I listen to hip-hop, rap and drill music but I'm not out there trying to imitate these people. Listening to violent music is one thing but carrying out the same violence is another. Plus, there are harmul ways kpop can influence Somali girls. They will in turn become Koreaboos which is obsession for anything Korean. There are some that occassionally will use certain Korean phrases and copy their mannerisms. Some will want to go to that country and think it's the same as what they see on the dramas & movies. This obsession is not healthy and can be detrminental to themselves. There are some that even fantasize about having a Korean boyfriend and marrying a Korean guy.


If you know all that then why do you say to let them listen to what they want? Shouldn't you be trying to stop them? You playing the age old of blaming certain music for causing violence which is not the case. I listen to hip-hop, rap and drill music but I'm not out there trying to imitate these people. Listening to violent music is one thing but carrying out the same violence is another. Plus, there are harmul ways kpop can influence Somali girls. They will in turn become Koreaboos which is obsession for anything Korean. There are some that occassionally will use certain Korean phrases and copy their mannerisms. Some will want to go to that country and think it's the same as what they see on the dramas & movies. This obsession is not healthy and can be detrminental to themselves. There are some that even fantacise about having a Korean boyfriend and marrying a Korean.
i dont listen to music since is haraam and ofcourse i advice my fellow people in doing so but not every somali will listen nor care to stop listening to garbage. And i didnt blame music for starting violence i am talking about imitation losing your deen and culture... females turning s there is so many harmful effects music have on people especially muslims but i personally feel RAP music has a more bigger influence on somali girls turning s and even marrying ex cons as this forum has shown countless of times and begging maathow people like there is no tommorrow for example the hashtag BLM so this being said hiphop by faar is the worst genre than kpop ever will be.


Well, you did mention hood life.
i dont listen to music since is haraam and ofcourse i advice my fellow people in doing so but not every somali will listen nor care to stop listening to garbage. And i didnt blame music for starting violence i am talking about imitation losing your deen and culture... females turning s there is so many harmful effects music have on people especially muslims but i personally feel RAP music has a more bigger influence on somali girls turning s and even marrying ex cons as this forum has shown countless of times and begging maathow people like there is no tommorrow for example the hashtag BLM so this being said hiphop by faar is the worst genre than kpop ever will be.
I'm sure you believe hiphop and music of that nature causes violence which is why you mentioned hood life. If one is participating in that hood life then you know violence is one of the things that comes with it. Lol, you should be aware how some of these females talk about some kpop artists and how they sexualise them with the fanfics they create about them. Girls as young as 14 - 15 are participating in these also.


Well, you did mention hood life.

I'm sure you believe hiphop and music of that nature causes violence which is why you mentioned hood life. If one is participating in that hood life then you know violence is one of the things that comes with it. Lol, you should be aware how some of these females talk about some kpop artists and how they sexualise them with the fanfics they create about them. Girls as young as 14 - 15 are participating in these also.
thats life what can we do tell me other than advising? nothing and it is a shame girls are idiolizing idols when they could be concentrating on important things
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