Khat and oral cancer

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Oral cancers in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia have been observed to occur mostly among patients who have been long-term khat users. In a survey that reviewed cancers for the past two years there were 28 head and neck cancer patients, 10 of whom presented with a history of having chewed khat. One of these was a case of metastatic cervical lymph node and unknown primary, one was a parotid tumour, and the remaining eight presented with oral cancers. All were non-smoking khat chewers and all of them had used it over a period of 25 years or longer. We conclude that this strong correlation between khat chewing and oral cancer warrants attention
about time. this habbit needs to die!

imagine what happens if oral sex catches up in somalia. dudes dying at 35 cause of throat cancer. :banderas:


Southie pride
Everything you over do you get any type of sickness.

If you eat too much food, you become fat then you may get cholesterol, diabetic.

If you have over daily limit for sodium, you will get blood pressure.


Cultural revolution
I've been to NewYork. You don't have backyards :ftw9nwa:

The most memorable thing that happened when I was there was a vehicle self-combusting smack dab in the middle of Friday-afternoon traffic.

Self combusting as in spontenously combusting out of nowhere? lol. I can't even imagine the traffic that came from that thing. The streets are bad as is.

And You visited the greatest city in the USA and that was the most memorable thing that happened to you? :childplease:
It seems like you're not the adventurous type.

I'm from Buffalo btw not NYC and we do have backyards :dj:
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