Kenyan traitor is condemning other Kenyan traitor

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Stop your bullshit calacaal

This is the reality of Mogadishu 2012 /residentswal.jpg



Thanks for illustrating my point :nvjpqts:

Even if HSM is not re-elected(god forbid), he will go down in history as our best president in the past 20 years.
:rejoice: 2012 /residentswal.jpg



Thanks for illustrating my point :nvjpqts:

Even if HSM is not re-elected(god forbid), he will go down in history as our best president in the past 20 years.
Bradar hassan sheikh mohamoud legalized shisha even though it was illegal under barre. And the barre regime made somalia have the strongest army in Africa and 14th in the world and somalia was close to being considered a first world country but HSM made somalia have the 2nd worst army in the world and we are considered a failed state. Sheeko sheeko why is it that the man you hate siad Barre was so successful but hassan sheikh mohamud can't even go to the washroom without an Amisom bodyguard inside with him?


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Boqor Geeljire252 I don't think you understand what I am getting at at all. Kabul today is a thriving city which is growing and becoming more vibrant than ever economically, yet the Taliban hold more land than ever before. Alshabab have pulled back, but their forces are, for the most part, intact. Just like the Taliban who were pushed to their limit by the US, are rebounding now after the US withdrew. The reason why it seems like Somalia is safer is because the EU and US have kept 22,000 Amisom troops fed and armed at their expense. As soon as the EU and US "withdraw" those monies, you are back to a 2011 like situation with Alshabab at Dayniile. None of the underlying reasons for the existence of Alshabab have gone away, as a matter of fact, HSM's presidency has poisoned many hearts&minds especially in Lower Shabelle to the idea of FGS control.
Tell me how great HSM is when Amisom's 22,000 troops are gone. The man has not been able to free his subclan's lands in Ceel Dheer and Xarardheere.

The most important things HSM was suppoused to complete by August 2016:
1- Free the main own of every degmo in Somalia from Alshabab FAIL
2- Complete the writing of a new constitution, and hold an accession vote FAIL
3- Hold an election based on 1 man, 1 vote by August 2016 FAIL
4- Create a non-clan based SNA to replace Amisom FAIL

Some shiny buildings do not a country make.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't think anyone can logically defend HSM or this governments record regardless of the team you playing for.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Both of HSM and sharif sheikh hold Kenyan citizenship
Canuck i like ur views

But your real patriotism will be tested when darood leaders commit treason.

As for me, iam hawiye who would first shoot dead hawiye traitors.

Whats ur view of Cumar Burane and his role in the huge Ocean Treason Case?
Canuck i like ur views

But your real patriotism will be tested when darood leaders commit treason.

As for me, iam hawiye who would first shoot dead hawiye traitors.

Whats ur view of Cumar Burane and his role in the huge Ocean Treason Case?

The fat boy is belonged to jail with rest of them
The reason why it seems like Somalia is safer is because the EU and US have kept 22,000 Amisom troops fed and armed at their expense. As soon as the EU and US "withdraw" those monies, you are back to a 2011 like situation with Alshabab at Dayniile.

Amisom do not provide the security in Mogadishu = FACT
Amisom has not built a single building in Mogadishu = FACT

As for AS 'retaking mogadishu', they never have, they never will, let's agree to disagree here.

UIC was the last group to completely take Mogadishu.

Tell me how great HSM is when Amisom's 22,000 troops are gone. The man has not been able to free his subclan's lands in Ceel Dheer and Xarardheere.
I don't think you know the geography of ceel dheer and Xaradheere districts.
Technicals and tanks are worthless in an area with no roads, no infrastructure and laden with IEDs.

There is already NATO blockade in Ceeldheer and Xaradheere districts. all entrances in and out of Xaradheere and ceeldheer are locked off and drones are circling AS rats daily.

Our best interest is to supply the local xoola dhaqato with enough arms so they can lead the battle to free their lands, this is the best tried and tested strategy. They know the land far better than Galmudug or any other army.

In the recent fighting between locals and AS in Dumaaye, Xaradheere district, GM troops stationed in Faax were able to provide a direct supply line, which ultimately lead to AS being booted out of the area.
Dagaal xoogan ayaa hada ka socda Deegaanka Dumaaye ee u dhow Degmada Xarardheere ee Gobolka Mudug.

Dagaalka ayaa waxa uu dhaxeeyaa dadka Deegaanka ah iyo Ururka Al Shabaab sidoo kale Ciidanka maamulka Galmudug uu ku biiray dagaalka.

This is a slow process but AS will be flushed out of Xaradheere and Ceeldheer before the end of the year, mark my word.

The most important things HSM was suppoused to complete by August 2016:
You're being very dishonest here, HSM has been our best president in the past 20 years. Tell me a single president that has achieved more than him, in the past 20 years.

1) Under HSM, Mogadishu, our capital, flourished and became the world's second fastest growing city, something never witnessed before.


You can not downplay an entire city, the capital, as a few "shiny buildings".

2) Mogadishu became host to international conferences and Somalia regained her seat in the world stage, again something no other president in the past 20 years could dream to achieve.

3) International relations.
How many countries re-opened their embassies in Somalia under HSM?

Here are some of the world's greatest powers re-establishing relations with Somalia.





Ask yourself, was that possible 4 years ago?

4) Federalism and unity established throughout the country.

Jubbaland State established under HSM.
South-West State established under HSM.
Hirshabelle State established under HSM.

5) "80% of the country liberated from al-Shabaab"

Before HSM

Under HSM


I can continue to list HSM's achievements but the list will be endless.
The ultimate question would be, do you have a better candidate than HSM?

If not, let him continue with what he is doing. We do not have time to go back and put 4 years hard work down the drain.
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Literally none of this matters because HSM has not built a national army to protect it all from Alshabab the day Amisom leaves. You can build embassies, hospitals, airports etc..., but if you don't have a national army you can throw it all to the wind.

There are only two facts that cannot be argued against:

1- Amisom is keeping Alshabab at bay and is giving the FGS breathing room
2- Amisom costs $1 billion a year, and donors are getting weary

Nothing else matters but those two facts stated above. You had better hope the EU does not decide to wind down Amisom :ftw9nwa:
Literally none of this matters because HSM has not built a national army to protect it all from Alshabab the day Amisom leaves. You can build embassies, hospitals, airports etc..., but if you don't have a national army you can throw it all to the wind.
Of course HSM has built a national army.

  • Here is the national army he built, protecting international leaders.




  • Here he is sending arms to your PL.
Somalia dispatches first airplane with heavy weaponry to Puntland


  • The special forces, HSM built, rescuing innocent civilians from a hotel AS bombed.

There are only two facts that cannot be argued against:

1- Amisom is keeping Alshabab at bay and is giving the FGS breathing room
2- Amisom costs $1 billion a year, and donors are getting weary

Nothing else matters but those two facts stated above. You had better hope the EU does not decide to wind down Amisom :ftw9nwa:
All security in Xamar is provided by local somali security forces.

If Amisom were to leave, we are far more capable of fending off AS now than we were in 2012, thanks to HSM.

There is not a single candidate better than HSM, instead of going back 4 years, let him finish off his job, "qabyo qofkeeda ayaa dhameystira".
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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Those weapons that the mooryan geeljire is talking about came from the UAE. :ftw9nwa:

HSM sent heavy weapons to PL kulaha :deadpeter:
Those weapons that the mooryan geeljire is talking about came from the UAE. :ftw9nwa:

HSM sent heavy weapons to PL kulaha :deadpeter:
Sources in Villa Somalia have confirmed to Radio Dalsan that Federal government in Mogadishu has sent two planes of military equipment to the regional state of Puntland.

The arms and other military consignment is destined for Somali National Army in Puntland administration that are fighting armed group Alshabaab fighters that reached the area on Monday [March 14].

The response from federal government comes after President Abdiweli Gas of Puntland called for urgent help to fight the armed group that is expanding in the territories of Puntland administration.

Speaking to VOA Somali, President Abdiweli said his regional administration and federal government are united in the fight against Alshabaab.
Somalia Federal Government has sent two planes of military equipment to the regional state of Puntland in support against Al-Shabaab terrorists.

On Monday the militants group raided Garad town in Puntland taking control of the town for some time before retreating.

The weapons and other military consignments are destined for Somali National Army (SNA) battling Al-Shabaab in Puntland.

The response from the federal government comes after president of Puntland Abdiweli Gas requested for an urgent help to counter the armed militant group expanding foothold in territories of Puntland.
Somalia’s Federal government on Friday sent consignment of weapons and ammunition to autonomous state of Puntland to help in the fight against al-Shabaab militants, Horseed Media reports.

Two cargo planes ferried the military aid from Mogadishu’s Aden Abdulle International airport to the capital of Puntland, Garowe.

United Arab Emirates’s embassy in Somalia donated part of the ammunition supply.

Speaking to Journalists at the airport, Somalia’s deputy chief of defense forces Brigadier General Ali Bashe said that the supply of ammunition will play a crucial role in the fight against the extremists.

He added that the Federal government is ready to send combat troops if Puntland forces face challenges to tackle the insurgents.

The assistance comes after Puntland requested aid from the international partners of the Federal government in the new battle against the al-Qaeda-linked militant group.

Over the past three days, Puntland security forces have been fighting against the al-Shabaab fighters that reached the Northern coastal villages of the region by speedboats from Central Somalia.

And some more sources

The shipment arrived on 14. march 2016, and just under a week after the shipments had arrived this was the situation
Security forces in Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland killed more than 60 Islamist militants and regained some territory in a counter-offensive against al Shabaab, regional officials said.

The militant group has become more active in Puntland, a large part of northern Somalia, since moving more forces there after being pushed out of strongholds farther south by an African Union force and the Somali National Army, experts and officials say.

Al Shabaab, which wants to overthrow the Western-backed government, controlled Mogadishu for several years until 2011 when African Union forces drove it out.

Omar Abdullahi, a regional governor, told Reuters that Puntland forces had killed 19 militants on Thursday and lost two of their own troops in fighting for an area called Baadqab, 90 km (55 miles) southwest of Puntland's capital Garowe

He said his forces were still pursuing al Shabaab fighters.

Puntland police officer Major Mohamed Abdullahi said 22 al Shabaab fighters had been killed in three days of fighting that was still going on in the Zuuj hills region, and that four soldiers were killed.

"We have besieged them but fighting is not over," he said.

There was no immediate comment from al Shabaab, which usually gives far lower numbers of casualties on its side and much higher death tolls for the security forces.

On Friday, the government in Mogadishu sent extra military supplies by plane to help the Puntland forces, Information Minister Mohamed Abdi Hayir said on state radio.

Incredible that in this day and age Googling is still an art that is lost upon some. Sad.
Clicked on the first link at this met my eye

#BREAKING #Somalia Federal government is sending two planes of military supply to #Puntland to fight against #Alshabaab & curb them expand

— Mohamed Moalimuu (@MOALIMUU) March 17, 2016
Second link says the FGS sent arms to Puntland too. Whats your point?

You really are desperate
@GalaeriThe weapons were sent by the FG from Mogadishu Airport with Somali troops (not UAE troops) loading the cargo, as you can see from the pictures.


There is nothing to argue about here. It's clear as daylight.
:drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh: It's facts bro.
That the FGS sent arms? Yes it is.

Just read all the articles you listed. Can you even read afsomali?
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa laba diyaaradood oosida saanad iu dirtay maamul goboleedka Puntland si ay kaga caawiso dagaalka ay kula jiraan ururka Al-shabaab oo weerar ku qaaday deegaanada maamulkaasi.
Ilo wareed lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Diyaarado siday hub farabadan ay Dawlada Soomaaliya udirtay Puntland oo Dagaalo ay labadii maalin ee lasoo dhaafay ka jireen.

god help you.
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