Jeneraal Morgan officially announces his 2019 Candidacy for Puntland President

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Guul Ama Geeri
Its cisman maxamud candidate who will get the presidency the rest of the guys are only play for the galleria
For those who are calling the General warlord

Warlord Khat Bixi- Jeeganland President

We actually rejected him when he was running for the moryaan senate thinking it was an establishment of law :chrisfreshhah:
That's what's supposed to make Puntland better than the other states. We shouldn't start electing criminals just because everyone else does it. Southern Somalia and Somaliland are barely moving forward because they have elected criminals and expected them not to be corrupt. Puntland has the educated Gaas who brought development and the next president should do the same. We will undisputedly surpass the other states if we elect intelligent people and not criminals.
Mashallah General Morgan is a very intelligent man with a aspiration and culture of old Somalis of not selling your inner soul. Furthermore he is a realist, sharp intellect ans very compotent. He is a embodiment of courage, intellect, articulation. Lastly he understands Puntland and Puntland will understand him.

In the past 4 years we had a numb, very incompotent, clueless and corrupt individual.

Mashallah General Morgan is a very intelligent man with a aspiration and culture of old Somalis of not selling your inner soul. Furthermore he is a realist, sharp intellect ans very compotent. He is a embodiment of courage, intellect, articulation. Lastly he understands Puntland and Puntland will understand him.

In the past 4 years we had a numb, very incompotent, clueless and corrupt individual.

Gaas= Obama and Morgan = Trump. Trump and Morgan are both idiots who will destroy the nations they are leading.
Disappointed Obama was a great orator and someone who made sense and Trump with all his flaws is a straight shooter.

Morgan I told you about.
Disappointed Obama was a great orator and someone who made sense and Trump with all his flaws is a straight shooter.

Morgan I told you about.
Obama successfully brought the US out of a recession and lowered unemployment rates. Trump is giving tax cuts to the rich and taxing the hell out of the middle class. Obama made the US a professional and respectable country while Trump made the US look like a joke. No one respects the US while Trump is in charge. We need a level-headed leader that will bring development and make Puntland the most respected and prosperous state, not a leader who will start wars with other regions in Somalia.
Is the election going to be one man, one vote, or just among MP's?

An election is dangerous because if Morgan is elected, that is tantamount to political and economic suicide for Puntland. Western Donors, International Companies and Aid Agencies won't want to be associated with a War Criminal.
But muse bixi who killed more gaadbursi than Morgan or siad every did is okay right


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
General Morgan the next president of Puntland said when he becomes president of Puntland he will attack somaliland he knows burco hargaysa and berbera well and the president palace of somaliland was owned by general Morgan so he’s going to reclaim it.
General Morgan the next president of Puntland said when he becomes president of Puntland he will attack somaliland he knows burco hargaysa and berbera well and the president palace of somaliland was owned by general Morgan so he’s going to reclaim it.

Don’t forget them beauties in hargeisa and burco are a property of Puntland.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
But muse bixi who killed more gaadbursi than Morgan or siad every did is okay right
Lmaooooo wallahi this is not true. Stop making up shit on the go sxb making you look hella stupid. It was mainly gadabursi militia vs jibril abokor 99 division which gadaurbsi got there ass whooped in dilla and boroma. Bixi was not part of the division :mjlol:

SNM told JA to get out of boroma and peace talked resumed.
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