Isn't Djibouti apart of somalia?

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No such thing as somalia, it was invented by Italians

Said half habashi/half Oromo
Take a look for yourself. The camel lands are everything east of the highlands. The lines are colonial and have no natural basis.
You see this map but I see this map (same people, same culture, language, religion) you see us separated but I see united people
Somalia is a name made up by Italy
Those are the lands of the somali people, there was never a somali state though before colonization, just different Suldaans and city states. Learn history
If I go by your argument there wouldn't be any states in the world. A state consist of all the people who share the same ethnic background so therefore Djibouti belongs to Somalia.
If I go by your argument there wouldn't be any states in the world. A state consist of all the people who share the same ethnic background so therefore Djibouti belongs to Somalia.
You are 100% right but remember you are arguing with hyena from second dumbest country Ethiopia, do not waste second on him


Your superior
If I go by your argument there wouldn't be any states in the world. A state consist of all the people who share the same ethnic background so therefore Djibouti belongs to Somalia.

Do you understand what a state is? A state has central authority, a government. What was the government of Somalis before the colonizers arrived
Do you understand what a state is? A state has central authority, a government. What was the government of Somalis before the colonizers arrived

Thriving. Somalia was thriving under the Ajuuran Empire, until these unwanted cadaan bastards came and destroyed everything.
I like Djibouti where its now. As a Somali ruled and governed country.

Both countries are dad walaalo-ah and i hope they got their back in the UN and other important world institutions.
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