If Puntland Copied Somaliland. You Would See This Happen


Lots of Somaliland say Puntland copied them, but remember they are ignorant of Somalia situation. Puntland was created after Cairo Conference in 1997 when the ikhwaan political holy-land endorsed the Somalia government as sal-balaar meaning aideed/mahdi as president/pm or abgaal/habar gedir.

This trigerred Puntland that Somalia is not ready for nation building, but also what triggered it was the previous failed national conference. We realized Hawiye didn't want a govt becuz they all adopted HG posture and this lasted well into 2000 when Abdiqasim himself was rejected by his clan, proving they are not interested in government.

They even created islamic rebellion by rejecting the will of the Somali people who elected Abdillahi Yusuf for clowns that elected themselves in Mogadishu homes. Then cayrow created shabab again on sheikh sharif, further cementing their not interested in a govt that is run by HG or darod or hawiye.

But let me tell you if Puntland wanted to copy Somaliland madness we would first declare Majerteniya/Hobyo sultanate was sacked by italy unwilling thru violence. We would say we are closing xaduudi hobyo sultanate to outside beletwayn and arguing 'italy gave us all this land' and then all our locals would be in a mass psychosis for 30 years preaching 'italy gave us all this land and majerteniya/hobyo sultanate are independent' no matter if Italy turned around and says we don't recognize this and stop your madness kkkkkk.

That would indeed be a copy of Somaliland. But wise heads exist in Puntland while wild mouths exist in Somaliland.
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