I finally have to admit it, Somalia is a failed country & I am out.

If you don't understand where we have come from, it's easy to despair and become hopeless.

Our prophet told us the one who says the people are "hopeless" is the most hopeless of them.

We have tremendous challenges and it's a miracle we have survived as a nation, without the diaspora we would have been annexed and exterminated long time ago.

You see yourself as weak but in 2002 when General Wesley Clarke leaked the infamous plan to destroy 7 countries in 5 years, Somalia was on the list

At that time Somalia was a real dumpster, the weakest it has ever been, there was no government, criminals and western backed warlords ruled the country, if you juxtapose 2002 with today it's paradise.

Those infidel Satanist Superpower saw something in Somalis at their weakest which you fail to see today.

It takes a single generation to bring about a change, we haven't even reached the 40 years the Israelites dwelled in the deserts due to a curse, we weren't even meant to survive this with the amount of boots on our neck.

This whole pulling out fiasco is nothing more then mashruuc creation, the same with blood money and many other things, it's simply money grab, we love corruption and lugooyo even in the diaspora.

That generation is dying and reaching senile age, the youth is much different, 6 years left of the 40 years depending on how you count it, everything points to a revival, no evidence of a decline, each year has been better than the year before, the numbers don't lie.


If you don't understand where we have come from, it's easy to despair and become hopeless.

Our prophet told us the one who says the people are "hopeless" is the most hopeless of them.

We have tremendous challenges and it's a miracle we have survived as a nation, without the diaspora we would have been annexed and exterminated long time ago.

You see yourself as weak but in 2002 when General Wesley Clarke leaked the infamous plan to destroy 7 countries in 5 years, Somalia was on the list

At that time Somalia was a real dumpster, the weakest it has ever been, there was no government, criminals and western backed warlords ruled the country, if you juxtapose 2002 with today it's paradise.

Those infidel Satanist Superpower saw something in Somalis at their weakest which you fail to see today.

It takes a single generation to bring about a change, we haven't even reached the 40 years the Israelites dwelled in the deserts due to a curse, we weren't even meant to survive this with the amount of boots on our neck.

This whole pulling out fiasco is nothing more then mashruuc creation, the same with blood money and many other things, it's simply money grab, we love corruption and lugooyo even in the diaspora.

That generation is dying and reaching senile age, the youth is much different, 6 years left of the 40 years depending on how you count it, everything points to a revival, no evidence of a decline, each year has been better than the year before, the numbers don't lie.

It's good to see you back bro some of your ideas that I would mock has come true like the heart being central organ of the human experience not the brain as the brain relies on blood sent from the heart just like all organs do making the heart the no 1 central organ.

f*ck them greek pagans who were brain centric and who the west till today worship in their sciences.

We must restore ancient African knowledge starting with how pharoahs dealt with the world because the Greeks copied their Maadi Hamdi into mathematics notice their honouring Hamitics lol a son of noah known to father the tongues of Africans and early Arabians and early kanaanites in Israel. Even arabic has hamitic roots not the later ishmaelites arabic which is shaami

