How do Somali people perceive Half-Somalis


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
If you feel Somali you are Somali in my book.

There was a hadith on being Arab, the prophet (SAW) said whoever speaks Arabic is Arab. This was classed da3eef, but still considerable.

Actually ironically Somali's claim Arab, all major clans descend from Arab forefather.
That technically makes you like ubadkii oday Darood (Abdirahman), Ubadkii Sheekh Isxaaq, Ubadkii Cusmaan ibn Maxamed (Samaale), ubadkii Asharaf and ubadkii Sheekhaal (Sheekh Omar Ar Rida).

Most Somalis would agree they are Arab so you would fit in well.

Other mixes have a harder time


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
Well Kuwait does not accept dual citizenship and I’m already an American Citizen. And how do they feel about me? Well my dad and my Gradparents love me. my Grandpa likes me more, since my grandmother is kinda racist and she likes my sister who has lighter skin and looks more Arab then me more. But Kuwaiti people generally are a bit Iffy about it but since have have Arab facial features they usually just brush me aside.
So Kuwaitis are colorist :stressed:
How could they treat u like that when they're mostly half or 1/3 negroes.
Kuwaitis take the sand nigga label to a whole different level therefore i declare you a Zenji, wabillahi tawfiq
ciyaal qurbajood idigoo a afsomali na ku hadlikareen ayaad dooneysaa inaad dadka somalia kunool sidey u dhaqmaan iiga sheekeysid. isla xisho kalabyahow.
:drakelaugh:@Queen_Zamzam the opinions here should not hold that much weight, it is not a accurate representation of somalis.
How is it alike? They use two different scripts. This is how we can tell that you're not Somali.
Even if there two different scriptures they are kind of alike. Since like in Arabic when you use two “aa” it’s like adding an ا to the end of the word and x is ح and C is ع. So I try to read it like Arabic but using a different scripture.
Why did u say it like that? "my mom is a regular Somali"?? Why isn't your dad a 'regular Kuwaiti"???

Hadaal ...Muushkiil :(

Eedo@basra thats why i follow you, you have good experience when it comes to know who
is trolling or not.

No one uses the word ''Regular Somali' and then ''Abeed'' this person is a TROLL.
So Kuwaitis are colorist :stressed:
How could they treat u like that when they're mostly half or 1/3 negroes.
Kuwaitis take the sand nigga label to a whole different level therefore i declare you a Zenji, wabillahi tawfiq

Is my grandmother giving me whitening creams for a Eid present colorist?


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Somalis are civic nationalists. Anyone can be somali, as long as they hold somali values like: liberty, equality and fraternity.

Akhi if we had leaders like Napoleon we'd be one of the richest nations on Earth now, but in the time of Napoleon we had that f*cking fulay Cigaal Shidaad. This is why we are in the position we are today.
that's bullshit. it's what nomads used to practice, city folks don't follow these rules anymore. there are somalis who were born thru 1 night stands with no father. they just pick their hooyo's lineage. also the half-breed somalis I used to know (half cadaan/half somali) now have families and they're as somali as they come.

wa sheeko sxb


Well technically you’d be Kuwaiti because of your dad but there isn’t a problem claiming somali too. I think in this instance, it’s okay to be both rather than swing to one side and ignore the other.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
I'd take such a big dump on my Somali passport if I could switch it for Kuwaiti. Wallahi I would even record myself taking a dump on it.
I always wondered what Somali people think of Half-Somalis like me. I’m half Somali and Half Middle Eastern. I’ve only been to Somali once in my lifetime when I was 2 months old and I spent most of my life In the U.S and I sometimes visited my dad’s family in the Gulf. I already know they don’t like me too much. But I was wondering if the Somali people felt the same way or if they were different.
I always wondered what Somali people think of Half-Somalis like me. I’m half Somali and Half Middle Eastern. I’ve only been to Somali once in my lifetime when I was 2 months old and I spent most of my life In the U.S and I sometimes visited my dad’s family in the Gulf. I already know they don’t like me too much. But I was wondering if the Somali people felt the same way or if they were different.

Since you’re suffering from some sort of identity crisis, would encourage others to pursue interracial marriages? Does the pros outweighs the cons?

Since you’re suffering from some sort of identity crisis, would encourage others to pursue interracial marriages? Does the pros outweighs the cons?

I think interracial marriages have pros or cons.
1. Multi Cultural kids
2. You’re able to love who you want.
3. You may have Different perspectives.
4. You’re breaking racial boundaries.
1. Racism
2. Language barriers
3. People look at you
4. You get judged a lot ( Especially if your or your spouse is from a homogeneous ethnic group that usually don’t marry out)
5. Your kids will be judged.
6. Racist In-laws.

But don’t take this from me I’m just saying this from my perspective. Everyone’s experience is different. Marry whom ever you love no matter the race.

