Honey, I'm starving and as obedient wife sacrificng herself to me, I should eat you

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I heard Sam Harris, but never read, listened or watched a thing he wrote or said. We are free individuals not a herd who have to accept a text regardless if they genuinely accept it or not. For example, many progressive Muslims and especially young well educated Muslim women despise the idea of their husbands becoming polygamous, but they are too afraid to challenge polygamy incase they are accused of challenging the holly texts of Islam. We are not like that. As atheists, we disagree on many societal issues.

I agree we are free individuals and herd mentality is very destructive, I didn't say anything to the contrary? Idk what a 'progressive muslim' is, but not wanting to be part of a polygamous marriage isn't challenging the Quran. Marriage is an agreement between two people and they are free to walk away from it if they choose to. Where did you get the idea that it is challenging the Quran?
Eating as in canniblism or eating the booty like groceries?


With the addition of the consensus of the SomaliSpot Islamic scholars, you have a choice of the two options you mentioned above.


Nothing good comes out of polygamy as you can see scores of middle aged and old men suffering from kacsi crisis in the diaspora descended into Africa to take advantage of poor young girls some younger than their daughters and the wife sends him money each month. This money is collected from the welfare and was intended for her children. When you ask the wife why she is looking after a deadbeat dad, she will respond with 4 baa loo fasaxey. She is a victim of brainwashing. If you or any other woman attemp to educate them, you will be accused of challenging Islam. Nothing good comes out of polygamy and it is only suitable to a fueding savage tribal society like ours.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

With the addition of the consensus of the SomaliSpot Islamic scholars, you have a choice of the two options you mentioned above.


Nothing good comes out of polygamy as you can see scores of middle aged and old men suffering from kacsi crisis in the diaspora descended into Africa to take advantage of poor young girls some younger than their daughters and the wife sends him money each month. This money is collected from the welfare and was intended for her children. When you ask the wife why she is looking after a deadbeat dad, she will respond with 4 baa loo fasaxey. She is a victim of brainwashing. If you or any other woman attemp to educate them, you will be accused of challenging Islam. Nothing good comes out of polygamy and it is only suitable to a fueding savage tribal society like ours.
Polygamy is wrong but having mistresses and multiple girlfriends is A-OK right Mr Gaal?


With the addition of the consensus of the SomaliSpot Islamic scholars, you have a choice of the two options you mentioned above.


Nothing good comes out of polygamy as you can see scores of middle aged and old men suffering from kacsi crisis in the diaspora descended into Africa to take advantage of poor young girls some younger than their daughters and the wife sends him money each month. This money is collected from the welfare and was intended for her children. When you ask the wife why she is looking after a deadbeat dad, she will respond with 4 baa loo fasaxey. She is a victim of brainwashing. If you or any other woman attemp to educate them, you will be accused of challenging Islam. Nothing good comes out of polygamy and it is only suitable to a fueding savage tribal society like ours.

This is being dishonest saxiib; you're ascribing all of our societal ills, and our general backward behaviour, to Islam. Do you ascribe the khat epidemic to Islam too? Perhaps you'll find a way of tying it to Sufism - I can't underestimate you people.

Using your common sense (and a bit of research), do you believe that it's Islamically acceptable to abandon your family? Do you think it's Islamically acceptable to collect welfare and leach the state when you are able to work? Taking it one step further, do you think it's Islamically acceptable to migrate from the safety of a Muslim country to a 'hostile' non-Muslim country?

Why attack us for our conservative religious tenets, but on the other hand insult us for our ratchet behaviour, which is a direct result of us not following them? Are you encouraging us to become better Muslims, or laissez-faire socially liberal non-religionists? Shouldn't you be applauding ratchet Somali behaviour since it's removed from the religion?

With atheists, Islam is either a militaristic religion with strict guidelines and little wiggle-room for personal 'liberal' expression. Or it's a sex-crazed, drug-fueled, deceptive, dark religion that encourages evil behaviour. In your zeal to insult us, you folks attack us from every conceivable angle, regardless of it making sense or not - which I can understand since the ultimate goal is to just fling doo-doo.

Continue with your shit-fligging sir, but don't expect a serious conversation to come out of it - threads like these are just turf-wars.
Polygamy is wrong but having mistresses and multiple girlfriends is A-OK right Mr Gaal?



Both are wrong. If you make commitments to an individual, one should be honest and truthful to fulfil it. However, there are others who practice 'open marriage' but they are not breeding like rats.

I was financially supporting this guy (second cousin) and his family in Somalia till he bombarded me with phone calls asking me to send him a lump sum of $2000 and when I asked him what he needed for? He told me that he wants to marry this girl (second wife) but another guy is offering her family more yarrad than he could afford. This is a bloke who couldn't feed his own children and wants to procreate more so I will support him. That was the last time I heard of him. Do you think that kind of mentality should be encouraged? There are millions of men like him in Somalia. Breed more children for only them to die through a terrible and painful starvation. Does Allah approve it?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Both are wrong. If you make commitments to an individual, one should be honest and truthful to fulfil it. However, there are others who practice 'open marriage' but they are not breeding like rats.

I was financially supporting this guy (second cousin) and his family in Somalia till he bombarded me with phone calls asking me to send him a lump sum of $2000 and when I asked him what he needed for? He told me that he wants to marry this girl (second wife) but another guy is offering her family more yarrad than he could afford. This is a bloke who couldn't feed his own children and wants to procreate more so I will support him. That was the last time I heard of him. Do you think that kind of mentality should be encouraged? There are millions of men like him in Somalia. Breed more children for only them to die through a terrible and painful starvation. Does Allah approve it?
If the child dies he's automatically granted heaven. You should've sent the money rageedi expanding his seed. We men are biologically wired to spread our seed too multiple women. Our creator facilitated this with the 4 wives clause + concubines:rejoice::rejoice:

We are not programmed to be monogamous, go check the science books you worship Haa gaal aan xaarka iska dhaqin:russsmug:
If the child dies he's automatically granted heaven. You should've sent the money rageedi expanding his seed. We men are biologically wired to spread our seed too multiple women. Our creator facilitated this with the 4 wives clause + concubines:rejoice::rejoice:

We are not programmed to be monogamous, go check the science books you worship Haa gaal aan xaarka iska dhaqin:russsmug:


You know, starvation is the worst method of dying, it takes weeks and sometimes months one to die painfully. So, it is ok with you if Allah tortured an infant or a child mercilessly, so he will be rewarded with "heaven". Istaqfuralah.

What benefit did breeding like insects brought to Somalis, quality over quantity anytime. You prefer to be a member of a laandheere clan so your clan will be feared by other clans.

If that cousin of mine wants "his seeds to multiply", he should learn how to be a responsible father to his offspring. We became a nation of parasites.
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As i live and breathe
I will never understand the obsession ex-muslims have with Islam. You've left, just live your life and move on.

I get the distinct impression that they are severely wracked by guilt for having apostatised and spend the rest of they're lives trying to rationalize they're decision.

It's hard for many to move on when the religion still has influence on their lives through family/community pressures.

The only way you could truly move on then means completely cutting ties with your family, which many aren't willing to do, understandably.

With the addition of the consensus of the SomaliSpot Islamic scholars, you have a choice of the two options you mentioned above.


Nothing good comes out of polygamy as you can see scores of middle aged and old men suffering from kacsi crisis in the diaspora descended into Africa to take advantage of poor young girls some younger than their daughters and the wife sends him money each month. This money is collected from the welfare and was intended for her children. When you ask the wife why she is looking after a deadbeat dad, she will respond with 4 baa loo fasaxey. She is a victim of brainwashing. If you or any other woman attemp to educate them, you will be accused of challenging Islam. Nothing good comes out of polygamy and it is only suitable to a fueding savage tribal society like ours.

Yes sadly its very common in our community... but I wasn't promoting polygamy.
@AussieHustler few years back sheikh umal said you can eat warabe lol.


He should have added snakes, rats and any animal and plants that are not poisonous. I heard Alshabab fed the waraabe to certain clans to humiliate them, is that true? Isn't he the Sheikh who called the Somali Gov't of the late President Yusuf and Prime-Minister Geedi to have apostatised because they didn't rule on shariah and then went on to Killinka Shanaad for a duca for Cash for the President of Killinka Shannad, Abdi Mohamud Omar?
@AussieHustler some kismayo residents ate it not all, sheikh umal is OG that's why he supports abdi iley.


A Somali sheikh goes to "heaven" and becomes so incensed because he couldn't find even one of his tribal brethren in "heaven" and accused the "angels" of being bribed by qabiil fullaan and accused them of apostasy. They offended tol laandheere ah. They are all the same when it comes to qabiil favouritism. Our true religion is the mighty qabiil.
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