History of Jews in Somalia

In 2022, the President of Somaliland, a semi-autonomous region of Somalia, announced that it would establish diplomatic relations with Israel in the near future. This move was met with mixed reactions, with some praising it as a step towards modernization and development, while others criticized it as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.[7]

ofc it’s Somaliland
I found the wikipedia page and it was quite an interesting read @Garaad diinle
There's a page called "The History of Jews in [Every country and major city even when there are basically zero Jews there]" that often list non-Jews who happened to meet a Jewish person once or something, it's a weird phenomenon.

Also pretty sure the Yibir clan's Jewish origins is not "widely accepted":
"This led to the ostracization of the Yibir clan, a Somali clan with a widely accepted view of Jewish origin."
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There's a page called "The History of Jews in [Every country and major city even when there are basically zero Jews there]" that often list non-Jews who happened to meet a Jewish person once or something, it's a weird phenomenon. Also pretty sure the Yibir clan's Jewish origins is not "widely accepted"...
Calling Yibirs Jews is suugo Somali sheekos, it’s like how old women believe that the Barawinis are Portuguese.
Doesn’t even make sense linguistically in Somalia, H doesn’t become Y. It’s nonsense old wives tales that the clan in question has rejected.
@killerxsmoke The thesis I attached talks about the history of jews in Somaliweyn. There used to be a yemenite jewish community in Zeila, Berbera and Djibouti

there was one or two Jews in zeila but that’s not a community. When the King of Yemen threatened to exile the Jews to Adal they thought they would starve to death “because the people there live only on camel meat and that’s not kosher”

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there was one or two Jews in zeila but that’s not a community. When the King of Yemen threatened to exile the Jews to Adal they thought they would starve to death “because the people there live only on camel meat and that’s not kosher”
Yes you're right but there was a bigger community of 200 in Djibouti who were evacuated to Israel with Yemeni jews
Who dictates whose Jew or not. The Yemenite Jews were converts. Similarly many of the European Jews are converts also. The diversity of their haplogroups show that. Also the yibir might not be native and come more recently as attested by their J haplogroup. Perhaps they descend from Ethiopian or Yemeni Jews. Either way their possible Jewish heritage will not matter as they are mostly muslims now.


no they are not, they are pure ethnic Somalis like other gabooyes. They are descended from the pre-Islamic priest-kings the Iibire.
You were telling me that yibir being jews was suugo Somali sheekos while pre islamic kings isnt? I remember I read a paper that said that yibir didnt even spoke proper somali and they were said to be absynian descent while midgaan even worser is descended by absynian slaves
You were telling me that yibir being jews was suugo Somali sheekos while pre islamic kings isnt? I remember I read a paper that said that yibir didnt even spoke proper somali and they were said to be absynian descent while midgaan even worser is descended by absynian slaves
Yibir speak their own strange dialect, which they keep a secret. This to me shows they not of Somali descent. Even the madhibaan have J haplogroup but it’s weird. To me it’s strange many societies were discriminatory to their artisans. The Ethiopians, arabs and even Europeans had their own such groups.

Garaad diinle

 
The article speak of history of jews in somalia but most of it is simply word salad with little substance. The jewish presence was constricted to the coast most of whom were traders and even then it wasn't anything special, i mean we've also had hindus and probably buddhist traders on the somali coast.

It's not a surprise that there were jewish traders on the somali coast between the 19th-20th century they literally live on the opposite coast in yemen and had a long tradition of trading with somalis dating back as far as the 12th century if not older than that. We've yet to hear of any genetic link with jews unless we're talking about j haplogroup which in that case i would say they must have intermixed with madhiban.

By the way yibir are not of jewish origin they're somalis and even rendille have yibirs. They for lack of a better word works as priests or sheikhs or you could even say as a wali. Their so called language sound more like somali with codes or cryptic somali.

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There was a prominent Jewish business man in Somalia, if I can find the paper ill send it but he was one of the signatures of a document of some of the business men in Mogadishu in the 30's.
Somalia was also the location of havilah soo...??
Plus there was the beta israel and the yemenite jews so the somalis were bound to have some jews


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Somalia was also the location of havilah soo...??
Plus there was the beta israel and the yemenite jews so the somalis were bound to have some jews
The only reason Beta Israel is a thing is because of the back and forth conquest between Himyar and Abyssinia and even then those Jews were in the Ethiopian highlands which is somewhat removed from Somalia

