Have 80% of Somali women become feminists? It seems that we are getting a revolution


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
How does not being a feminist mean that i dont care about women back home :jaynerd:
pigeon looking GIF by Stephanie Z. Delazeri


Plotting world domination
I’ve been observing this man’s posts. He doesn’t care about women. Women are nothing but a factory that produce kids. No one care about the factory, only the production. No point debating him. He’s the jahil Somali women back home have to deal with.

What’s funny is that for all of his worry about fertility rates, he doesn’t seem to care about how the biggest issue is in fact mother mortality rates and education and awareness is what will change that. If more children survive, woman can give birth to only 3-4 kids and our population will increase substantially instead of having to birth 7-10.

I think women should be selfish because you shouldn’t care or reason with peoples who don’t care about your quality of life.

He's 23 and wants to marry a 17 year old. Once he made that thread I realized he was a shitty human being.

I use to ask him questions about child marriage back home and he never replied. After he made that marriage thread I quickly realized bro was a weirdo.
He's 23 and wants to marry a 17 year old. Once he made that thread I realized he was a shitty human being.

I use to ask him questions about child marriage back home and he never replied. After he made that marriage thread I quickly realized bro was a weirdo.
And you're a murtad, theres nothing shittier
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Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
A lot of Somali men view women as bodies that are there to facilitate their lives, bodies to give birth, bodies to have sex with, bodies to feed them. BODIES.

Nothing else.

So, whenever a Somali woman, starts to use her mind, instead of her BODY, they start to panick.

Somalia should be safe, for all Somalis, or Somalia can go to hell and quite frankly, the Somali population should go the way of the Dodo: EXTINCT.
The way faraxs here are so obsessed with increasing birth rates is gross. They see us as nothing but baby making machines
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Is it me or is it getting out of control this year?
Everywhere you find people talking about this
It has become a trend all over social media, and sheikhs are talking about it in mosques
And another conflict between pick me girls Don't ask me what this means And feminists Some people defend Somali men some attack
I believe that things will change in Somalia in the coming years and Somalia will become a more feminist country
Its a proven fact that gaalo run NGOS target Muslim countries by targeting the women first and turning them against the men thus destroying the sacred nuclear family that keeps Somali values intact. Without a nuclear family a society is destroyed from within as women are easily malleable. I can also see the gradual brainwashing occuring during social media. The Dajjalic plan indeed loves women.
Its a proven fact that gaalo run NGOS target Muslim countries by targeting the women first and turning them against the men thus destroying the sacred nuclear family that keeps Somali values intact. Without a nuclear family a society is destroyed from within as women are easily malleable. I can also see the gradual brainwashing occuring during social media. The Dajjalic plan indeed loves women.
Its dajjalic indeed
My wife was a 22 yrs old argumentative brainwashed feminist when i married her but she completely changed and submitted after three months of daily dicking her very well and suckling her soft nipples.
For the most part everyone gets the partner they deserve, those that make terrible choices, are terrible human beings themselves, sometimes it's not very apparent at the start.

How many times have I seen what appears to be an innocent person in a toxic relationship with an outwardly horrible person until you learn that innocent person was hardcore caasi to their parents, causing them decades of pain and grief.

Evil comes in different shapes and forms, but in the end they always find each other.

The vast majority of these broken relationships are not arranged, the two people dated usually for years on their own volition without parental oversight or guidance, they picked each other, and it usually starts off in haram fashion.

The best way to know who of the two is worse when things breakdown, it's the bitter one that is always complaining about the other.

The righteous person who did the best they could in a broken relationship will have sakinah and peace, they learn from that experience, they don't complain and their fruits is a successfully second marriage that blossoms.

Our Rab is a generous Rab, all the calamities that befall us, is of our own doing, yet he forgives that vast majority of our errors, we only get to experience a small taste of our evil.

Become a better person, perfect your relationship with your Rab and you are guaranteed to make better choices and get the blessings we so desperately need in these crazed times we live in, the solution is very simple, yet so difficult for the majority.


Non violent-Convict
Is it me or is it getting out of control this year?
Everywhere you find people talking about this
It has become a trend all over social media, and sheikhs are talking about it in mosques
And another conflict between pick me girls Don't ask me what this means And feminists Some people defend Somali men some attack
I believe that things will change in Somalia in the coming years and Somalia will become a more feminist country
Tbh I don’t mind it with disgusting Farahs abusing Somali women daily back home and getting away with it. Violating their honour on social media’s killing them and getting away with it because of stupid clan elders and blood money that’s so sick. I and most have mothers and sisters and cousins we love imagine those bad things happening to them ? We need to honour and protect our women


Non violent-Convict
It's not big hhhh Soon you will see a demonstration for them I'm trying to save this community
Can you blame them our disgusting system allows these demons to rape kill and burn innocent women and get away with stupid blood money. I dislike feminism the modern kind but I’m all for Somali women fighting back against the current system and I’ll stand with them.
كانت زوجتي ناشطة نسوية تبلغ من العمر 22 عامًا، تعرضت لغسيل دماغ عندما تزوجتها، لكنها تغيرت تمامًا واستسلمت بعد ثلاثة أشهر من ممارسة الجنس معها يوميًا بشكل جيد للغاية وامتصاص حلماتها الناعمة.
What rights are Somali women protesting for exactly? Banning FGM? A barbaric act that has been practiced strictly by Somali women for centuries? More representation in govt? When there is a mandatory quota of at least 30% of the parliament being women? Access to education? When 40% of the children enrolled in schools in Somalia are girls? This is not about equality but power. Conceding to these women opens up the pandoras box, next they will demand the children of somali women born to foreign fathers must get citizenship (which they already have advocated for). Then they will advocate for female presidency, and then before you know it Somalia is a matriarchal society where qabil is inherited from the mother. That is their true goal


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