Has anone received backhanded compliment when you say your somali?


Do you have a nappy hair and bulging eyes ? Why do they mistake you for Ethiopian
Eritreans and Somalis are the least light skinned horners.
Amxaaros are mostly light skinned .
I have much fairer skin so that's why people assume I'm eritrean as they have a stereotype in the uk for being lightskinned and attractive.


I see around as many lightskin Somalis as darkskin tbh, maybe even more
most are brownskin instead of lightskin from.what i seen. Obviously is diferent from location to location it's rare for somalis to have my skintone which on the scale I would view as pale.
oh and yeah yellowish is defo ligntskin. But most somalis are brown my skintone is rare for full ethnic somalis.
Pale isn't common I guess but the yellowish tone like Chunkz is something I see often
I can relate people think I'm.eritrean and get suprised once they find out I'm somali. Even some maadow guy years back found it hard to believe I'm somali and even said "I'm.suprised you don't look somalian. I would have assumed your eritrean. I also got other backhanded compliments from ofcourse ajanabis. They get shocked because I'm actually very lightskin and so they assume somalis don't come in that shade. I find it annoying since we aren't a monolith and we come in different shades. I will admit when I was younger my skin colour was extremely pale so I understand why people assumed i was biracial, but now my skintone isn't as super pale as it was but somehow I can't be somali. Can any somali relate with me? and do you find it super jarring?
Yes, I was working last summer at crappy job and this customer that Egyptian came in and they had gotten few items. I was the cashier at the shift. So I was scamming there items and they happened to notice name tage. I have a generic Somali name and they said are you Somali and I said yes. This adbeed was puzzled. This women stated are you full Somali I said yes and I asked why. She said she never seen Somali with straight hair and tan complexion. I had to tell her Somali come in all types and yes literally my whole family is like this. When she was leaving she looked back like she seen a ghost or she just had to make sure what she seen. It really odd when people think all Somali's look Bantu or dark.


Yes, I was working last summer at crappy job and this customer that Egyptian came in and they had gotten few items. I was the cashier at the shift. So I was scamming there items and they happened to notice name tage. I have a generic Somali name and they said are you Somali and I said yes. This adbeed was puzzled. This women stated are you full Somali I said yes and I asked why. She said he never seen Somali with straight hair and tan complexion. I had to tell her Somali come in all types and yes literally my whole family is like this. When she was leaving she looked back like she seen a ghost or she just had to make sure what she seen. It really odd when people think all Somali's look Bantu or dark.
Somalis are in certain areas in the world. Our diaspora population is small compared to other nationalities. The majority of the world population has never come across Somalis and will assume we either look like Barkhad Abdi or any other bantu. The media always portrayed us as either bantu or dhuxl.


I always assumed majority of Somalis were dark, but it looks like a 50/50 split in the diaspora to me
It depends on the region most somalis from the northern region and galbeed are light. Whereas most central and southern somalis are either rbrown or dark. The darkest being the south.
It depends on the region most somalis from the northern region and galbeed are light. Whereas most central and southern somalis are either rbrown or dark. The darkest being the south.
Only neighboring northern region would know that fact, but I think it good to have a buffer.
It depends on the region most somalis from the northern region and galbeed are light. Whereas most central and southern somalis are either rbrown or dark. The darkest being the south.
I haven't noticed a difference by region tbh. Trend seems to be the same across the board. My siblings are 50/50 light and dark lol. I think these are just traits that exist in our genepool, along with hair texture and other features. That's why in one Somali family you can get lightskin kids with rough hair, and darkskin kids with looser hair and vice-versa. Interesting stuff 🤔


I haven't noticed a difference by region tbh. Trend seems to be the same across the board. My siblings are 50/50 light and dark lol. I think these are just traits that exist in our genepool, along with hair texture and other features. That's why in one Somali family you can get lightskin kids with rough hair, and darkskin kids with looser hair and vice-versa. Interesting stuff 🤔
true my sister is darkbrown while me my other sister and mother are all light. We come in different colour


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It's interesting how non-UK Somalis had a different experience. Somali girls were gassed for decades where I'm from. Maybe it's just personal experience but are you Somali implies you look like a model. Independent of skintone. At least here.

