Has anone received backhanded compliment when you say your somali?


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and people think I'm being melodramatic when I warn people here how these viral anti somali or self deprecating tiktok users like Yusuf7n can get these ajanabis to say things about us confidently. Even I'm seeing random dudes from texas throw shade towards somali girls saying "your defo not somali must be ethiopian, somali women are ugly after I saw those mugshot video" he even had his profle pic shown smh.
and people think I'm being melodramatic when I warn people here how these viral anti somali or self deprecating tiktok users like Yusuf7n can get these ajanabis to say things about us confidently. Even I'm seeing random dudes from texas throw shade towards somali girls saying "your defo not somali must be ethiopian, somali women are ugly after I saw those mugshot video" he even had his profle pic shown smh.

He's definitely gay and chronically online. The problem with the internet is that it gives people with worthless opinions a platform.


He's definitely gay and chronically online. The problem with the internet is that it gives people with worthless opinions a platform.
he wasn't gay at all he was straight, biracial from texas he had a life a lot of friends and seemed normal. He said he saw the viral mugshot and assumed that's how all Somalis look.hence why he refused to belive she was somali. Americans are ignorant about somalis.. somali trolls really did a number in the way people perceive us.
I usually get confused with Ethiopians and eritrean if I’m being asked by other Africans. arabs and North Africans usually ask if I’m Sudanese or Somali. That’s about it.

I remember I got Indian once but that guy was beefing with me so I paid it no mind.


I usually get confused with Ethiopians and eritrean if I’m being asked by other Africans. arabs and North Africans usually ask if I’m Sudanese or Somali. That’s about it.

I remember I got Indian once but that guy was beefing with me so I paid it no mind.
Here in the uk when they mistake lighterskin or attractive somali girls for eritrean it always comes with a diss
are you mixed? no way a somali would be mistaken for north african or arab
It is possible I have relatives who get mistaken for Moroccan or Egyptian.

Somali families are usually diverse in their looks. You will have a lot of differences in one family with the same two parents it's kinda trippy how different recessive genes come out.

I noticed that usually lighter skin comes with curlier hair and slightly darker skin comes with straighter hair. The light skin and straighter hair combo isn't that common.

As for backhanded compliments, they are just from jealous losers who are riddled with an inferiority complex.
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ofocurse I know that but our enemies are making it their goal to brainwash many people into believing we look like barkhad abdi.E.g Hollywood. That's why me and other somalis who are lightskin often get told "there's no way your somalian" "your too lightskin"
Who are the enemies that do that, ik holllywood and even if it was true, and somalis were "ugly' y would ppl care?
what ethncitiy? they think I'm anything but somali simply because I'm lightskin and attractive. It's beyond triggering.
ngl you'd have to be scary ugly if you can't attract a madow of all men as a lightskin girl (especially you have the prized East African look). Somali girls aren't considered unattractive anywhere, so please quit this weird narrative you're trying to push. Thanks Pinky.
Maybe o
ofocurse I know that but our enemies are making it their goal to brainwash many people into believing we look like barkhad abdi.E.g Hollywood. That's why me and other somalis who are lightskin often get told "there's no way your somalian" "your too lightskin"
Maybe It’s only in the Uk those Carribeans and West Africans have an inferiority complex they are just projecting.
mmm i met a somali girl she came sat next down to me, she was like "i dont look somali", but id told before hand she looked somali, then shows a pic of her family all of them darkskin shes looked north african... weird girl


ngl you'd have to be scary ugly if you can't attract a madow of all men as a lightskin girl (especially you have the prized East African look). Somali girls aren't considered unattractive anywhere, so please quit this weird narrative you're trying to push. Thanks Pinky.
Lol its the UK, since your not from there you will never understand the dynamics here. I literally BEEN through. Shouldn't I know since I literally live here? Your from Canada abaayo so you wouldn't understand a single thing. No one should deny people experience.
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Somali girls aren't considered unattractive anywhere, so please quit this weird narrative you're trying to push. Thanks Pink
Somalis broadly speaking were a group that was mocked relentlessly for our looks in the UK, there were Habeshas in my school that were called Somali or “Malis” as if it was a cuss, it’s gotten better in the past few years but it started to get worse again with the trolls

