Farah Maliim says "Ethnic Somalis will soon be a minority"

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This is my biggest nightmare. This is what the outcome of the war was always going to be. Water, electricity, health care and education are a top priority right now, as is agriculture. It doesn't have to cost the earth but we could really do this if we wanted to. I suggest that every skinny abroad contributes $50 a month to make this possible within 10 years.
Allow the half breed stuff @Geeljire , if you are half Somali and speak af Somali, you are a Somali.

By that logic anyone from anywhere could just come in assume the somali identity. You will be soon having Asians,Arabs, Habesha and Bantus claiming to be somali and benefiting off of it.

That would be just an invite to systematic annihilation and you would be literally just open the door for bantus to colonize

So no!! :camby:

This brings whole another level of idenity complexes and culture clashes.


No, that's not true. You have to be Somali by blood, speaking the language is criteria number two. If someone is 50% Somali, born in Somalia and they speak Somali as a mother tongue/first language, what else could they be? Half Somalis are always prouder of being Somali, and their parents and families raise them no differently to how they'd raise a full blooded Somali child, so we share a culture as well. Let's not behave like Asians and whites, we're a lot better than that.
No, that's not true. You have to be Somali by blood, speaking the language is criteria number two. If someone is 50% Somali, born in Somalia and they speak Somali as a mother tongue/first language, what else could they be? Half Somalis are always prouder of being Somali, and their parents and families raise them no differently to how they'd raise a full blooded Somali child, so we share a culture as well. Let's not behave like Asians and whites, we're a lot better than that.

No one here is some ethnic Supremacist who looks down on Somalis who are half-Ajnaabi. People will inevitably marry and have children with others from different racial groups. That's not the issue here.

At the end of the day, the Somalis who do marry outside of their race are statistically insignificant. Only a minority of us are marrying foreigners, and the Somali ethnic group is large enough to absorb half-Somalis without much of a problem.

What is a problem however, is the displacing of ethnic Somalis from their homeland. That's a serious problem with permanent consequences. Just look at what happened to the Khoisan people and don't think for a second that it won't happen to us.


Kaafiye, times have changed - the refugee crisis means that that sort of thing won't ever happen again because few countries are willing to host refugees. We just need better healthcare and housing and we could end displacement right now if we wanted to. Most of our losses come from infant mortality rates being so high, we could have a population boom if we looked after expectant mothers and infants. Al Shabaab are like the final wind of the civil war, once they're kaput we'll have our country back and we can build the sort of country that none of us are willing to leave.
maybe we should give them reparation under the condition that they leave somalia all together. We should also give madhiban reparations first.

I think that would solve our problem, it would be a win win for both sides. Too bad all it needs is a wealty somalia to do it.

One thing is for sure nobody would loose on them leaving somalia back to their ancestral homeland especially when the incentives are there.

Can you give me an example of when paying reparations has worked on this big a scale if you want hundreds of thousands to leave? It'll be a long while before it's even possible and by then there'll be even more
Can you give me an example of when paying reparations has worked on this big a scale if you want hundreds of thousands to leave? It'll be a long while before it's even possible and by then there'll be even more

It's a very serious problem indeed, and a problem that will only get worse and worse until we Somalis realize one day that we've lost our country without even a fight.
Can you give me an example of when paying reparations has worked on this big a scale if you want hundreds of thousands to leave? It'll be a long while before it's even possible and by then there'll be even more

Yes it is very much possible, if the incentives are there they will all go. examples are Isreal and Liberia

As we exchange posts here, there are quarter of a million Maryooleeys with their goats and camels on the brink of starvation and a million of them in Kenyan refugee camps all waiting to be fed by U.S Aid Sorghum. Where are the Somali Bantus? They are in their fields harvesting what their families will eat next season. Coming home from a hard day at work and eating fruit salad they grew. Who is caqli Luc saac? The one producing food for himself and others in the urban areas, or the starving one carrying an A.K 47 still chasing Geeljirre's tribe? We are going from strength to strength while you guys are annihilating one another plus nature taking a toll on you. Hahahahaha
Yes it is very much possible, if the incentives are there they will all go. examples are Isreal and Liberia

I'm glad it worked out well for them, hopefully more of these peaceful relocations will happen. You're thinking of moving a million though which is always gonna be tough.
As we exchange posts here, there are quarter of a million Maryooleeys with their goats and camels on the brink of starvation and a million of them in Kenyan refugee camps all waiting to be fed by U.S Aid Sorghum. Where are the Somali Bantus? They are in their fields harvesting what their families will eat next season. Coming home from a hard day at work and eating fruit salad they grew. Who is caqli Luc saac? The one producing food for himself and others in the urban areas, or the starving one carrying an A.K 47 still chasing Geeljirre's tribe? We are going from strength to strength while you guys are annihilating one another plus nature taking a toll on you. Hahahahaha

This is exactly what I was talking about everyone.

This is what happens when Somalis don't look out for their own interests and put others before themselves. SMH


As we exchange posts here, there are quarter of a million Maryooleeys with their goats and camels on the brink of starvation and a million of them in Kenyan refugee camps all waiting to be fed by U.S Aid Sorghum. Where are the Somali Bantus? They are in their fields harvesting what their families will eat next season. Coming home from a hard day at work and eating fruit salad they grew. Who is caqli Luc saac? The one producing food for himself and others in the urban areas, or the starving one carrying an A.K 47 still chasing Geeljirre's tribe? We are going from strength to strength while you guys are annihilating one another plus nature taking a toll on you. Hahahahaha


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I'm glad it worked out well for them, hopefully more of these peaceful relocations will happen. You're thinking of moving a million though which is always gonna be tough.

Yeah it's unrealistic unless the Somali government fund this which will cost millions of dollars.

What Geeljire is suggesting is not feasible on a mass scale. One, because we don't have an efficient government, and two, even if we did the politicians don't care about the demographic threat.
Yeah it's unrealistic unless the Somali government fund this which will cost millions of dollars.

What Geeljire is suggesting is not feasible on a mass scale. One, because we don't have an efficient government, and two, even if we did the politicians don't care about the demographic threat.

Yeah I honestly think it's a lost cause. Debating online isn't gonna change shit. It's sad


Aint no point calacaling about our problems if we aint gonna exist no more thanks to people dat think like you. Aint no problems to fix if we aint around to fix dem. Where the south cushite ancestors of da Tutsis or the cushites of Tanzania Uganda and Kenya who were da original inhabitants before da Bantu expansion? We gotta do something to stop us from becoming like our cousins, or we gonna get down or lay down literally lay down in bed until we all lookin like da poor Iraqw who used to look like us.

I looked up Iraqw people on facebook and many of them still look rather Horn African. Here are some:










The Bantu are existential threat no doubt, but the greatest danger we are facing at this point in time is the corrupt ruling elite, especially the Mogadisho based SFG. The second gravest threat is the lazy cultures that our people have developed recently and made us rely on handouts, and until we overcome those, the Bantu threat will keep getting bigger.

What we need is social revolution that will promote hard work, integrity and respect for one another and above all unity. Some of the simple solutions that I think can solve the pressing social issues are;

- Accountability and Transparency should be the mainstay of all public office holders.
- Develop strong anti corruption taskforce and introduce a harsh penalty for, whoever is found guilty of corruption and misconduct in public office.
- Strong work ethic should be promoted, and ingrained in society, this should be promoted to children from young age.
- Construction and other manual labour should be given to the jobless youth, companies should be strongly discouraged from hiring foreigners, such as the oromos, bantus, and even the south Asians and the kenyans that are taking all the skilled jobs.
- Introduce the German model of apprenticeship, where people who lack academic interest are integrated to the workforce.
- Harsh penalties for people smugglers and educate the public about the dangers of tahrib.
- Mandatory military conscription should be re-introduced, where all are taught discipline, survival, and leadership skills.
- And most importantly khat should slowly be phased out.

Somalis are resilient and innovative people, our forefathers faced with threats we can barely imagine and I’m confident we are going to overcome the demographic threat represented by the Ethiopian and the Bantus in both NFD and south Somalia, however, history has taught us without unity we stand no chance and we will perish like our south Cushitic cousins. Also we need to be vigilant with the fifth column Somalis who are intent on forcing us to take foreign ideology. Those people are actually more dangerous to us, as they are promoting the ideology of the same people who put us the situation we are in today.

If it wasn’t for the Westerners, Britain, France and Italy, who divided us after failing to conquer us. Our border will have extended as far southward as Lake Victoria and westward up to Addis Ababa, so whoever is promoting the ideology of our greatest enemy is more of a dangerous threat than a bantu, because a bantu is a visible threat, while those fifth column are hidden and therefore are doing more lethal, long term irreversible damage to our existent.

We have our own Xeer custom laws that is indigenous and has governed us effectively for centuries and we should never give up our ideals for expedience’s sake nor for few shiny buildings.
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