Everything we do is for women

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I never spend a dime on a hoe are you dumb I spend it on my kids which came from women so in that way I make my money to provide for them

"The only reason we make money is for women siil dominates anything else"


Why don't you just say you work to provide for your kids cause you're dumbass was implying you work for women


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If it wasn’t for women men would create weapons the nuclear weapon was inspired by females think about it any country that has nuclear weapons can threaten any country and take their women.

Power = females

For a man the more power we have the women we can get if it wasn’t for women’s thirst for material things we would all be living in mud huts there would never have been any inventions we would all live primitive lives hitting two rocks against eachother to start a fire.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Not everything. How about video games and anime? You can't say thats for women
The guys who created that video game and anime did it for their wives bigger house better car give her what she needs cause hypergamy is inherent to females
If it wasn’t for women men would create weapons the nuclear weapon was inspired by females think about it any country that has nuclear weapons can threaten any country and take their women.

Power = females

For a man the more power we have the women we can get if it wasn’t for women’s thirst for material things we would all be living in mud huts there would never have been any inventions we would all live primitive lives hitting two rocks against eachother to start a fire.
This is exactly my point thanks cognitive for making it clear for these guys women is our motivation and main goal if we had no women we would still be in caves


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If women found povert attractive and viewed a primitive life as being sexy then there would be no rich person in the world today all men would strive to live a minimalistic life style so they can attracted the sexiest females.

Edo Nene

SUGAR breasts
We eat just to gain nutrition and energy to pursue female and reproduce we make money to attract women we live for the pussy we wash for the pussy we dress for it our lives revolves around women our whole purpose on earth is to reproduce with as much women as possible. So im gonna nut in every girl from now on and delete them just to spread my genes far and wide.
I’m in love with you please plant your seeds in me.
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Many men are waking up to this gynocentric system they refuse to be manipulated :damedamn:
B-but...you admitted that, without the 'gynocentrist system', human kind would still be living in caves and would've failed to make any progress toward civilization.

Are you saying you prefer the caves?? (which is still gynocentrist btw.).

Why is it when Nations go to war they kill the men and take the women as war booty kkk
Being "war booty" isn't a prize, they were essentially raped:drakewtf:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
B-but...you admitted that, without the 'gynocentrist system', human kind would still be living in caves and would've failed to make any progress toward civilization.

Are you saying you prefer the caves?? (which is still gynocentrist btw.).

Being "war booty" isn't a prize, they were essentially raped:drakewtf:
I prefer the cave and inviting a different Neanderthal every other night like a real g I would never share my cave I fought wolves bears tigers and dinosaurs for this shit I’ll be damned if I give it to a chick hell they can find their own caves.

Why when a nation goes to war with another nation the men get killed and women are taken as concubines?
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